绍兴世茂店是著名面包品牌Cycle & Cycle创立的第一家店,品牌经过5年的成长,想通过重新升级这间初始店,向客户分享这5年里品牌的沉淀和新思考。谜舍设计受到Cycle & Cycle的委托,负责操刀改造这间具有特殊意义的店铺。
Shaoxing Shimao Store is the first store established by the famous bread brand Cycle & Cycle. After five years of growth, the brand wants to share with customers the precipitation and new thinking of the brand in the past five years by re-upgrading this initial store. Commissioned by Cycle & Cycle, Nazodesign takes charge of the transformation of this shop with special significance.
▼店铺外观,exterior view © 北京锐景摄影
作为一个面包品牌,Cycle & Cycle在生生不息的万物生长中获取灵感制作面包,赋予面包传达超越食物本身的力量内涵。我们希望空间能与品牌的精神相契合,超越“面包店”这一物理空间的简单定义,可以使客人与品牌建立更多精神层面的共鸣。
As a bread brand, Cycle & Cycle obtains inspiration from the growth of all living things to make bread, endowing bread with the power connotation beyond the food itself. We hope that the space can be in line with the spirit of the brand, beyond the simple definition of the physical space “bakery”, so that guests can establish more spiritual resonance with the brand.
▼沿街座位区,seating area along the street © 北京锐景摄影
通过面包,可以感知面包烘培师傅手掌的温度。通过具有工匠手作气息材料的融入, 可以感知空间的温度。我们以面包窑为原型提取出“天然黏土”和“陶土砖”这样具有自然气息的材料作为外立面及空间的主要构成元素,希望空间能像Cycle & Cycle的面包一样,为客人带来质朴的温暖感以及有品质的舒适感。 店面具有一个非常⻓的沿街延展立面,外立面上的呈现上,我们使用几何的立面语言让两种材料在整体立面上彼此融合交错,以表达品牌与客户之间共生成⻓的概念。
Artisian: You can feel the temperature of the hand of the baker through the bread. The temperature of the space can be sensed through the integration of artisan-like materials. Taking the bakery as the prototype, we extracted natural materials such as “natural clay” and “clay brick” as the main elements of the facade and the space. We hope that the space can bring the simple warmth and quality comfort to the guests just like the bread of Cycle & Cycle. The store has a very long facade extending along the street. In terms of the presentation of the facade, we use geometric facade language to integrate the two materials into each other in the overall facade, to express the concept of symbiotic growth between the brand and the customer.
▼运用几何的立面语言,geometric facade language © 北京锐景摄影
▼透过窗口看室内空间,view of the interior space through the window © 北京锐景摄影
外立面面包造型的手绘图案也是天然黏土和陶土砖共同构成的,通过粗粝的材料表现温柔可爱的设计,我们喜欢这样略显笨拙的违和感。在与客人较为亲近的室内空间中,我们借鉴了传统加泰罗尼亚拱顶的做法打造了“弧形砖拱天花”, 我们希望陶土砖在室内空间中可以变得更为柔和。
Natural clay and terracotta tiles are also used to form the hand-painted pattern of the bread on the exterior facade. The soft and lovely design is presented by rough materials. We like this slightly awkward sense of congruence. In the interior space close to the guests, we borrowed from the traditional Catalan vaults to create the “curved brick arch ceiling”. We wanted the terracotta brick to be softer in the interior space.
▼外立面面包造型的手绘图案,the hand-painted pattern of the bread on the exterior facade © 北京锐景摄影
呼吸感 | Breathing
面包是从一个小面团慢慢发酵开始,我们希望空间也可以像发酵的面团一样,有这样的 “呼吸”的状态。
The bread starts from a small dough to slowly ferment. We hope that the space can have such a “breathing” state just like the fermented dough.
▼室内空间概览,overview of the interior space © 北京锐景摄影
a.空间中融入了大量的柚木,除了可以使空间更具亲和的同时,柚木自身也在与自然不断的进行“呼吸”,表面的颜色和肌理慢慢会产生微妙的变化,变得更加温暖润泽。随着时间的推移,空间也如同 有生命一般,会呈现出不同的魅力。
A large amount of teak is incorporated into the space. In addition to making the space more friendly, teak itself is also constantly “breathing” with nature, and the color and texture of the surface will slowly produce subtle changes, becoming warmer and moister. With the passage of time, space is also like a life, will present a different charm.
▼面包售卖区,selling area © 北京锐景摄影
▼咖啡吧台,coffee bar © 北京锐景摄影
We open the facade of the space in different ways to create a rich dining experience, and at the same time, we hope to make the “inside” and “outside” continuously communicate and breathe, so that the store and the guests inside and outside the store can achieve a deeper integration.
▼座位区,dining area © 北京锐景摄影
We have enlarged the width of seating area along the street to 900mm. The wide scale can meet the different dining behaviors of different guests.
▼从室内看沿街座位,view of the seating area along the street from the interior space © 北京锐景摄影
▼弧形砖拱天花细部,details of the curved brick arch ceiling © 北京锐景摄影
▼平面图,plan © 谜舍设计工作室
项目:Cycle & Cycle 面包店
照明设计顾问:石岡真己子(Ljus Design)
Project: Cycle & Cycle
Area: 210 sqm
Completion date: April 2021
Design:Nazodesign Studio
Project team: Tian Shaoyin, Zeng Yuxian,Li Ran,Huang Kaifeng,Zhang Qing
Decoration Design:Zeng Yuting
Luminaire: Makiko Ishioka(Ljus Design)
Photography:Misae Hiromatsu, Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photo)
More: Nazodesign Studio 更多关于他们:Nazodesign Studio on gooood