
Beyond Space为DIVA博物馆进行了《珠宝商的艺术:20世纪60年代和70年代的革命珠宝》展览的展陈设计,该展览由比利时安特卫普DIVA博物馆与美国辛辛那提艺术博物馆共同策划。

Beyond Space designed the exhibition The Jeweller’s Art: Revolutionary Jewellery from the 1960s and 1970s, curated by DIVA Antwerp and the Cincinnati Art Museum USA.

▼空间概览,overall view of the space © Frederik Beyens


We translated this extraordinary period of radical innovation in jewellery sparked by London’s swinging sixties into a succession of spaces, each embodying a characteristic of the day and age. The visitor fluidly moves through the jewellery, the fashion, music and design of this vibrant period, which is once again très en vogue.

▼《珠宝商的艺术:20世纪60年代和70年代的革命珠宝》展,the exhibition The Jeweller’s Art: Revolutionary Jewellery from the 1960s and 1970s © Frederik Beyens

▼展览细部,details of the exhibition © Frederik Beyens

▼空间由幕布分隔,the space is divided by a curtain © Frederik Beyens

▼幕布细部,details of the curtain © Frederik Beyens

由Space Encounters与Children of the Light共同制作的灯光装置Transito成为展览中的亮点之一。整个展厅陈列了大量具有时代代表性的珠宝作品,将游客们置身于迷宫般的世界,变化的光线与声音将展厅化作流动的空间,为参观者带来了一场穿越时空的旅行。

A DIVA highlight is the site-specific reprieve of Transito, a light installation by Space Encounters and Children of the Light. Sprawling across an entire room of the exhibition showcasing Space Age Jewellery, the visitor enters a labyrinthine world where changing light and sound dissolve the room into liquid architecture, mimicking a journey through space.

▼由Space Encounters与Children of the Light共同制作的灯光装置Transito,Transito light installation by Space Encounters and Children of the Light © Frederik Beyens

▼灯光装置细部,details of the light installation © Frederik Beyens


The final room of the exhibition symbolises the aesthetic pivot when the capricious language of form of the 60ies morphs into polished, geometric and austere forms of the 70ies. An infinite round space with a superimposed grid creates a time capsule of anything from lava lamps to fashionably futuristic frocks, where the visitor encounters the unique jewellery of the day.

▼最后一间展厅,the final room of the exhibition © Frederik Beyens

▼象征无限循环的圆形空间,the infinite round space © Frederik Beyens

▼展厅细部,details of the space © Frederik Beyens

▼平面图,plan © Beyond Space

Valle San Nicolás俱乐部,漂浮于湖中的圆环
  • 2023-03-30
  • 作者:Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos
  • 4 0