巴西抹茶咖啡店 “绿”意盎然的极简空间

在这间抹茶咖啡店设计中,Studio Guilherme Garcia试图摆脱传统的概念,力求在极简主义风格之上展现一种更为健康有机的形态。空间内部采用浅色调为基底,如同空白画布与品牌的标志性绿色相辅相成,为空间带来清新的气息。

For the design of this matcharia, we sought to escape the traditional, with minimalist references that were translated into the organic forms that constitute the concept of the project. The base of light tones was used in order to bring a greater breath to the space and serve as a blank canvas to work on the green that is the brand’s signature at some points within the project.

▼项目外观, exterior of the project ©Fabio Severo


The environment consists of a coffee shop specializing in Matcha, together with a coworking space. The entire project was designed based on the functionality necessary for activities to be carried out quickly within the space. The clean aesthetic that was proposed for the environment, results in a contemplative, calm space without many visual interferences. Therefore, the Studio also managed to develop some of the furniture present inside the space such as tables, chairs and some other elements.

view from the inside to the courtyard ©Fabio Severo

interior view ©Fabio Severo

indoor seating area and wall storage area ©Fabio Severo


The call center furniture was designed and covered with tile, using a not-so-conventional material to bring a greater personality to the project. The floors and walls were coated with cementitious material, creating a neutral background for the project. In the bathrooms, some elements of escapism were worked on, with the sole objective of surprising whoever enters it.

▼服务台区域一览,overview of the call center of the project ©Fabio Severo

the call center and seating area nearby ©Fabio Severo

the call center furniture was covered with tile ©Fabio Severo

▼共享办公空间, arrangement of the co-working space ©Fabio Severo


In the external area of the project, the tiles were also used, now applied to the facades, creating a rhythmic background. All these aspects worked together with a good project, result in a space that adds aesthetics, functionality and personality.

▼庭院,courtyard of the project ©Fabio Severo

▼光影下的瓦片墙面及庭院座位区,tile-covered facade and courtyard seating area under the light ©Fabio Severo

the greens and seating area of courtyard ©Fabio Severo

▼室内细节,interior detailed view ©Fabio Severo

▼平面图,floor plan ©Studio Guilherme Garcia

像绅士一样向内生长 时刻追求“优雅”
  • 2022-07-21
  • 作者:水丁集设计
  • 5 0
浙江安吉柏翠姚良度假酒店 稻田里的惬意居所
  • 2022-07-21
  • 作者:上海彼印建筑设计咨询有限公司上海秉仁建筑师事务所
  • 5 0