ENDO’s Rotunda appears as a stand-alone simple cylindrical volume resting on top of the BBC building, enjoying views over London’s White City.
▼餐厅概览,Overall view ©︎ Peter Kociha
作为圆柱体量的一部分,餐厅空间的设计极尽简约。设计者采用了桧木(Hinoki cedar)制作餐台,如同书法家的笔触,以其优雅而动态的轨迹自信地组织起整个空间。餐台在厨师与顾客区域之间来回界定着界限,突显了他们之间亲密且充满张力的关系。正是这种互动构成了寿司用餐体验的独特本质——寿司大师与客人之间的交流,赋予了这一体验独特的仪式感。
The restaurant space, a portion of the cylindrical volume, is left as simple as it can be. It’s the hinoki cedar counter alone that, as a calligrapher’s brush stroke with its dynamic trace, confidently organizes the whole space. Bringing back and forth the limit between the chefs’ and the customers’ areas, that the counter reveals their intimate and intense relationship: it is indeed the interaction between the sushi master and the guests that formalizes the very special experience that sushi dining is.
▼餐台,Counter ©︎ Peter Kociha
The hinoki cedar, with its precious materiality originated in a shrine’s forest in the north of Japan, brings the soft touch and the gentle fragrance of the traditional sushi experience. The extraordinary length of the counter and its dynamic geometry stands for the contemporary attitude of this space far from a nostalgic folkloric take.
▼餐台近景,Counter close view ©︎ Peter Kociha
▼餐台细部,Details of the counter ©︎ Peter Kociha
▼座椅细部,Details of seats ©︎ Peter Kociha
▼俯瞰伦敦夜景,Overlooking London at nightt ©︎ Peter Kociha
The unusual height of the space brought the opportunity to occupy it with a cloud-like feature levitating above our heads; somewhat that cannot be touched but that we can feel. The organically shaped surfaces of fabric, that resembles Japanese traditional washi paper, hide within the lighting elements transforming their brightness into a softly filtered glow that as weather does, evolves in tone and intensity throughout the day.
▼顶部和纸制作而成的云朵结构,The cloud structure on the top is made of Japanese paper ©︎ Peter Kociha
▼餐具细部,Tableware details ©︎ Peter Kociha
▼其它设计细部,Other design details ©︎ Peter Kociha
With the arrival of the evening time, this softly lighten ceiling cloud, only element visible from the street, will make ENDO’s Rotunda become an unmistakable glowing element of the skyline of West London.
▼总平面图,site plan ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates
▼平面图,floor plan ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates
▼天花板平面图,celling plan ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates
▼天花板细部构造,detail ceiling ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates
▼剖面图,section ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates
▼餐台剖面,detail section counter ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates
▼卫生间细部,detal bathroom ©︎ Kengo Kuma & Associates