西班牙自行车商店 经过精心测量的简洁空间


The purpose of the project is to create a space for the sale of bicycles and accessories. The main concept on which we base ourselves for the creation of the space is that of a velodrome that helps to mark the circulations, supports all the functions of the store and distributes the material to be exhibited.

entrance ©Iván Casal Nieto

overall view of the store ©Iván Casal Nieto


A large piece of furniture as a central element that included the counter and exhibition space is the main element of the project reinforced by a hole in the false ceiling in which the bare floor is shown making the negative of the counter. A suspended luminaire is also introduced that accompanies the furniture in its form and colored lines are drawn on the floor that simulate the streets where cyclists circulate.

furniture in the center of the space ©Iván Casal Nieto

display shelves ad fitting room around the counter ©Iván Casal Nieto

▼地面上的彩色线条,colorful lines on the floor ©Iván Casal Nieto


The counter organizes the entire space of the store, it functions as the backbone of all functions. Made of a metallic material, as a nod to the predominant material used in the manufacture of bicycles.

▼收银台与上方悬挂的灯具,counter and the luminaire above ©Iván Casal Nieto

▼灯具与裸露的楼板,exposed floor and the luminaire ©Iván Casal Nieto


Being a small space, everything is measured with great precision to optimize the space in the best way, therefore, spaces have been designed to measure for bicycles, footwear, socks, accessories, ….

exhibition space measured for different products ©Iván Casal Nieto


Homogeneity is sought within the entire space in such a way that the product to be exhibited gains prominence. To do this, accompanying the natural metallic shades, the remaining panels are painted grey. Like the floor, a continuous pavement with a gray concrete finish is sought.

panels painted in gray ©Iván Casal Nieto

integration of storage and display ©Iván Casal Nieto


The facade, like the counter, is covered by a large metal plate, the predominant material throughout the store. The idea is to homogenize the entire front so that, through a very clean façade, the product displayed in the window is enhanced.

▼夜晚立面,facade in the night ©Iván Casal Nieto

灯光是事务所在每个项目中都会关注的重点之一。在这里,灯光从展架直接照射在商品上,迅速吸引人们的注意。同时,在中央收银台上方的装饰性灯带的协助下,强化了空间中轴, 其他功能以此为基础展开。

Lighting is an important chapter in each of our projects. In this case, the light intervention is focused on the product directly from the shelf. This generates an immediate attraction on the exhibition and is accompanied by the central decorative luminaire on the counter, reinforcing this central axis on which the other functions are developed.

▼灯光设计,lighting design ©Iván Casal Nieto

▼平面图,plan ©NAN Arquitectos

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