西双版纳悦棠公馆 艺术气息与原始质朴美感的融合


▼艺术长廊,art gallery ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

▼长廊尽头的藤编屏风,rattan screen at the end of the gallery ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

The project is located near Dajinta Scenic Spot in Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna, surrounded by Manting Park, Xingguang Night Market, Ethnic Customs Park and other scenic spots. Our purpose is different from the “universal holiday style” of traditional hotels, to truly release the active and powerful life breath. The starting point of vision is introduced by the art gallery, and the rattan screen with super high end is greeted. The artistic atmosphere combines the original and simple aesthetic feeling, and the sunken rest area and the secret garden that turns right into the eye bring wild and natural harmony. The design intentionally weakens the reception at the front desk, and reduces the temporary residence feeling of guests when checking in. On the side, there are exclusive experience areas, breakfast restaurants, gymnasiums and oversized outdoor swimming pools for waiting for rest. As soon as guests enter the hotel, they quickly receive a full holiday atmosphere.

▼长廊边的长椅,benches along the gallery ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影


“In the courtyard house, the carriage stopped, the lady came home, and the servant had waited early to meet her at the door. Go enter the gate, slow down, look at the art gallery, and the rattan furniture running through the whole space. The huge screen reveals mottled light and shadow under the sunlight, and the atrium sinks into the sofa area, with mysterious and elegant black and white colors, feeling comfortable life and full of ritual feeling. ”

analysis of the entrance and gallery ©方糖设计

elegant gallery ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

view to the gallery through the rattan screen ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

sunken sofa area ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

light and shadows created by the screen ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

look up at the screen and the corridor ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影


“The promenade turns right, the indoor and outdoor alternate, the sun shines, flickering, far and near, and the warm and fragrant wind blows around. Banana trees on the wall, frangipani in the water, and the lights opened early in the courtyard, with the expectation of the family, ripple the joy of returning in the heart.”

▼长廊尽头看向庭院,view to the courtyard at the end of the gallery ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

courtyard ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

reception ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

details of the pavings ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影


“The semi-open residence enjoys the exclusive swimming pool, drinks a glass of iced coconut juice on the lounge chair, relaxes, jumps into the swimming pool, enjoys playing and stays away from the hustle and bustle. In the picturesque scenery, the tropical style is dripping.”

analysis of the pool area ©方糖设计

▼泳池,swimming pool ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影


“The old wood bought in the local market and the clay pots with traces of time reveal the story of time in every square inch, and the details are hidden everywhere at will. Accompanied by music and beauty and wine, the pleasant time is all beautiful.”

▼等候区,waiting area ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

clay pots decorating the space ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影


“The guest room is elegant, which is set off by the style of silence and residence. It is connected by cloisters, slowing down and tasting life. Here, you can enjoy the warmth of returning home, with thousands of miles of starry sky and rippling Milky Way. I would like you to go through mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth living.”

▼客房,guest room ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影


“Abandon tedious, keep everything simple, just like the mentality when traveling, empty yourself and escape from the triviality of life. Our original intention is to create a romantic and story-telling place with a tone and contemporary temperament. The flower of idealism will eventually bloom in the soil of romanticism, and our enthusiasm will never be extinguished in the ordinary reality. ”

▼简洁舒适的空间,simple and comfortable space ©方糖设计,摄影:聿空间摄影

▼平面图,plan ©方糖设计

▼立面图,elevations ©方糖设计

▼节点细部,joint details ©方糖设计



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