本项目位于轻井泽的旧中山道[1]旁。项目品牌Regina Resort是以“与爱犬共住”为主题的度假酒店,主要开设在轻井泽(长野县)、箱根(神奈川县)、富士吉田(山梨县)等关东近郊的度假胜地中。规划用地附近虽有云场池[2]等有名的观光景点,但周边却没有街道的喧嚣,是自然丰裕、氛围闲静的避暑区。
The project is located near the Nakasendo “Regina Resort” is a brand of hotel with the theme of “living with dogs”, which is mainly opened in Karuizawa (Nagano Prefecture), Hakone (Kanagawa Prefecture), Fuji Yoshida (Yamanashi Prefecture) and other resorts in the outskirts of Kanto. Although there are famous scenic spots such as Kumoba Pond, but there is no noise of streets around, it is a natural and quiet summer resort.
▼酒店全景,Hotel panorama ©TODA FUKEI
本项目的建筑与景观密不可分,两方的合作从概念方案到现场施工指导贯穿全程。建筑规划以“犬小屋いぬごや”=“THE ROOM”诠释“与爱犬共住”的品牌理念。轻井泽对限高的要求一直非常严格,本项目通过屋顶和窗樘形状的独特设计顺利解决了这一难题,别具一格的外观设计也彰显了酒店的个性。
The landscape of the project is inseparable from the architecture, and the cooperation between the landscape firm and the architecture firm extends from concept to completion. The architecture plan used “Dog House” = “THE ROOM” to interpret the concept “living with dogs” . Karuizawa has always been very strict about building height limits, but this project solved this problem by using unique design of roof and window frames. The unique design of exterior also demonstrates the personality of hotel.
▼与自然相协调的酒店外观,The appearance of the hotel in harmony with nature ©TODA FUKEI
▼借景背景离山打造的风景,A landscape made by mountains in the background ©TODA FUKEI
▼从前的风景,Former scenery ©TODA FUKEI
The landscape design begins with an analysis of local flora and fauna and history. In Karuizawa, a summer resort, you can see plants that are not found in warm areas such as Tokyo. It is also home to a variety of wildlife such as Japanese squirrels and Great spotted woodpeckers. Visitors to Karuizawa can observe the diversity of life in the abundant nature and enjoy the fun of nature. At the same time, the residents of the surrounding area love the rich nature and are strongly opposed to any action that would destroy the existing landscape. So we quickly realized that the best solution for hotel guests and local residents was to create a landscape that was in harmony with the surrounding nature and integrated into the area.
Entrance space that integrated into the local landscape ©TODA FUKEI
Shortcut to secondary entrance —- concrete steps ©TODA FUKEI
该酒店的外部特色之一是落客处的水落管与主景树红运玉兰。从“峡谷状”屋顶处垂下的2根水落管由3D图像混凝土(Graphic Concrete)水钵承接。水钵形态的主题是“Dog Dot(象征小狗的点状纹样)”。酒店使用的狗栓造型统一以小狗的脸为主题。
One of the hotel’s external features is the drop down pipe and the main landscape tree Magnolia. Two downspouts from the “canyon-like” roof connect to Graphic Concrete water bowl. The theme of the bowl is “Dog Dot”. The dog hitch used in the hotel are themed with the dog’s face.
▼落客处的落水管和主景树红运玉兰,drop down pipe and the main landscape tree Magnolia at the drop-off area ©TODA FUKEI
▼主景树红运玉兰的树干,Trunk of the main landscape tree Magnolia ©TODA FUKEI
▼3D图像混凝土水钵,Graphic concrete water bowl ©TODA FUKEI
▼DOG DOT细节与色彩丰富的佐久铁平石乱拼,Detail of DOG DOT & Colorful teppeiseki stone ©TODA FUKEI
为了打造超跃其他已建成Regina Resort酒店的空间,让住客能更进一步地与爱犬以及当地多种生物(野鸟、小动物、蝴蝶及昆虫等)自由同存、共享,景观设计师进一步对建筑设计“THE ROOM”的整体设计理念进行了分析,提出了“大家一起使用THE ROOM”=“ROOM SHARE”的景观设计理念。
▼概念推敲,Concept study ©TODA FUKEI
In order to create a hotel that leapfrog over other established Regina Resort hotels, and allow guests to further live and share freely with their dogs and local creatures (wild birds, small animals, butterflies and insects, etc.). The landscape architect further analyzed the overall design concept of the architectural design “THE ROOM” and proposed the landscape design concept of “Everyone using THE ROOM” is equal to “ROOM SHARE”.
