
An actors opening words: Four problems with rural housing


People often regard the countryside as “poetry and distance”, carrying the indescribable peace and sense of belonging in urban life. However, there is a significant gap between the ideal countryside and the actual countryside. In the real architectural practice, the rural dwellings are gradually replaced by the homogeneous buildings, which is no different from the large-scale replicated apartment buildings in the city. However, such an “ordinary countryside” is the habitat of many working people. It is neither a poetic utopia, nor as charming as the ideal villages packaged as tourist attractions, but it is real and full of the life atmosphere of ordinary people. In the face of such a village, how should we deal with it? This case aims to explore four core issues:

▼项目鸟瞰,Ariel view of the project ©︎苏圣亮

▼项目鸟瞰,Ariel view of the project ©︎东方卫视梦想改造家


Common type of question: how to find a balance between reality and ideal in the spatial pattern of ordinary countryside?
The problem of symbiotic coexistence: under the premise of extreme homestead and line rate, how to realize the harmonious coexistence between villages and neighbors?
The problem of daily residence: how to use modern technology to design the spatial pattern of residence that meets the needs of the householder?
The problem of local construction: how to balance the traditional local construction with the use of contemporary standard materials

▼项目外观,exterior of the project ©︎苏圣亮

Generality: ordinary people and ordinary countryside

Mr.Wang: Painting, children, memory things

太原梁家庄正是这样一个典型的“平常乡村”。距离太原100多公里的小村庄,村落结构整齐划一,低层高密的布局让它看起来更像是城市规划的产物,而非自然生长的村落。这种乡村,已经被我们对“诗意栖居”的理想排除在外,却又是当代中国许多乡村的真实面貌。这里没有田园诗般的风景,也没有悠久的历史积淀,只有一个个普通的房屋和普通的生活,它就是我们所说的“平常乡村”。我们的主人公王老师正是这样一位村民,一个在这片“平常乡村”中长大的女性美术老师。她既不是天才的画家,也不是怀才不遇的艺术中年,只是一个平凡的教育者,在这里度过了她的岁月。在王老师的记忆里有晒谷子的屋顶,小鸟,家里的篮球架,老的葡萄藤等等。当然最重要的是他和孩子们一起度过的时间,一起做饭,一起在吃饭,一起在院子里画画, 一起生活的场景,这个场景构成了整个空间设计的原点。

▼王老师的绘画教学场景,Miss Wang teaching kids to paint ©︎东方卫视梦想改造家

Taiyuan Liangjiazhuang is just such a typical “ordinary village”. A small village more than 100 kilometers away from Taiyuan, the village structure and the low-rise and high-density layout makes it look more like a product of urban planning than a natural village. This kind of countryside has been excluded by our ideal of “poetic dwelling”, but it is the real face of many villages in contemporary China. There is no idyllic scenery here, there is no long history accumulation, only an ordinary house and ordinary life, it is what we call “ordinary countryside”. Our hero, Miss Wang, is just such a villager, a female art teacher who grew up in this “ordinary countryside”. She is neither a talented painter, nor an unintelligent artistic middle age, but just an ordinary educator, who has spent her years here. In Miss Wangs memory, there is the roof of drying millet, birds, basketball stands at home, old vines and so on. Of course, the most important thing is the scene of the time he spends with the children, cooking together, eating together, drawing together in the yard, and living together. This scene constitutes the origin of the whole space design.

▼院落内的生活场景,people using the courtyard ©︎东方卫视梦想改造家


In response to the ordinary countryside


Liangjiazhuang, this “ordinary village”, represents a real rural scene. It is the epitome of thousands of ordinary villages, and Mr.Wangs story also symbolizes the road that countless ordinary people are taking. Their lives may not have a poetic romance, but there is a deep sense of roots. This tenacity and beauty in the ordinary is exactly what we should think about and respect when facing the “ordinary countryside”. The village structure is neat and uniform, and the buildings are compact and dense. The village seems to lack the freedom of natural growth, but it contains exquisite aesthetics under this unified spatial order. It is in these ordinary details that the uniqueness and beauty of the village emerges. Every door, every brick wall, all convey the householders life attitude and aesthetic pursuit. There is no magnificent architecture, only the simple beauty of the everyday details. From these details, we have a vague glimpse of the soul of Shanxi folk dwellings, like a cultural context hidden in the depths of the village. It shows its tenacity and uniqueness in a low profile, just like the residents of the village, silently rooted in the land, living an ordinary but powerful life.

