Xavier Hufkens画廊 纯粹的艺术体验
本项目与建筑的历史有着深厚的联系,30年前,该事务所曾与Marie-José Van Hee architecten合作,将这座古典豪宅改造成画廊;如今,事务所重新操刀,旨在将日常生活与艺术体验相结合

位于布鲁塞尔St-Georges街的Xavier Hufkens画廊重新开幕,Robbrecht en Daem事务所对现有的旗舰画廊进行了扩建与空间更新。本项目与建筑的历史有着深厚的联系,30年前,该事务所曾与Marie-José Van Hee architecten合作,将这座古典豪宅改造成画廊;如今,事务所重新操刀,旨在将日常生活与艺术体验相结合,为这座位于布鲁塞尔的画廊续写新篇章。

We are pleased to announce the reopening of the St-Georges gallery of Xavier Hufkens, following a spatial renewal of the existing flagship gallery with an important new extension by Robbrecht en Daem architecten. The project holds a special connection to the building’s history: thirty years ago, Robbrecht en Daem – in collaboration with Marie-José Van Hee architecten – converted the classical mansion into the gallery’s first home. The design combined the everyday with the artistic experience. Today that story continues with a new statement in the city of Brussels.

▼画廊外观,appearance of the gallery © Kristien Daem

▼由街道看建筑,viewing the gallery from the street © Kristien Daem


The new building stands apart as a monolithic figure with one side of the building completely detached from its neighbour. This disconnection creates a transition between street and garden, between outside and inside. The interstice allows a flash of light to mark the visual start of (a visit to) the gallery. The rue St-Georges façade, with its single opening, manifests itself as a one-eyed stela and symbolizes ‘the expectation of art’.

▼主入口,entrance © Kristien Daem


The design is an interplay between two houses in which the floor levels are aligned so that a ‘promenade architecturale’ can run through both sides of the building. The interaction between the new and the existing building creates a Pleiades of different spaces with museum-like proportions in the new building and room-like dimensions in the mansion.

▼画廊内部空间概览,overall of interior © Kristien Daem

▼自然光贯穿整个画廊,natural light permeates the gallery © Kristien Daem

▼高窗引入神圣的光线,the high window bring in sacred light © Kristien Daem


This array of scales corresponds to the multiplicity of manifestations in art. A rough, concrete staircase works as a counterpoint to the purity of the gallery spaces. A variety of natural light incidences throughout the gallery creates a wide range of experiences. Consequently, art always relates to the space in a new way.

▼走廊,hallway © Kristien Daem

▼建筑的尺度呼应了艺术表现形式的多样性,the array of scales corresponds to the multiplicity of manifestations in art © Kristien Daem

▼楼梯,staircase © Kristien Daem

▼草图,sketches © Paul Robbrecht

深圳Fumée餐厅 四时山野
  • 前天
  • 作者:如室建筑设计事务所
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