

▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the site ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

The house is located at the highest elevation, providing a privileged view over the valley.

▼山谷景色,Valley landscape ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼顶视图,Top view ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼建筑鸟瞰,Aerial view of the building ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento


▼庭院,Patio ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼起居室,Living room ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼良好的室内外联系,Well connection between interior and outdoor spaces ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼别致的走廊,Delicate corridor ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

The adaptation to the topography and its interior organization around a patio optimize solar exposure and natural ventilation while providing a crossover of views between indoor and outdoor spaces.

▼与室内联系紧密的泳池,Swimming pool closed to the interior ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento


▼顺应地形的体量与颜色,Adaptation of the volume and color to the terrain ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼细腻的质感,Subtle texture ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼露台,Terrace ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

The house is located on an outdoor podium, allowing the slope to the south to be managed. This adaptation to the terrain results in a lower floor, as if it were a solid block, in concrete pigmented with iron oxide the color of the earth in that place – known for clay extraction and ceramic production.

▼氧化铁与水蓝色搭配,Color collocation of the iron oxide and water blue ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼精心设计的色调,Well-designed tones ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼墙面细部,Details of the wall ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento


▼走上屋面的楼梯,Staircase to the roof top ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼多面的屋顶,Faceted roof ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼良好的屋顶视野,Splendid views on the roof ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

The relationship with the valley was also the argument for creating a walkable roof, with a privileged 360-degree view. It was thought of as a continuous and faceted surface: a direct result of the volumetry of the interior spaces.

▼屋顶特写,Close-up of the roof ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼中庭的设计为体量增添趣味,Patio enhanced the sense of volumes ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼屋面细部,Details of the roof ©domalomenos – Eduardo Nascimento

▼-1平面,-1 Plan ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼地下室平面,Basement plan ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼楼层平面,Floor plan ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼屋顶平面,Roof plan ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼立面1,Facade 1 ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼立面2,Facade 2 ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼立面3,Facade 3 ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

▼剖面,Section ©Volume Architecture Lisbon Studio

  • 2024-02-28
  • 作者:IDIN Architects
  • 4 0
  • 2024-01-31
  • 作者:大海小燕设计工作室
  • 9 0