▼空间结构以标准的建筑围合院落为基础,The space structure is based on the standard building enclosed courtyard ©︎苏圣亮


Under the condition of such land restriction, the residential pattern of Liangjiazhuang has formed the optimal solution after years of evolution. The space structure is based on the standard building enclosed courtyard, and the wall is used to achieve a very high wiring rate. According to the depth size of the courtyard, the residential houses are divided into different multi-entry courtyards, which effectively meet the needs of residential function and space utilization, and at the same time, the courtyard space avoids the direct interference from the neighbors in the sight. Such a design not only reflects the efficient use of land resources, but also reflects the profound relationship between the local culture and the environment.

▼利用围墙实现了极高的贴线率,the wall is used to achieve a very high using rate©︎苏圣亮


From the perspective of villages, the building has basically locked in several core principles: Teacher Wangs life (social interaction, children, painting), economic maximization (limit wiring), the gap in the inner courtyard (privacy), the isolation of the wall (isolation from the outside world), etc.

▼高围墙的设计,the using of high contained wall ©︎苏圣亮


Communicity: symbiosis with villages


Under such land restrictions, the evolution process over many years has formed the optimal solution of Liangjiazhuang residential pattern, including the sight avoidance and sanitary distance of the front and back courtyards, keeping the gable surface closed to the privacy of neighbors, maximizing the wall with the whole land red line along the road, and maximizing the extrusion of the public space of the village. All of this forms the only solution to the current pattern. However, we hope to consider the comfort of the householder in the design, and try to respond to the call of the village. Just like the gate full of fireworks, an ordinary village does not represent the spiritual spirit of life. We restrained the local concession of the street, breaking the convention, namely, the village is also the master, students and small animals can use this space to rest and stay.

▼村庄鸟瞰,Ariel view of the village ©︎东方卫视梦想改造家


It is in these ordinary details that the uniqueness and beauty of the village emerges. Every door, every brick wall, all convey the householders life attitude and aesthetic pursuit. There is no magnificent architecture, only the simple beauty of the everyday details. From these details, we have a vague glimpse of the soul of Shanxi dwellings, like a cultural context hidden in the depths of the village. It shows its tenacity and uniqueness in a low-key way, just like the residents of the village, silently rooted in the land, living an ordinary but powerful life. Despite the extremely high wiring requirements, we still actively respond to the symbiotic needs of the street public space in the limited space. This is reflected in a number of details, including small concession pockets, cat nests, bird nests, street-facing Windows, and apple trees in the yard. In addition, we designed Windows and eaves that avoid sight, aiming to create an environment that is both open and private.

▼街道入口,entrance along the street ©︎苏圣亮

Everyday nature: a warm home

Responses to daily space residence


▼一层平面,ground floor plan ©︎上海交通大学奥默默工作室

In the graphic design of the architectural space, the entrance hall opens opposite the courtyard, and the living room and the dining room are separated by a screen that can open and close, forming a flexible space that can be separated and merged. The plane design of the first floor cleverly divides the public area with the semi-public restaurant through the natural ground height difference.

▼既可分离又可合并的灵活空间,a flexible space that can be separated and merged ©︎苏圣亮

▼一层的客厅,living room on the ground floor ©︎苏圣亮


A large number of friends and children based on the needs of Teacher Wang often meet at her home. Combined with the ground height difference and the ups and downs of the site itself, it not only conforms to the natural terrain, but also defines different functional areas in the flowing space. The design of the height difference not only strengthens the sense of hierarchy of the space, but also provides the visual and functional independence for the functional partition, making the use of the space more flexible and diverse. At the same time can be divided into the grille can flexibly separate dining room and living room.

