

Western clothing emphasizes fitting. They believe that only well-fitting tailoring that reflects the human body curve is a perfect design. But I have been going against this all the time. The clothing craftsmanship is another matter. As far as the design is concerned, my design will surely allow the air to flow delicately between the body and the clothes. In other words, there are “spaces” in the clothes.— Yohji Yamamoto

▼项目概览,Preview ©夏同

间 | Space

我们每天穿脱衣服,但很少知觉自己的身体,正如我们每天进出建筑,却很少能真正感知空间。如室希望创造一个空间,让人们能重新感知到自己和空间的关系和连接,唤醒人们对自己身体的知觉,唤醒人们对彼此关系的知觉,和一种由觉醒带来的舒服和自信,一如里所的slogan “feel alive”。

We wear and take off our clothes every day, but we rarely perceive our bodies. Just as we walk in and out of a building every day, but we rarely perceive space. Ruhaus studio hopes to create a space where people can re-perceive the relationship and connection between themselves and the space; awaken people’s awareness of their bodies and their relationships with each other, and a sense of comfort and confidence brought about by awakening. Just like Livso’s slogan “feel alive” in here.

▼入口路径,Entry way ©夏同

片 | Piece


Transparency means creating relationships. It doesn’t have to be looked through. Using the language of the pieces to cut and divide the space creates the relationship between people and space. Subsequently, “space” is produced. Traveling between these pieces, seeing each other, sound and vision flowing surround in the space, is a reassuring sense of social distance.

▼设计示意,Diagram ©如室建筑设计事务所


When there are few people, it doesn’t appear empty, and the space itself-consistent.When there are too many people, it doesn’t crowd, and people feel comfortable.

▼用“片”的语言裁剪和划分空间 ©夏同Using the language of the pieces to cut and divide the space

空 | Hollow


▼轴测示意,Axon diagram©如室建筑设计事务所

Open the floor plate above the island bar to let the first and second floors communicate. The aroma and sound of the coffee on the first floor slowly spread to the upper level, and the lights on the second floor diffused to the lower level with the pieces. Standing by the order area and raising your eyes upwards, which is the warmth brought from the moon lamp against the pieces. You can observe the barista operating by the island bar and spy on the whole process of coffee-making while sitting by the booth of hollow edge on the second floor.

▼从二楼俯瞰一楼的中岛吧台 ©夏同Overlook to the island bar from the upper level

光 | Light


From a distance, people will be attracted by this small building with dim lights inlaid in the old shopping mall. Getting closer, they will find that the two floors have different moods and atmospheres.

▼吧台灯光,Bar light©如室建筑设计事务所


The first floor is the coffee shop, bright and warm lighting is necessary to match the cool clothes and friendly smiling faces of the shop assistants.

▼一层咖啡区Coffee area on the first floor ©夏同


The second floor is mainly for simple meals. After nine o’clock, it will turn into a whiskey bar. The lights are slowly dimmed and wrapped in a slightly ambiguous dim atmosphere. It is the best time of the day to fade away the tiredness and worries of the day.

▼二层用餐区Dining area on the second floor ©夏同

质 | Texture



A scene in the Japanese drama “Concerto”-walking in an empty building that has just been built. The young architect played by Takuya Kimura asked whether the design will be slightly empty. The famous architect performed by Masakazu Murata replied, “You’ll have a look when someone else is there.”

▼金属元素与灰色墙面形成对比 ©夏同The metal elements contrast with the grey wall surface

▼陈列架细节,Shelve detail ©夏同


The space needs the blank because people, sounds, and smells complete it eventually.

▼楼梯,Staircase ©夏同


The original bare cement beams and columns are retained as the original bones of the space. The beige-textured piece wall is its new and elegant skin, which delivers an appropriate warmth and coldness with the gray fine-grained terrazzo on the ground.

▼原始水泥裸梁柱作为空间的原始骨骼 ©夏同The original bare cement beams and columns are retained as the original bones of the space


The island bar transitions from the granular texture of the brushed stone to the warmth of the terrazzo then the exquisiteness of the stainless-steel countertop.

▼材质细节,Material ©夏同

用 | Quality


The island bar is not to occupy, but to fit and create a “space”. While ensuring the high efficiency of the island bar, guests can perceive a moderate intimacy without being disturbed by too many people.

▼主吧台,The main bar ©夏同


The siphon area and the Italian operation area are relatively separated from each other under an efficient path.

▼操作区域,Coffee -making area ©夏同


The preservation and renovation of the kitchen ladder allowed the kitchen to be hidden on the second floor. It fully releases the operating area on the first floor and improves delivery efficiency as well.

▼从二层望向室内 ©夏同View to the internal space from the upper floor

▼灯光,Light ©夏同

▼店铺立面,Facade of the store ©夏同

▼一层平面图,Plan level 1 © 如室建筑设计事务所

▼二层平面图,Plan level 2 © 如室建筑设计事务所

▼立面图1,Elevation 1 © 如室建筑设计事务所

▼立面图2,Elevation 2 © 如室建筑设计事务所

▼剖面图1,Section 1 © 如室建筑设计事务所

▼剖面图2,Section 2 © 如室建筑设计事务所

项目名称:里所咖啡设计方:Ruhaus Studio微信公众号:如室建筑设计事务所项目设计 & 完成年份:2021主创及设计团队:朱丹丹,王艺儒,梁晓东,陈开亮。苏玉梅,高帆,赵玉立,谢千娇项目地址:环市东路367号丽柏广场1F-119、2F-208号商铺(白云宾馆大堂旁)建筑面积:260m²摄影版权:夏同客户:里所咖啡
