

Located around 35 km northeast of Beijing’s city center in the district of Shunyi, the architects renovated and extended an existing house turning it into their new home for a family of four and two dogs.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Boris Shiu

改造前的地皮是典型的90年代干挂瓷砖农村平房:包括一个120平米的正房和一个45平米的偏房。而随着城市的扩建,曾经的农房也要适应当代白领的生活习惯,建筑的一部分空间已经失去了曾经为了农民劳作而存在的价值。由于建筑是实用主义的砖墙平房,看不到现代结构常用的混凝土柱,因此室内空间有着较大的发挥空间。我们把建筑的天花板拔高到三米,并安装了预制混凝土天花板,使得内部空间更加合乎住宅的尺度,也满足了一家四口的使用。”过半儿guò bàn er的联合创始人Christian Taeubert说:”我们乐于赋予空置房屋第二次生命,将建筑从一个的废弃空间改造成一个热闹的生活场所。

▼改造前,before renovation © Boris Shiu

An existing 125 square meter large main house and a 45 square meter south house typical for the rural fringes of Beijing occupied the plot. The walls of the original building are made from brick without concrete columns. However, an over three-meter tall ceiling height and prefabricated concrete ceiling panels made the existing structure suitable for a modern residential conversion and addition. “We enjoy giving a vacant house a second life, transforming it from a building with inflexible spaces into a place of active living,” says Christian Taeubert, Co-founder of 过半儿 guò bàn er.

▼入口庭院,entrance yard © Boris Shiu

▼庭院细部,details of the front yard © Boris Shiu


Adding 50 square meters to the main house was enough to create a family home at a comfortable size. Located to the north and the south side of the main house are two green spaces fundamental to creating a relatively large central living and social space which visually extends into the gardens on both sides. Two existing 80-year-old date trees had to be moved to make way for the residential addition.

▼宽敞的生活和社交空间,large central living and social space which visually extends into the gardens © Boris Shiu


A 5.8-meter wide and 11.5-meter long space of north-south orientation becomes the backbone of the new home. “We created one generous and central social space, a place where everything is happening within a very simple envelope,” says Christian Taeubert, Co-founder of 过半儿 guò bàn er. Extended roof ceilings provide an exterior-covered seating area on each side. The overhang shields all south-facing rooms from the hot summer sun, while the low-standing winter sun reaches deep into rooms for daylight comfort and additional solar gain. Both ends of the social space are enclosed by a folding glass façade that extends from wall to wall. When fully opened, the adjacent gardens become a natural extension of the living area. A swimming pool and an outdoor kitchen on the north side extend the central social space into the garden.

▼客厅,living room © Boris Shiu

▼客厅细部,details of the living room © Boris Shiu

▼餐厅,dining area © Boris Shiu

▼餐厅细部,details of the dining area © Boris Shiu

住房的外部飞梁横跨南花园并连接到对面的偏房。支撑飞梁的两根柱子和飞梁形成了几个横向门框。这些门框和花园地坪的高度落差将花园划分为不同的室外空间、露台和休息区。横梁、立柱、花园墙壁和朝南的立面都长满了藤蔓。这些植物水汽的蒸发,以及北花园的泳池产生的蒸发冷却效果,使得主空间总能很凉爽,令人们在炎热的夏天都能感到舒适。当两侧的门都被打开时,气流得以穿过房间,再加上两个室内吊扇的作用,主房则拥有了一个舒适的小气候;让人们即使在35到38度的酷暑也用不着空调。过半儿guò bàn er的联合创始人孙敏说:”我们全家都喜欢在户外度过美好时光,因此我们希望消除室内和室外之间的界限。这样我们的孩子可以从南边的院子跑过客厅和餐厅,并一跃进入住宅另一端花园的游泳池,这实在太有趣了!”

Exterior flying beams span the south garden and connect with the house opposite. Two columns supporting the beams create several external portal frames. These portal frames and a height drop in the garden divide the outdoor space into distinguished exterior rooms, terraces, and seating areas. Beams, columns, garden walls, and the south-facing façade are overgrown with vines and other climbing plants. The evaporative cooling effect from the pool water in the north garden and the vast plants in the south garden help to mediate the temperature in the main space just enough to feel comfortable during hot summer days. When both facades are open, a draft crosses the room, and two ceiling fans provide an additional cooling effect. This condition creates a comfortable micro-climate that allows the air conditioner to be turned off even during 35 to 38-degree hot days. “We enjoy spending quality time outside as a family; we wanted to eliminate the line between interior and exterior. Our kids can run from the south yard through the living room and dining area and jump into the pool at the other end; that is so much fun!” says Sun Min, Co-founder of 过半儿 guò bàn er.

▼户外泳池,outdoor pool © Boris Shiu

▼北花园,north garden © Boris Shiu

▼户外厨房,outdoor kitchen © Boris Shiu

▼业主家庭,client family © Boris Shiu


Located to the west of the living area are two children’s bedrooms of identical size. Both rooms have a walk-in closet with a sleeping platform on top of the cabinet. As part of the residential addition, a main bedroom is located east of the main space with an en suite bathroom and a changing room.

▼卧室,bedroom © Boris Shiu

▼儿童房,children’s room © Boris Shiu


An additional bathroom for the children and guests and a storage room complete the program of the main house. Apart from a two-square-meter corridor leading to the washroom and the storage room, the floor plan does not waste any additional area on circulation space, making it remarkably efficient. Crossing the south garden from the main house, one reaches a guest apartment and the family’s Buddha room. A simple 35 square meter storage shed added to the south house makes room for the family’s camping and gardening equipment.

▼浴室,bathroom © Boris Shiu


The existing building was retrofitted with an exterior insulation envelope that continues on the new extension. An efficient air-to-water heat pump that functions until -20 degrees Celsius powers the house’s cooling and heating cycle. A wood pallet oven in the living area complements the heating strategy. It provides enough instant heat in autumn and early spring during cool mornings and evenings without running the floor heating. On cold winter days, the wood pallet oven takes off high peak loads from the heat pump, powering the floor heating. Instead of replacing the rather non-descript existing buildings, the architects integrated them, driven by repurposing the existing structure, saving energy wasted in new construction, and saving on construction costs as much as possible.

▼佛堂,worship room © Boris Shiu


“Our conversion project serves as a model for escaping the spiraling rental costs of Beijing’s inner city. We cut down our monthly rent by two-thirds over the leasing period of 15 years while including the refurbishing costs. However, this certainly comes with a trade-off of commuting to the city every day. It’s a price we were ready to pay,” says Christian Taeubert, Co-founder of 过半儿 guò bàn er.

▼平面图,plan © Boris Shiu

项目名称: M001住宅
项目类型: 私宅改造
竣工日期 :2022年5月
地点: 北京顺义
建筑与室内设计: 过半儿 guò bàn er
设计总监: Christian Taeubert, 孙敏
设计团队: 岳文博, 马诗瑜
照片: Boris Shiu
造型师: Lily Zhao

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