+55 Design家具店 建筑、家具与景观的对话

韧性,是+55 Design品牌价值观的本质,同时也是Arthur Casas与其设计团队在本项目的建筑设计中所追求的理念。为了突出“韧性”这一意向,建筑师采用了巴西传统的cobogós花砖来打造店铺的外立面,并植入了郁郁葱葱的巴西本土植物,单色大地色调与植被的绿色在立面上相互交融,突出了建筑的热带特性,同时将商业店铺转化为展览空间。在中性的氛围与极简的场景下,产品也因此成为了空间中主角。“本项目的设计旨在突出空间中的家具,而非建筑”建筑师Arthur解释道。

The brazility, so determining for the identity of the brand +55design, also defined the architecture of the store, designed by Arthur Casas and his team. To solidify this intention, cobogós in the façade, monochromatic earthly and green tones, as well as lush greenery composed by native Brazilian species highlight its tropicality and make the store an exhibition space. Therefore, with a neutral and minimalistic scenario, the objects and products gain protagonism. “The project was thought searching for solutions to evidence the furniture, not the architecture”, explains Arthur.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente


To achieve such results, lighting is a great ally – the amorphous opening between ground floor and mezzanine and the glass roofing allow for abundant natural lighting, which brightens spaces and highlights the furniture’s materiality. The last floor of the store is completely open with no covering, only a retractable awning to further lighten the environments. The artificial lighting system was thought to simulate natural light in the interior of the store, with moving light spots – both focal and diffuse – creating contrasts between light and shadow and a cozy feeling.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente


With the monochrome materiality in the walls, ceiling and flooring, the desired neutral character of the project is reinforced. The only color that deviates from the earthly color palette is the green on the façade, due to its part in the identity of the brand, creating a dialogue with the remarkable landscaping.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente


The space’s flexible layout also allows for better object accommodation. The creation of orthogonal dividers, made of metal and suede, makes the scenery adequate for showcasing products in easily changeable compositions. “Overall, I like how the course happens, offering a surprising experience”, punctuates Arthur.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

最后,本项目还展现出极佳的亲生物特征,来自Mata Atlântica的自然植被渗透到整个环境中,项目中的景观是由来自Lapa Garden的景观设计师Leandro Reis设计的,优秀的景观设计除了带来勃勃生机外,还为项目创造出自然通风与视觉通透性。包裹建筑的立面展现出强大的渗透性,它们是由Arthur Casas专门开发的着色混凝土砌块构成的Ípsilon cobogós花砖组成的。

Finally, the store brings biophilic characteristics, with natural vegetation from the Mata Atlântica invading the environments – the landscape design is signed by Leandro Reis, from Lapa Garden – besides a lot of natural ventilation and transparency. This is achieved by the great permeable volume that englobes the store – composed by the Ípsilon cobogós, developed by Arthur Casas in pigmented
concrete especially for this project.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

此外,建筑师还专门为本项目设计了一系列定制家具,其中包括:由木材、铝和塑料网制成的户外家具与高尔夫球场专用家具、Max&Jet Set餐椅、Jet Set躺椅、软扶手椅、带有巴西大理石和木制底座的巴西玉蕊木餐桌、木材与钢制成的Côncava餐具柜与置物架,以及Pan Am皮沙发等。

The architect also signs the exclusive furniture collections for the brand. Amongst the products is a line of furniture for external areas, Golf, made of wood, aluminium and plastic net; Max and Jet Set dining chairs; Jet Set and Soft armchairs; Tauari dining table with Brazilian marble and wooden base; Côncava sideboard and shelf, with wood and steel; Pan Am leather couch.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

▼项目外观,external view of the project © Fran Parente

  • 2024-04-22
  • 作者:YEAPLAB一溥设计
  • 3 0