该住宅最初建于1987年,由来自温哥华岛的建筑师Roger Smeeth设计。Smeeth的设计理念融合了现代主义元素,并强调整合室外花园空间。值得一提的是,该住宅拥有一个与主要起居空间毗邻的室外花园

该住宅最初建于1987年,由来自温哥华岛的建筑师Roger Smeeth设计。Smeeth的设计理念融合了现代主义元素,并强调整合室外花园空间。值得一提的是,该住宅拥有一个与主要起居空间毗邻的室外花园。

The house was originally constructed in 1987 and designed by Vancouver Island-based architect Roger Smeeth. Smeeth’s design philosophy incorporated modernist elements and emphasized the integration of exterior garden spaces. Notably, the residence features a courtyard space adjacent to the main living area.

▼住宅外观,residence exterior view © Mmk Creative


As designers entrusted with the renovation of this home, our aim was to adapt the interior layout to meet the needs of the new occupants while honouring Smeeth’s original vision. Working closely with the clients, a young couple starting a family who appreciated the practical layout and eccentric features of the original design, we proceeded to preserve the essence of the house while infusing it with contemporary functionality. One of our challenges was to seamlessly incorporate the existing red tiles, a distinctive feature of the home. Careful preservation by Vineuve and matching techniques were employed to keep the continuity of these tiles, ensuring a harmonious blend with the updated interior design.

▼主要起居空间,main living area © Mmk Creative

▼厨房概览,kitchen overview © Mmk Creative

▼餐厅,dining room © Mmk Creative

▼餐厅与花园,dining room with garden view © Mmk Creative


In our efforts to enhance the flow and connectivity of the living spaces, we opened up the stairwell, creating a visual and physical link between the lower and upper living areas. This design change not only modernized the layout but also allowed for more natural light to permeate through the house, creating a sense of openness and airiness.

▼打开的楼梯间,opened up stairwell © Mmk Creative


The kitchen underwent a significant transformation as well. Redesigned to be more open and inviting, it now serves as the heart of the home. The kitchen’s new layout encourages interaction and accommodates the clients’ love for cooking and entertaining.

▼重新设计的厨房,redesigned kitchen © Mmk Creative


Furthermore, the layout of the primary bedroom and ensuite was reimagined to optimize space and functionality, aligning it with the needs of the growing family. Originally the home featured an indoor hot tub (common in the 1980’s) which was removed to create a more functional ensuite layout as well as introduce a small powder room.

▼卧室,bedroom © Mmk Creative

▼浴室,bathroom © Mmk Creative


Additionally, the clients brought their personal touch to the renovation by incorporating unique family pieces, such as curtains which were inherited and then repurposed to become the fabric of the built-in sofa. This blending of old and new, practicality and charm, allowed the original character of the house to shine through, creating a home that beautifully merges the past and present.

▼新与旧的融合,blending of old and new © Mmk Creative

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © Callander Architecture

▼二层平面图,upper floor plan © Callander Architecture

▼立面图,elevatinos © Callander Architecture

该项目设计于公司更名为“Callander Architecture”之前,是在“September Architecture”事务所的名义下与Shiloh Sukkau合作设计的。

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