An “invisible” villa built as an addition to an historic farm and is integrated respectfully into the surrounding protected nature. The historic farm building is situated in a protected countryside near the Oslo Fjord, which has been inhabited since the Viking Age. Villa Aa is built as a residence for the next generation of the family on the farm and is designed to adapt to the regulations for the protected area, the nature of the site, and the use as both an office and a home. The result is, from the outside, an almost invisible villa snuggly fitted into the landscape with beautiful views towards the Oslo Fjord and defined areas for business and family life.
▼项目区位鸟瞰,bird-eye’s view of the site ©Ivar Kvaal
▼总体外观鸟瞰,general bird-eye’s view of the project ©Ivar Kvaal
Connected to its surroundings
A green roof on top of the villa itself acts as an upper terrace. A lower terrace and garden include two water features. Towards the east is a swimming pool. Next to this, a smaller pool towards west collects rainwater from roofs and hard surfaces and is planted with aquatic plants. The water in the pools reflects the sky and light in the same way as the fjord does and appears as a visual connection to the open water.
▼屋顶露台,roof terrace ©Ivar Kvaal
▼泳池与小池子,swimming pool and small pool ©Ivar Kvaal
▼水池中的水从视觉上联系了远处开阔的水域,the water in the pools visually connects the open water ©Ivar Kvaal
The choice of concrete as a primary material is motivated by a concrete barn which is a part of the farm. The concrete is used for walls, floors and terraces, stairwells, steps, and pools. Columns and girders are made of steel. Wood with various surface treatments, like varnished and smoked wood, is used for the interior. Exterior wooden panels are made of cedar tree. The floors inside are made of polished concrete and continue into the outdoor terraces. This connects the villa to the garden and pool area and blurs the boundaries between inside and outside.
▼由泳池望向别墅南立面,south facade from swimming pool ©Ivar Kvaal
▼混凝土地面由室内延伸至室外,the concrete floor extends from indoor to outdoor ©Ivar Kvaal
▼模糊的室内外界限,blurred boundaries between indoor and outdoor ©Ivar Kvaal
Office and home
▼主入口坡道,main entrance ramp ©Ivar Kvaal
▼次入口楼梯,secondary entrance stairs ©Ivar Kvaal
▼设有天窗的内部轴线,internal axis with skylight ©Ivar Kvaal
▼南立面夜景,south facade by night ©Ivar Kvaal
The villa’s layout creates a flow and connection between formal and informal functions, and combines practicality and wellbeing. The main entrance is located on the north-west side of the building at the end of a pathway which is carved into the terrain from the parking lot. The second entrance is a small staircase with a green bright courtyard connected to a room which can be used as office guest room plus fitness room. The southern façade is almost a complete glass facade with fantastic views towards the fjord and large sliding sections towards the terrace connecting the villa with the garden and the outdoors. A formal living room, kitchen, and three primary bedrooms are facing the generous outdoor spaces. Facing west, a family living room is located on the same axis as bathroom and toilets ending in a smaller reception and office area which doubles as a guest room facing east. All rooms in this axis have skylights for natural lighting.
▼总平面图,site plan ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼东立面图,east elevation ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼南立面图,south elevation ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼西立面图,west elevation ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼剖面图1,section 1 ©C.F. Møller Architects
▼剖面图2,section 2 ©C.F. Møller Architects