▼一层餐厅,dining area on the ground floor ©︎苏圣亮

▼空间的使用更加灵活多样,the use of the space more flexible and diverse ©︎苏圣亮

▼厨房设计,kitchen ©︎苏圣亮

▼厨房设计,kitchen ©︎苏圣亮


Mr.Wang likes plants. We keep the original old grape roots in the yard space, and also reserve the space for planting flowers in the front yard. Two courtyards with different functions are formed through the enclosed layout. As a semi-public space, the courtyard is arranged around the apple tree flower bed, with exposed pools and flower racks, which not only effectively isolate the sight interference of the south, but also provides a place for students to wait and play. In contrast, the inner courtyard is enclosed by the preserved old buildings and the existing restaurant, creating an introverted outdoor space, which is directly connected to the restaurant kitchen with large glass. Teacher Wang can see the vines in the inner courtyard when cooking with the children. This inner courtyard provides a quiet and private activity place for the family, which strengthens the privacy of the space and the comfort of living.

▼从餐厅望向内庭院,looking from the dining area ©︎苏圣亮

▼内庭院,inner courtyard ©︎苏圣亮


▼二层平面,first floor plan ©︎上海交通大学奥默默工作室

One of the Spaces that Teacher Wang pays most attention to is the studio. He needs good lighting, relatively quiet interior and flexible plane layout. The studio is placed in the frame of the old house, preserving the historical walls while modernthe roof. By lifting the roof and introducing the northern sky light, it provides sufficient and even natural lighting for the painting activities. Structurally, based on the foundation of the rammed brick wall, the steel structure is used to support the roof to ensure the stability and durability of the space. The overall space design adopts the integrated wall and ground treatment, which strengthens the simple and function-oriented space atmosphere. The seat configuration is flexible, which can be rearranged according to the demand, and realizes the rapid switch of the exhibition hall and the studio mode through the pulley lifting system, which improves the versatility and adaptability of the space.

▼良好采光的画室,studio with nature light ©︎苏圣亮


Teacher Wangs master bedroom is equipped with an independent toilet, combined with the various functions formed by the window, to ensure the privacy and convenience of the living space. At the same time, Mr.Wang told us that he hoped to see the trees in the courtyard through the master bedroom. At the same time, he liked to write and read by himself at home, so he designed the lounge chair (the line of sight leads to the apple tree) and the desk combined with the window.

▼王老师的主卧,Teacher Wangs master bedroom ©︎苏圣亮


The furniture of guest bedroom and dormitory combines the function of different bedroom, formed diverse space to use, for example the dormitory that many people live is given priority to with tatami. The first floor guest room serves as the sons bedroom, providing a combination of furniture combining the desk and wardrobe.

▼客卧和宿舍,guest bedroom and dormitory ©︎苏圣亮

▼多人居住的宿舍以榻榻米为主,that many people live is given priority to with tatami ©︎苏圣亮


At the same time, the second floor partially forms a unique space experience through the connection with the open-air platform. Residents can conduct open-air activities through this space, such as cool enjoyment, stargazing, etc., which strengthens the interaction between the building and the natural environment, and improves the richness and ductility of the living experience.

▼露天平台,the open-air platform ©︎苏圣亮


Inside and outside integration: furniture is the facade. The design concept of integrating inside and outside has been fully reflected in this building. Furniture is not only a functional element, but also an extension and expression of the building facade. Each room is customized with unique furniture, cleverly combined with the Windows to form sets of devices. This combined design not only saves space, but also creates diverse spatial experiences. These devices include multifunctional elements such as a study desk, wardrobe and tatami, which greatly enhance the practicality and flexibility of the space. Take the master bedroom as an example, its window device not only serves as a desk, but also has the function of bookshelf, shelf and lounge chair. The Angle of the lounge chair just faces the apple tree in the inner courtyard, providing a quiet observation corner for the occupants. This design effectively integrates the indoor and outdoor environment, so that the residents can feel the changes of the natural landscape while using the furniture, and enhance the comfort and aesthetic experience of life.

▼内外一体的家具组合,Inside and outside integration ©︎苏圣亮

Construction: a balance between tradition and markers


During the project, two other self-built houses are under construction in the village, both of which are framed rather than brick. In recent years, on the basis of maintaining the conventional layout of the courtyard, most of the self-built houses in the village have adopted the frame structure and more modern facade design, and the construction team is no longer limited to the local area. The construction team in charge of our project is not a local engineering team, but from Beijing, which belongs to bringing the modern construction technology and management mode into the countryside. Liangjiazhuang village is relatively remote, many works and materials are not easy to purchase, and the technical level of the local construction team is low, even the project manager recruits temporary workers to find outsiders. Under such conditions, the construction team of our project was also forced to “learn” some soil methods, for example, when building a round window on the second floor, they found the same size tire to act as a mold and fixed two piles of bricks as the base; for example, they made a simple saw bed with a wooden blade to cut the large plank; and the ink line cannot be bought near, in the process of rapid positioning of the template, water can be replaced by water marks. Except for bending steel bars, mixing cement, and cutting steel parts, other auxiliary tools such as wooden ladders are assembled on site.

