Landsea home is a typical one-bedroom apartment. Minimum livable housing is a subject of long standing. In response to today’s high-density urban living needs, and driven by profit-driven business logic, property developers have come up with a wide variety of small apartment solutions, but they all point to an approximately standardised and boring experience. These apartments are usually unobtrusive, with the functions laid out flat according to the minimum scale required for each activity. The ideal one-bedroom apartment is close to the original building type of ‘shelter’, where the limited space means that every square metre has to respond effectively to the individual needs of the homeowner.
▼住宅入口,Entrance of apartment © Howie
At the beginning of the design process, we thought of the core sleeping space as a rock-like box placed into the floor plan, around which the rest of the functions were arranged, with the organic form of the box delineating the interesting residual space. This idea did not work well due to the height of the apartment. Therefore, we tried to change the perspective and enlarge the concept of rock to the home as a whole, imagining it as a mountain, and the sleeping space as a cavity left after quarrying.
▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing © 衡建筑
“岩穴居住”主题的另一个来源是西班牙雕塑家爱德华多·奇利达(Edoardo Chilida)名为“光之屋”“建筑礼赞”等一系列雪花石膏雕塑作品。与代表东方气韵的玉石相同,雪花石膏这种媒材兼有轻盈和厚重的特质:同时拥有实在的形态和通透的光感。奇利达挖空“石块”内部形成空间,光线顺着开口照射内部,实体感与透明感并存。雕塑外观有着自然造物的凹凸肌理,内部则呈现人工痕迹的秩序和平整。奇利达作品矛盾但平衡的状态,是我们想赋予这个住宅空间的精神气质。
Another source for the cave dwelling theme is a series of snowflake plaster sculptures by Spanish sculptor Edoardo Chilida entitled House of Light, In Praise of Architecture.Like jade, which represents the Orient, snowflake plaster is a medium that combines the qualities of lightness and heaviness: a solid form and a translucent sense of light at the same time. Chillida has hollowed out the interior of the ‘stone’ to create a space in which light shines through the opening, creating a sense of solidity and transparency. The exterior of the sculpture has the concave-convex texture of a natural object, while the interior shows artificial traces of order and flatness. The paradoxical but balanced state of Chillida’s work is the spirit we want to give to this residential space.
▼睡眠区,Sleeping area © Howie
▼弧墙细部,Detail of curved wall © Howie
▼开口,Opening on the wall © Howie
The interior of the sleeping area was designed as if it were a huge piece of furniture, as in the scene painted in Saint Jerome in His Study .Three low wall screens enclose a spiritual boundary. The wooden floor elevates the area and the mattress is placed directly on the floor, the ancient hermit’s habitat of lying on the ground for inner peace. The ceiling follows the projection of the boundary line of the low wall and is concave upwards, making the cave more palpable through the visual perception of the complementary shape. Holes are cut into the rock wall, and natural light shines into the room through these holes and the slit between the wall and the ceiling.
▼开放式厨房与就餐区,Open kitchen and dining area © Howie
▼功能区域,Function area © Howie
▼开放式厨房,Open kitchen © Howie
▼开放式厨房细部,Detail of the open kitchen © Howie
▼就餐区,Dining area © Howie
其余的生活必要功能围绕着睡眠区布置,有管线要求的功能尽可能不做大幅度的调动以免造成拆改成本的增加。由入口及远,依次布置了开放式厨房和卫生间。橱柜在尾端作一处弯折,与蜿蜒的路径相合。在矮墙屏风、卫生间隔墙与橱柜三者夹出的空间中安排了就餐区。受到意大利建筑师翁贝尔托·里瓦(Umberto Riva)“未完成”形式的启发,我们尝试在家具设计上跳脱“应有之形”的局限,定制的大理石圆桌切去一角与隔墙相嵌合,样式更有趣外也节省了空间。
The rest of the necessary living functions are arranged around the sleeping area, and the functions with piping requirements are not drastically moved as much as possible to avoid increasing the cost of demolition and alteration. From the entrance and beyond, the open plan kitchen and bathroom are arranged in sequence. Cabinets are curved at the end to meet the meandering path. The dining area is arranged in the space sandwiched between the low wall screen, the bathroom wall and the cabinets. Inspired by Italian architect Umberto Riva’s ‘unfinished’ forms, we tried to break away from the confines of the ‘basic form’ in the furniture design, and customised a marble round table with a corner cut out to fit in with the partition wall, making it more interesting and saving space.
▼睡眠区过道,Corridor in sleeping area © Howie
▼休憩区,Living area © Howie
▼休憩区窗细节,Detail of the window in living area © Howie
The living area is located at the end of the room by the window. To reach it, one has to follow the short rounded wall of the sleeping area, which makes the experience as if walking through the mountains. Next to the sofa, a vanity mirror cabinet with downward-facing panels is designed to merge with the window in a complete rectangle, so that the reflection and transmission of light exists at the same time, and the space is also extended on a perceptual level.
▼洗漱间,Washing room © Howie
▼衣挂细部,Detail of hook © Howie
Dwellings should provide a kind of solace. We hope to take a historical retrospective look at the nature of human life and return to the original state of living, stripping away as much as possible the non-essential elements brought about by modernisation. Frequent communication with the owner during the design process also helped her to sort out and review her daily life, this process is a training of life.
▼平面图,Floor plan © 衡建筑
▼剖面图,Section © 衡建筑
设计团队:周睿哲,杨竣博, 张思羿