For people, cities serve as the carriers of communal life. The appearance of a city might not evoke special emotions, but the traces and stories left within it can foster a sense of belonging and connection. How can cities, buildings, and people be intertwined? Inspiration came from a noodle chef. Initially, the noodle chef let a bamboo dragonfly soar freely in the vast sky, seeking the joy of discovering Eastern spices, ultimately landing in Dongguan. The bamboo dragonfly seeded and harvested spices in this city, while the noodle chef baked delicious food, leaving fragrances lingering in the air above the city. One in a Thousand, a baking brand founded by a young entrepreneur, integrates traditional Eastern spices with Western baking concepts, taking root here.
▼项目鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
漂浮的建筑装置 气味的具象化
Floating architectural installations – Materialization of scents
Buildings themselves are vessels, and when scaled up to accommodate people, they become architecture. Returning to the initial pondering, how can cities, buildings, and people be connected? We attempted to express this viewpoint in a new way. We constructed an architectural installation for scent propagation using air membranes. From the top of tall buildings, 36 air membrane installations are arranged neatly above, resembling lightweight gas molecules suspended silently in the air. Standing on level ground nearby, a balloon suddenly floats up from the roof, drifting casually, transforming the static architecture into dynamic motion.
▼气膜建筑装置,Air membrane building device © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
In the commercial district surrounded by skyscrapers, the inherent sense of isolation in urban space is shattered, as the emotions of the crowd, the evolution of urban traces, and the architecture merge, with scents becoming bridges between the city and its inhabitants.
▼远观装置,Distant view © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
城市痕迹 保留的生活记忆
Urban traces – Preserved memories of life
By retaining scents within buildings, there is a fixed place for the Proust effect to unfold. The city is not static; it is in continuous circulation, constantly changing. Therefore, within the walls of the building, we installed a row of orderly circular perforations, connecting the interior and exterior spaces.
▼装置上规整秩序的圆形小孔,Continuous circulation © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
In addition to the “visible” scents on the exterior, inside the space, we also preserved some spice specimens within the perforations, serving as a small exhibition space, attempting to capture traces of people’s lives as if collecting “spice seeds” scattered by the bamboo dragonfly.
▼圆形小孔近景,Close view © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
The transparency of resin and the orderly arrangement of small perforations draw people’s attention when they enter the space. During the day, light from inside and outside the building flows through the perforations, engaging in a dialogue with space and people. As night falls, warm-colored lights shine through the perforations, emitting scents, making the building a part of the city’s imprint.
▼圆形小孔细部,Detials © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
在建筑里 烘焙的治愈感
In the building – The healing sensation of baking
The warm atmosphere in the beige space exudes the healing sensation brought by baking to city dwellers. The spatial sense and comfort of the building itself are also worth considering. Combining the “healing sensation” of the bakery, we designed the exterior and interior of the entire house as warm beige spaces. Healing becomes the fundamental color of the architecture.
▼在此休闲的人们,People relaxing here © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
▼入口处,Entrance © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
▼米黄色色调,Beige tint © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
As a building designed for a spice bakery, practicality and aesthetics need to be expressed. Behind the gas installation, we constructed a romantic herb garden, filled with green herb plants. It serves as both a spice garden for the bakery and a scenic spot for customers to enjoy. When people step from the beige interior space into this green garden, encountering the primal scents of spices, they resonate with the bamboo dragonfly that initially sought out fragrances. Comfort and relaxation permeate the space along with the building itself.
▼主要室内空间,Main interior space © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
▼室内外边界,Indoor and outdoor boundaries © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
▼客座座椅,Guest seating © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
Throughout the long history of human evolution, living spaces have changed along with human progress, evolving from humble villages to towering cities like those seen today, never separated from the people.
▼夜览,Night view © 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
In this project, we continually pondered the relationship between cities, buildings, and people. Mr. He, the owner, provided us with great inspiration and enthusiasm for presenting map spices, aligning perfectly with our desire to connect people with the city through architecture. The production, cost control, and subsequent maintenance of the inflatable installation posed significant challenges, but with Mr. He’s unconditional support, we ultimately completed this “visible” scent installation. We hope that the architecture itself becomes warm and fragrant, circulating the scent of spices between the city and its inhabitants.
▼平面图,plan © 泛域设计Fununit Design
项目名称 | 漂浮的香味 无限分之一
设计公司 | 泛域设计Fununit Design
空间设计 | 朱啸尘 陈璐 谢宜臻 成博伟 董骏 华海
软装设计 | 陈琳 翁亮亮
视觉设计 | 胡晓娴
空间主材 | ETFE气膜、艺术涂料、水泥、防腐木地板,亚克力,不锈钢
项目摄影 | 奥观建筑视觉AOGVISION
项目规模 | 315㎡
项目地址 | 中国 东莞
完工时间 | 2024/01