Be YOLO咖啡馆,对公共空间的重塑

这次要改造的项目位于北京的菜市口大街天景胡同,项目址紧邻法源寺,Be YOLO 在这里已经很多年头,和社区里的一切都已经共生在一起,每天来店的客人各异——附近上班、出门遛娃遛狗、骑行、周末小坐等等,年龄段也十分丰富,接到委托,希望对原有空间进行改造,容纳更多客人的同时,完成空间体验的升级,营造一个包容性社区空间。

The project for renovation is located in Tianjing Hutong, Caishikou Street, Beijing, adjacent to Fayuan Temple. Be YOLO has been a part of the community for many years, coexisting with everything around it. The visitors vary from those working nearby, parents with children and pets, cyclists, to those seeking a weekend retreat, and cover a wide range of age groups. The commission aims to renovate the existing space to accommodate more guests while upgrading the spatial experience and creating an inclusive community space.


,Exterior Overview © 金伟琦


The original building consists of two parts: an old building and a flat-roofed house with a wooden roof, which has been leaking due to structural flaws. The combination of the two parts is relatively rigid, with the eaves of the old building almost abutting the flat-roofed house. The white ceramic exterior occupies a significant visual proportion, and except for the pedestrian steps, the building’s height is relatively high.

▼场地原貌,Before the renovation © 马志成

▼分析图,diagram © 马志成


The renovation design aims to restore the old building’s style and, in response to the brand’s request, incorporate the brand’s main color to a certain extent. Therefore, the plan is to separate the two buildings, create a recessed entrance to fully reveal the eaves of the old building, and reinforce and transform the flat-roofed house with relatively homologous materials to achieve a harmonious and unified presentation. The space is divided into community activity area, operation area, reading area, inner courtyard, and the back room’s exhibition and kitchen area. The entrance steps are designed as large steps that can be sat on, fitting the “community” atmosphere.

▼入口区域,Entrance area © 金伟琦

▼入口处“会客厅”概览,Entrance Area “Living Room” Overview © 金伟琦


After entering, the space is divided into two areas. The right side is a large community “living room” with a poured concrete structure on the top. Since the original space had a wooden roof, the wooden boards were dismantled and used as formwork for the poured concrete during the reinforcement process. The wood grain left after the formwork is removed serves as a memory of the past space, connecting the new and the old.

▼透过窗户看向街景,Entrance area © 金伟琦


Considering the height restrictions, the overall area is treated as a sunken area. The building’s windows facing the street view are open, bringing it closer to the urban interface. Ample lighting passes through the greenery of the street view, providing a shaded beauty to the area, and the indoor consumption scene also becomes part of the street view.

▼“L”折角的窗户,The “L” shaped windows © 金伟琦

▼对内庭院的开窗,The windows facing the inner courtyard © 金伟琦

▼空间细部,Space Details © 金伟琦


The entrance is on the left side, with a large coffee bar counter composed of an Italian order counter, a pour-over counter, and a tea drink counter. This is the part of the space with relatively weak light, with more stable artificial light provided for the baristas to operate, and the parts with better light are left for the guests. The pour-over counter and tea dining table share the same window view of the street.

▼吧台区概览,Bar Area Overview © 金伟琦

▼从会客区看向吧台区视角,View from the Living Room Area to the Bar Area © 金伟琦

▼吧台区,Bar Area © 金伟琦

▼吧台区材质,Bar area material © 金伟琦

▼茶饮侧看向入口区域,Looking from the tea drink side towards the entrance area © 金伟琦


The reading area is on one side facing the courtyard and on the other side leading to the kitchen, with the service movement line minimizing intervention in guests. The natural light from the inner courtyard in the afternoon can fully take care of the guests here.

▼阅读区空间概览,Reading Area Space Overview © 金伟琦

▼顶面结构被完整的保留下来,Preserved Ceiling Structure © 金伟琦

▼阅读区看向内院,View from the Reading Area to the Inner Courtyard © 金伟琦

▼西侧空间看向内院视,The western space looks towards the inner courtyard © 金伟琦

▼西侧空间,The western space © 金伟琦

▼内院与西侧空间关系,The relationship between the inner courtyard and the western space © 金伟琦

▼屋顶,The roof © 金伟琦


The courtyard stairs are composed of two parts. The lower half is in line with the old building, made of blue bricks, and this sense of strength will also be transmitted to the interior of the entrance living room through the courtyard window. The steel plate stairs constitute the upper half, which is lighter, minimizing the visual “encroachment” on the space due to the structure. The steel pipe and perforated plate structure serve as a soft partition with the neighboring house, isolating the impact of courtyard activities on the neighbors.

▼夜晚空间氛围,Atmosphere at night © 金伟琦

▼项目平面图,plan © 马志成

项目名称:Be YOLO Coffee
