THE PREFACE: Kiddol is a office space of sale platform for children products.Our idea is to inject nature and vitality into the space for presenting a “photosynthetic “organic workplace with respect to nature as well sa growth ,without excessive childlike elements.
▼入口“山丘”造型,the entrance ©张家宁
THE ENTRANCE, We placed two abstract “hills” with some inlaid plants at the entrance and the resting area of the space to create natural atmosphere of work.
▼入口前台,the entrance ©张家宁
▼前台细部,details of the reception ©张家宁
Transition from metal channel to the partition by plexiglass forms distinct changes of virtual and real, enriches the rhythm and rhyme of the space as well as rituals of the path to work.
transition from metal channel to the partition by plexiglass ©张家宁
We used the bule, which poccessed different texture feeling ,extracted from the enterprise color of Kiddol, as a design symbol that runs through.
▼透过百叶窗看办公空间,view of the working area through the sash windows ©张家宁
▼从办公空间看向休息区的大台阶,view from the working area ©张家宁
▼办公空间,working area ©张家宁
▼办公区过道视角,view in the working area ©张家宁
▼提取风车元素,windmill as a design symbol ©张家宁
Customized windmill-shaped office space, different from the traditional area, provides relatively independent workplace. So as to the integrity of the ceiling, the mushroom-shaped lamps which “grow” out from the desk were adopted as the base lighting of working, and each group of office space can be independently controlled by the switch to reach more energy-saving and controllable purposes. Besides, we took more consideration into storage function.
▼定制的风车形办公位,customized windmill-shaped office space ©张家宁
▼家具细部,details of the furnitures ©张家宁
The staff lounge area is located at the second ‘ hill ‘ where the steps up naturally form the different areas as well as connects the rotating stairs leading to the rest area, the front and rear fields are linked secretly.
▼员工休息区,the resting area ©张家宁
▼员工休息区细部,details of the resting area ©张家宁
▼旋转楼梯,the spiral stair ©张家宁
The brilliant blue viewfinder frame in THE RESTING AREA points out the existence of the resting space, and the light belt on the ground guides the path to the rest area.
▼休息区,the spiral stair ©张家宁
The sunlight is filtered through the sash windows and sprinkled in the space in a homogeneous manner. The memory of the space that initially struck us has been deliberately kept pure. A vertical positive angle light belt is added on the inclined window of the interval to outline the vertical lines as the atmosphere lighting.
▼阳光透过斜窗,the sunlight through the sash windows ©张家宁
▼阳角灯带勾勒竖向,light belt outlining the vertical lines ©张家宁
The inlaid bule wall body in executive office areas also emphasize the presence of the entrance.
▼高管办公区入口,entrance of the executive office ©张家宁
▼高管办公区内部视角,view of the executive office ©张家宁
▼会议空间,meeting spaces ©张家宁
▼轴测图,axonometric © 杭州吾好空间设计有限公司
▼平面图,plan © 杭州吾好空间设计有限公司
项目名称 Kiddol办公室
设计方 杭州吾好空间设计有限公司
项目设计 & 完成年份 2021.6-2021.11
主创及设计团队 主创:张琼芬 方峰张恒 .设计团队:胡哲涞 沈萍
项目地址 中国 / 杭州
建筑面积 1200
摄影版权 张家宁
施工方 杭州匠星
客户 Kiddol