▼立面的圆窗设计,round shaped window design ©︎苏圣亮

Walls, lintel and carry eaves


The north wall of the old studio is made of reserved repair design. The wall is composed of stone base, red brick wall skirt, blue brick wall and new high side window. The outer repair is mainly grinding brick and waterproof treatment. Due to the demand of hanging painting, the three-layer structure of light steel keel, large core board and gypsum board is adopted. Some of the adobe was reused and the void was filled with mud seals.

▼红砖墙裙,red brick wall skirt ©︎苏圣亮

▼青砖墙体,blue brick wall ©︎李迪


The original four-corner wooden column cannot bear the weight due to the loss, and the wall is also seriously eroded. In order to carry the solar energy system of the roof, the foundation is laid again to the I-steel column and ring beam structure, so that the wall is no longer a load-bearing body and reduce the loss. The ring beam pouring is completed manually to ensure the integration of the beam and column structure. Before the roof is poured, the workers reinforce the eaves through the formwork, and the process is complicated. The roof and workers under the eaves cooperate, first fixed vertical board, and then set up inclined support, fine tuning wood. The whole eaves needs to be stable. According to the different space under the eaves, the wooden strips needs to be made and adjusted on site.

▼屋顶挑檐,roof overhang ©︎苏圣亮


Local materials and industrial markers


Adobe is the local characteristic construction material, and also the original wall material of the main room (studio) of the project. Most of the old buildings in the village are adobe houses, and many of the slightly new self-built houses are adobe walls with blue brick and red brick surfaces. The size of a single piece of adobe here is about 300 * 200 * 70, which is made of loess or clay mixed straw, compacted in the wood mold, and finally dried. It has good strength and hardness, and has good thermal insulation performance —— began the investigation is in the hot and dry June and July, according to the villagers said that Taiyuan has no rain for half a year, but the adobe houses are relatively cool, only a few people in the village installed air conditioning. In addition to the backward conditions, the good thermal insulation performance of adobe is obviously one of the reasons. In addition to adobe, the village building often used blue brick red brick two kinds of brick as the wall. Lower cost, often used in the upper wall; red brick with higher strength, high cost, mostly used for the wall skirt support part. The height of the old studio of the project is short, and the walls were originally used with blue brick. In order to restore the old building facade, at the same time into the new design of the steel structure, south wall construction adopts the green red brick mixed masonry: the lateral reduction of the old blue brick facade masonry way, internal filling strength of higher red brick to support the steel roof weight, and steel column junction with small pieces of red brick fill gaps, ensure the structural strength at the same time also slightly save the brick materials.

▼外侧还原老青砖的立面砌筑方式,the lateral reduction of the old blue brick facade masonry way ©︎苏圣亮


The application of ceramic tile, cement and coating effectively reflects the coordination between cost control and rural aesthetics. In order to achieve economy, the design selects the materials commonly available in the rural environment, with monochrome tiles as the main collage decoration, widely used in the pool edge, gable tile carving and waist line design. This simple and local material selection not only reduces the cost, but also forms a harmonious resonance with the surrounding rural landscape. At the same time, the main body of the building takes the paint as the main outer layer, presenting a fresh and natural visual effect, and further enhancing the integration with the environment.

▼瓷砖、水泥与涂料的应用,the application of ceramic tile, cement and coating ©︎苏圣亮


The flower frame and courtyard gate of the courtyard are assembled with industrial standard parts, abandoning the traditional wood structure made of Shanxi materials, and using simple and economical steel components. Through the exposed and clear lines, to create a unique visual effect. The design of the gate is inspired by the common gate in the village, and the steel pipe forms an envelope shape and is creative. And the arbor is combined with the ground greening, forming the climbing rattan frame, effectively isolated the line of sight of the neighbors, not only added the privacy of the space, but also enrich the sense of hierarchy of the environment.

