Sports Center of Shandong First Medical University Jinan Campus is located in the south campus of Shandong First Medical University. It is a large-scale sports and sports activity place to meet the daily sports activities and curriculum needs of the campus, and also provides social services.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view ©魏刚
The Sports Center is formed by a combination of double rectangles volumes, with various types of sports venues inside, including multi-functional sports venues, 50-meter swimming pool, training grounds, badminton courts and supporting changing rooms, sports medicine facilities, offices, storerooms, etc., aims to provide students with a flexible multi-functional activity space and communication space. The platform on the second floor connects the gymnasium and the natatorium. Standing here, you can see the school history museum and the outdoor track and field at the same time, so as to relax and relieve pressure.
▼项目外观,external view ©魏刚
▼项目立面,facade ©魏刚
The building design hopes to highlight the sense of future and technology in the simple form. We choose glossy silver-gray aluminum plate as the main building material, which is simple and full of sense of science and technology, in line with the heroic and grand regional style of Qilu land. The splicing of aluminum plate has been carefully designed to form a slanting upward hard line shape, expressing the power and speed of sports. The use of triangular curtain wall at the entrance guides tourists and users to find the entrance of the building and enter the hall smoothly. Triangular curtain wall on both sides shapes the penetration and permeability of indoor light, giving full play to practicality while sculpting the building.
▼简洁的形体:凸显未来感与科技感,simple form: highlighting the sense of future and technology ©魏刚
▼银灰色铝板表皮:表达力量与速度,silver-gray aluminum plate: expressing the power and speed of sports ©魏刚
▼二层入口阶梯,entrance stairs to the second floor ©魏刚
▼二层休息平台,platform on the second floor ©魏刚
▼倾斜幕墙围合的通道,passageway enclosed by inclined curtain wall ©魏刚
▼室外平台,outdoor platform ©魏刚
We hope to infuse the delicate sense of science and technology, the fashionable sense of the future and the powerful sense of life into the Sports Center, to provide a vibrant and unique space for student activities, and to bring unique vitality and vitality to the campus.
▼宽敞明亮的室内空间,spacious and bright interior space ©魏刚
▼体育场,sport court ©魏刚
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©天津大学设计总院·顾志宏工作室
▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©天津大学设计总院·顾志宏工作室
▼立面图,elevations ©天津大学设计总院·顾志宏工作室
项目设计 & 完成年份:2018.06 – 2021.07
方案设计团队: 王珣、刘家瑞、刘峻松
建筑面积:2.1万 平方米