201公寓套房位于蒙特利尔标志性的De la Commune大街上,是蒙特利尔老城区历史悠久、令人魂牵梦绕的一处居所。这座古老建筑所在的街道面朝圣劳伦斯河,见证了400年前城市的发迹。

201公寓套房位于蒙特利尔标志性的De la Commune大街上,是蒙特利尔老城区历史悠久、令人魂牵梦绕的一处居所。这座古老建筑所在的街道面朝圣劳伦斯河,见证了400年前城市的发迹。

Located on the iconic rue de la Commune in Montreal, Suite 201 is a pied-à-terre in the historical and coveted area of Old Montreal. Facing the Saint Lawrence River, the old buildings on this street witnessed the birth of the city nearly 400 years ago.

▼项目概览,project overview © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

A famous historical site

这套迷人的公寓套房由MU Architecture设计,其灵感来自于其所在地的传奇历史。所在场地昔日曾是 Joe Beef经营的一家客栈,在 19 世纪中叶曾热情款待从蒙特利尔港而来的劳工和海员。这位乐善好施的旅馆老板被尊称为 “人民之子”,他将自己的小酒馆改造成了一个充满慰藉和志同道合的天堂。201公寓套房就是在这样的历史基础上诞生的,力求体现一种热情、欢聚的氛围。

This captivating residential suite, envisioned by MU Architecture, derives its inspiration from the storied past of its location. Formerly occupied by Joe Beef, this erstwhile inn warmly welcomed laborers and seafarers from the bustling Port of Montreal during the mid-19th century. Revered as the “Son of the People,” this benevolent innkeeper transformed his tavern into a haven of solace and vibrant camaraderie. Suite 201, built upon these historical foundations, endeavors to embody a welcoming and convivial atmosphere.

▼窗中街景,street view through the window © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard


Upon stepping inside, a vestibule grants a tantalizing glimpse of the expansive communal area through a subtly smoked glass panel. A serene ambiance unfolds within. The intricate woodwork and weathered stone walls serve as evocative time capsules, whisking visitors away to a bygone era. Evidently, this space has admirably preserved its essence, resonating with a soulful connection to its heritage.

▼宽敞的公共区域, the expansive communal area © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

A private tavern


Centered around the concept of a tavern, the living room, artfully divided into three distinct zones, each meticulously curated with its unique ambiance and color palette, seamlessly integrates with the kitchen, ingeniously transformed into a functional service bar. This architectural fusion creates an immersive experience that effortlessly transcends the Suite’s residential essence. To elevate this concept further, the traditional dining area is artfully omitted.

▼酒馆的氛围, a tavern atmosphere © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard


The expansive open space bathes in natural light streaming through grand windows that offer a picturesque view of Montreal’s historic old port. With a simple switch, a polarizing film cleverly renders the window glass opaque, ensuring absolute privacy. The authentic stone rubble walls, echoing the area’s rich heritage, evoke a sense of history. Meanwhile, the wood-paneled ceiling exudes a refined and subdued ambiance, reminiscent of the architectural style prevalent during that era. Exquisite craftsmanship is evident in the intricate details, notably the composition of the coffers seamlessly integrating two distinct black oak finish. These elements artfully anchor the suspended shelves, showcasing the meticulous attention to architectural finesse and design ingenuity.

▼黑橡木饰面,black oak finish © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

▼吧台,bar © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

▼座椅,seatings © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

The ebony black kitchen


Continuing the subdued ambiance, the kitchen and bar incorporate more dark woodwork, this time in a deeper shade. The black-stained wood, however, allows the grain to subtly emerge, imparting warmth and depth to the material. For a fully dramatic effect, black quartz countertops and metal panels, matching the color scheme for the hood and shelves, complete the ensemble. The metal shelves discreetly integrate ambient lighting, the source of which remains imperceptible. To counterbalance the dark and stark appearance of the kitchen, subtle curves and rounded corners introduce a softness to the volumes and facilitate movement. A brass footrest and faucet punctuate the space with an historical yet chic gleam.

▼乌木黑厨房,The ebony black kitchen © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

▼黄铜水龙头,brass faucet © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

▼材质细节,meterial detail © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

A hidden wellness


In addition to concealing the laundry room behind one of the doors, another secret door unveils an entire relaxation area. Spa facilities, a steam bath, shower, and relaxation platforms create a perfect haven for unwinding. Indirect lighting and ceramic surfaces resembling dark stone transport us to a serene space that seems almost carved into the rock. Smoked glass panels and iroko wood accents further contribute to this tranquil and soothing ambiance.

▼养生区,wellness area © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

▼宁静空间,a tranquil and soothing ambiance © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

The master quarters


Stepping through yet another concealed entrance, a hidden doorway opens into the dressing area adjoining the master bedroom. Ingeniously veiled behind a mirror, this portal leads to extensive walls adorned with meticulously crafted wood paneling, cleverly concealing abundant storage spaces and a discreet emergency exit. The allure of smoked glass partitions guides one towards an intimate bathroom adorned with natural, intricately detailed finishes, evoking an entrancing and soothing atmosphere.

▼主卧室,the master bedroom © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard


The sleeping quarters not only house a second bedroom but also feature an additional shared bathroom. Exiting this sanctum, one seamlessly re-enters the living room, completing a labyrinthine yet fascinating layout. This architectural design imbues secrecy and functionality, harmoniously blending functionality with an aesthetic allure that captivates the senses.

▼共用浴室,shared bathroom © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

▼浴室细部,bathroom details © Ulysse Lemerise-Bouchard

The refinement of detail

该项目以一丝不苟的精确工艺,在一座古老的历史建筑内和谐地融为一体,并将复杂的细节置于其核心。每一个布置和连接都经过精心设计,使空间优雅而精致。家具选择、艺术品的整合以及装饰行元素为周围环境注入了活力,唤起了 Joe Beef 年代传奇而难忘的夜晚的回忆。

Crafted with meticulous precision, this project harmoniously integrates and weaves within an ancient historical building, placing intricate details at its core. Every arrangement and connection were meticulously designed to render the space elegant and refined. The selection of furniture, integration of artworks, and decorative elements breathe life into the surroundings, evoking memories of the legendary and unforgettable evenings from the era of the iconic Joe Beef.

▼平面图,plan © MU Architecture

  • 2024-10-09
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  • 2024-10-09
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