▼院门采用了工业标准件组装,courtyard gate are assembled with industrial standard parts ©︎苏圣亮

Old things profit new


The original building uses brick structure, and the studio retains the original brick wall and rammed earth structure in the design. The demolished brick walls were reused for the restoration of the old walls and the reconstruction of the brick walls. In the meantime, retain and use original furniture as far as possible, make its coruscate newborn. For example, the old cabinet is combined with the new plate to form the dining room table; the old seat is processed into the flower rack in the yard; and the old easel is converted into the towel rack.

▼保留和利用原有家具,retain and use original furniture ©︎苏圣亮


At the same time, we strive to restore the regrets and dreams in Mr.Wangs memory, and re-present the elements such as the birds nest and the basketball rack in her heart in modern ways. These designs not only evoke good memories of the past, but also incorporate new functions and aesthetics. Through these details, we inject a personal narrative into the studio, and strengthen the uniqueness and emotional connection of the space.

▼鸟窝元素以现代手法重新呈现,re-present the elements such as the birds nest ©︎苏圣亮


Sustainable construction



In the design of old buildings and new buildings, we adopt a completely different building energy saving strategy. For the retained old buildings, because the original wall must be completely retained, internal insulation measures were taken. The insulation material is laid on the inside of the original wall and the mortar is leveled. Finally, the graphene plate is installed in the inner layer to maximize the insulation performance. In contrast, the newly-built part implements the external insulation strategy, the insulation material is directly laid on the outside of the external wall, and combined with the insulation polymer mortar coating, to form an integrated facade design. In addition, the roof of the studio is equipped with solar photovoltaic panels, improving the utilization rate of renewable energy. Considering the impact of privacy on the facade, the overall design of the building realizes the balance of indoor light and the flow of air through the combination of high window and skylight, so as to ensure the best combination of living comfort and energy saving efficiency. This multi-level energy-saving strategy fully reflects the respect for the building history and the application of modern environmental protection technology.

▼一层采光,lighting design ©︎苏圣亮

▼顶层采光,lighting design ©︎苏圣亮


Translation of residential house nodes in Shanxi Province


The building not only echoes the realistic needs of the modern countryside in the current situation, but also establishes a profound dialogue with the traditional dwellings in Shanxi in terms of spatial layout, materials and components. Shanxi dwellings have always been an important research model of Chinese architecture, and the pattern of two courtyards continues here, echoing the famous Wang family compound. This courtyard form not only reflects the sense of hierarchy of the architectural space, but also retains the introversion and cohesion of the traditional family structure. The design of the roof echoes the traditional style of the ancient county seat of Taiyuan, highlighting the regional cultural inheritance. The local use of arched elements reminds people of the simplicity and firmness of the cave building, and enhances the integration of the building and the natural terrain. The use of ceramic tiles draws lessons from the brick carving technology of Changfa Manor, giving the building exquisite beauty and a sense of history. The design of the steel roof pays tribute to the ridge elements of Jinji, which not only retains the symbolic meaning of traditional symbols, but also integrates the structural aesthetics of modern architecture.

▼传统家庭结构的内向与凝聚力,retains the introversion and cohesion of the traditional family structure ©︎苏圣亮

An exploration of the ideal home paradigm in the ordinary countryside


Going back to the question mentioned at the beginning of the article, we try to respond to the common rural paradigm. We can start from four aspects: universal type, symbiosis, daily living, and local construction. These aspects extend a series of solutions with practical significance. This is not just a simple repetition of the theoretical discussion or operation manual, but an in-depth exploration of the implementation paradigm. As China is about to enter a new stage of high-quality development, can we find a universal balance between poetic dwelling and ordinary daily necessities, rice, oil and salt? This is a question worth pondering. Through the discussion of these core issues, we look forward to providing a beneficial perspective and practical path for the future rural development.

▼夜景,night view ©︎苏圣亮

▼灯光设计细部,lighting design detail ©︎李迪

▼剖面,section ©︎上海交通大学奥默默工作室

施工单位:中泽荣安(北京)建设有限公司 孙雅茹 郭井全 王宗凯

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