拾汐,一家以茶为媒介的人文生活美学馆。 不仅要为家具品牌方搭建喝茶生活场景,同时还要满足世界各地匠人、艺术家、文化机构合作伙伴举办展览、沙龙等艺术活动的需求。

拾汐,一家以茶为媒介的人文生活美学馆。 不仅要为家具品牌方搭建喝茶生活场景,同时还要满足世界各地匠人、艺术家、文化机构合作伙伴举办展览、沙龙等艺术活动的需求。为此,壹所展开对空间特质的思考,探寻体验视角下人与空间以及喝茶活动的内在深层结构关联。

Shixi is a humanistic lifestyle aesthetics hall centered around tea. It not only builds a tea-drinking living scene for furniture brands but also meets the needs of craftsmen, artists, and cultural institutions from all over the world to hold art exhibitions, salons, and other cultural activities. Therefore, YiSuo conducted a reflection on the characteristics of the space, exploring the inherent deep structural relationship between people and space, as well as tea-drinking activities from the perspective of experience.

▼茶室门头,The door © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼入口处,Entrance © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼空间全貌,Overall view © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

Tea and Life


In modern urban life, we strive to play the role of an efficient, rigorous, and perfect “ego”, while the relaxed, casual, and pleasure-seeking “id” often have nowhere to go. When our thinking restricts our experiences too much, we can no longer feel the vitality of life, and we cannot achieve completeness in this seemingly correct but barren world.

▼不同的茶室空间,Different tea-drinking scenes © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼空间一瞥,A glance of the space © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室


▼古人对饮分析图,The ancient people who are drinking © E Studio

Tea, as a social activity and life ritual, has been engraved in the memory of Chinese people since ancient times, and the moderate Eastern philosophy it reveals answers people’s questions about rules and freedom in different eras.

▼主要茶室概览,Overview of the main tearooms © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

The Contemporary Transformation of Eastern Lifestyle


The pursuit of tea goes beyond a relaxed environment, exquisite utensils, and high-quality tea leaves. Instead, it is about returning to the simple experience of life during the process of tasting tea. How can the Eastern lifestyle exist in the context of contemporary international cities? We do not believe that replicating traditional materials, patterns, and structures is a good solution. Instead, we choose to de-symbolize and use modern design language to preserve the Eastern artistic conception, thus extending the breadth and depth of the Shixi Tea Space in the city where Eastern and Western cultures blend.

▼轻松的品茗氛围,Relaxed atmosphere © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼山水间煮茶之景,The scenery of brewing tea between mountains and rivers © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

如果把空间比作一种可塑泥土的质感的话,我们希望拾汐给人的印象是砂砾层次丰富的紫砂泥。 橱窗灯光下呈现出的山水间煮茶的剪影,吸引着过路者的好奇心,行走其间,迂回的路线和半遮半掩的空间状态在回应东方婉转含蓄的性格的同时,也引导着客人自然穿过七个不同主题的喝茶生活场景。

If we were to compare the space to a malleable texture of soil, we hope that Shixi Tea Space gives people the impression of a richly layered, purple clay mud. The silhouette of brewing tea between the landscapes presented under the window lights attracts the curiosity of passers-by. Walking through it, the winding path and semi-covered space respond to the subtle and reserved character of the East while also guiding guests to naturally pass through the seven different themed tea-drinking living scenes.

▼陈列的茶具,Tea set on display © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

Mortise and Tenon Joints


▼弧墙分析图,arc wall analysis diagram © E Studio

The curved wall, like a three-dimensional calligraphy stroke, boldly falls in the center of the space. The exhibition stand is directly wedged into the tenon joint of the space, connecting the calligraphic strokes scattered around the space as a partition. The seemingly static space begins to burst with vast energy.

▼楔入空间的弧墙,Arc wall wedged into space © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼弧墙两侧的展示台,Display stands on both sides of the arc wall © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

Praise of Shadows


The night pearl emits radiance only when placed in darkness, while gemstones lose their charm when exposed to sunlight. Bright colors are more aggressive, while shadows perfectly match the reserved and peaceful character deep within the Eastern culture. The texture of space in Shixi quietly appears in the gradient of the purple clay, which perfectly fits the introverted and peaceful nature of the Eastern culture. Objects under shadows are completely different from those seen in bright backgrounds. People or objects become more conspicuous in subtle shadows, and in an exaggerated sense, it is as if life is being portrayed as a whole.

▼以暗色为基调的空间质感,Space texture based on darkness © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼橱柜细节, Details of cabinet © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

▼灯光处理,Lighting © Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室

拾汐以其朴素外表下的繁华内里,为现代都市生活中的人们提供情绪价值,让人们有枝可栖。 我们不能逃离现实,但我们可以在茶所蕴含的人生哲理中获得力量,一次次修复后的再出发、破碎后的重建都使得释放后的我们更坚毅、更笃定、更安宁。

Shixi provides emotional value to people living in modern cities with its sophisticated interior hidden behind a simple exterior, giving people a place to relax and find refuge. We cannot escape reality, but we can find strength in the philosophy of life contained in tea, and each time we repair and rebuild ourselves, we become more resilient, more determined, and more peaceful.

▼平面图,plan © E Studio

委托方/Client: 拾汐
项目地点/Location: 广东深圳深圳华侨城欢乐时光1F
项目面积/Scale: 300 m²
完成时间/Completion Time: 2023.01
空间设计公司/Design Firm: E Studio 壹所设计工作室
主持设计师/Lead Designer: Fan,Junjian 范君健、Zhou,Xuanzhuo 周炫焯
设计团队/Cooperative Design: Xu,Meng 徐萌、Zhang,Jieying 张洁莹
物料设计/FF&E: Zhou,Jing 周婧
品牌设计公司/Brand Design: Whatever Brand 肆意品牌设计
摄影/Photographer: Yuuuun Studio 云眠摄影工作室
