BBDO办公室 探索空间带来的“后讯信息”


Historically, architecture has communicated ideas along with the rules that allow it to be constructed and interpreted. As an advertising agency, BBDO is in complete control of the communication it imparts and the tools at their disposal. They plan not only messages but also meanings and comprehensions. It is on this plane of engineered meta-message that their communications strategy is based.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Javier Agustín Rojas


▼分析图1,analysis diagram 1 © Javier Agustín Rojas

This project is an invitation to observe not only the objects present but also what they represent, what these representations provoke, and the tools that are used to communicate this plethora of messages. Beyond the three dimensions of architecture, it is through the imagination that we begin to materialize a human space and through memory that we reconstruct a stage that extends into the materialized world.

▼大型共享工作区,large working space © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼大型共享工作区近景,closer view of the large working space © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼餐厅区,dining area © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼会议室,the conference room © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼会议室体量,volume of the conference room © Javier Agustín Rojas

在设计中,“记忆”作为一种空间语言为建筑赋予了动态、进步的意义,甚至带有一些“文化焦虑”(cultural anxiety)的意味,表达出“责任塑造行为”的价值观。从旁观者的角度来看,空间中人的行为与建筑元素之间的相互作用,就如同一场不断进化的表演。

▼分析图2,analysis diagram 2 © Karina Kreth Architects

The compilation of memories in this work speaks of translationism and architecture as a ‘setting’ in an agency that is committed to the movement, progress, and cultural anxiety; committed to responsibly shaping behavior. A spectator witnessing the interaction of these behavioral responses is observing a performance is a constant evolution.

▼接待空间,reception room © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼接待空间外侧贴有回收的漫反射箔纸,the outside of the reception space is plastered with recycled diffuse foil © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼阶梯式休息区/工作区,steps © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼阶梯背后的灵活工作区,flexible working area behind the steps © Javier Agustín Rojas


▼分析图3,analysis diagram 3 © Karina Kreth Architects

The BBDO offices reflect their mission on every level, starting off with the most fundamental piece, it’s building materials. The floors are made from recycled tiles from one of their clients and the entrance is covered in foil from their photographers’ light diffusers, which would have otherwise been discarded; thus the workspace becomes a virtuous loop beyond the message, into meaning. This is a mission that the agency extends into their work, to brandish their expertise in molding behavior into responsible practices.

▼电话亭,phone box © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼圆形会议室,interior of the meeting rooms © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼小型工作区,small working spaces © Javier Agustín Rojas


Abstraction from space and thinking of the agency as a city, invites us to understand the rules and freedoms of flexible planning in our way of living.

▼照明设计,light design © Javier Agustín Rojas

▼轴测图,axonometric drawing © Karina Kreth Architects

▼平面图,plan © Karina Kreth Architects

▼工作桌设计图,drawings of the long working table © Karina Kreth Architects

▼电话亭设计图,drawings of the phone box © Karina Kreth Architects

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