▼杉木板框架木条纹增强了与自然的和谐关系,Wood stripe enhance the harmonious relationship with nature ©TODA FUKEI
A wide platform for spending time with dogs, a stone for birds to play, and fruit trees for squirrels and birds to eat are set up to create an atmosphere close to nature. It snows occasionally in Karuizawa, so there are many slender trees. In this project, small forests dominated by deciduous and coniferous trees constitute the skeleton of the landscape. On this basis, arrange beautiful acer palmatum, magnolia in dots to add some gentle and elegant to the slender and monotonous landscape. Harmony with the surrounding mountains is also a feature of the design. In landscape design, combined with the shape of roof and window frames, the us of Japanese garden landscaping techniques to create a landscape space connecting the mountains in the background and the green inside the land into one.
▼斑叶植物与彩叶植物混植,Variegated plants are mixed with colorful plants ©TODA FUKEI
轻井泽近郊盛产各种石材,这也成了该地区的特色之一,此项目在设计时也积极对其加以利用。以佐久产的铁平石作为落客处的铺装,赋予入口区品质感和厚重感。浅间山火山岩景石和砂砾有着多孔的特性,孔隙中生长着青苔与植物,用在此处,意蕴深邃。夜露会积在景石的孔洞之中,期待野生鸟类来此饮水、嬉戏,此外,包围DOG RUN的石笼墙以及主入口石笼标识也是以浅间石填充。所有的材料均使用当地素材,与该区域的风景保持了和谐统一。
The outskirts of Karuizawa are rich in various stone materials, which have become one of the characteristics of the area and are actively utilized in the design of the project. With the teppeiseki stone(platy andesite) produced by Sakushi as the pavement of the drop-off point, endows the entrance area with a sense of quality and heft. The volcanic rocks and gravel which from Mount Asama are porous. Moss and plants grows in the pores. The symbolic meaning of the volcanic rocks and gravel is profound. Night dew will accumulate in the holes of the stone, expecting wild birds to come here to drink and play. In addition, the gabion walls surrounding the dog run and the gabion sign at the main entrance are filled with Asama stone. The local materials used in this project are in harmony with the landscape of the area.
▼石笼标识,The stone cage sign ©TODA FUKEI
▼填充在石笼墙中的浅间石与青苔,The Asama stone fill in the stone cage wall and moss on the Asama stone ©TODA FUKEI
自2017年11月开业以来,“在婉转的鸟鸣声中醒来”、“享受森林浴、DOG RUN”的心声以及住客、爱犬笑颜都通过SNS等社交媒体传递给了我们。住客们的居住体验反馈达到了我们最初的设想,让我们备感欣慰。希望今后的入住者、爱犬与轻井泽的生物也能够一直享受这里的风光。
▼酒店主入口标识,The sign at the main entrance of the hotel ©TODA FUKEI
▼造型以小狗的脸为主题的狗栓,The dog hitch themed with the dog’s face ©TODA FUKEI
Since it’s opening in November 2017,”Wake up with the sound of birds,” “Enjoy forest bathing and dog run,” and the smiling faces of guests and dogs are all conveyed to us through social media. The feedback of the guests’ living experience has reached our original idea, let us feel gratified. We hope that the future guests,dogs and Karuizawa’s creatures will continue to enjoy the scenery.
▼能够享受外部自然绿意的餐厅,A restaurant with a view of nature ©TODA FUKEI
▼与大堂相连的木平台,Wooden platform connected to lobby ©TODA FUKEI
▼一楼客房的私人DOG RUN,Private DOG RUN in the first floor guest room ©TODA FUKEI
▼二楼窗户如画框般截取自然美景,Windows frame in the second-floor cut the natural beauty ©TODA FUKEI
▼夜景,night views ©TODA FUKEI
▼建筑研讨模型,Architectural study model ©TODA FUKEI
▼手绘图,Sketches ©TODA FUKEI
▼总平图,Master plan ©TODA FUKEI
▼水钵&标识设计图,Design of water bowl and the gabion sign ©TODA FUKEI
[1]中山道:日本江户时代连结江户到京都的驿道。The Nakasendo:also called the Kisokaido, was one of the five routes of the Edo period, and one of the two that connected Edo (modern-day Tokyo) to Kyoto in Japan.
[2]云场池:位于长野东南部地区的湖泊,被称为“天鹅湖”,是夏季避暑胜地。Kumoba Pond:It is a long and narrow artificial lake located in Karuizawa. It is said that white swans once stayed here, so it is also called Swan Lake. It is a summer resort.
项目名称:Regina Resort旧轻井泽
项目设计 & 完成年份:2016&2017