
Design Overview


In this project, we interpret the staircase that leads from the first floor to the attic as the trunk of a tree, see the various separate functional spaces that are located on each floor as the roots and branches of the trunk, and consider the various types of materials as the leaves that change from new to old.space integration is accomplished by connecting language, materials, and details, as well as by spanning different visual points. Each independent space has a different background color, evoking a different emotion in viewers, but they belong to the same context.

▼起居空间,living room © 黑水


The first floor is featured with openness, basic functional requirements, and a decentralized layout. It is organically connected with three functional modules, and each module can be utilized separately or shared depending on the usage circumstance. The second floor contains rooms, while the attic provides space for activities such as listening to music, reading, and drinking tea as well as working. Ans this is a better space to enjoy yourself than the first floor.

▼空间速览,spaces overview © 黑水


Reduce design assumptions and make the residence a recorder of life. The involvement of the user is by far the most appealing aspect of residential space, and of course, this is based on the same frequency and mutual interpretation. The design assumptions for a residential space can only express the shape or form of the space, but its final presentation, wandering experience, and mixed spatial feelings are the most significant aspects. These aspects allow inhabitants to enter the next space with a memory fragment from the previous place.
Placing, storage and organizing are all activities that come up frequently in everyday life. A protected location is required for the storing of emotions. A home like a concrete fortress provides a sturdy exterior and, more importantly, assists us in developing our strength and reconcile with the outside world.

▼陈列空间,display spaces © 黑水

Owners said


I have a vague recollection of the day when we measured the room. We stood in the roughcast house and let our imaginations run wild:
“I hope that this house will someday function as a private library, museum, or coffee shop.”
“I hope it’s classic and simple but also practical.”

▼餐厅,dining room © 黑水


In what seems like the blink of an eye, we have been living in our new house for the past half a year. When we take the time to carefully appreciate this environment, we are consistently moved by every member of this family’s beauty. Absolutely, this is what we had in mind! The bare concrete wall of the art museum, the coffee bar that can be used for a business, the display wall of coffee cups, and the roof study room with triangular geometry…
Even greater than that, it possesses a soul that corresponds to our character.We make coffee, cook, listen to music, play electric games here, and also meditate, burn incense, read books, and drink tea here.It functions as a safe haven for feelings, a screening room for memories, and a storage room for tastes. Get yourself away from the hectic city center as well as the “only big enough to sleep” prototype room. Stay at home and do some introspective traveling to improve oneself. For two people, during the course of their hectic daily routine, they can take a little break to relax in the tea room or by the coffee bar counter, where they can sip coffee and tea respectively. Rest can be achieved simply by remaining in the same location.

▼收藏品在“水泥堡垒”,collections displayed in a “cement castle” © 黑水

Space walk


As you ascend the stairs, you’ll firstly notice the beautiful fusion of concrete texture and various white materials. The absence of concrete stair railings gives the stairs a unique appearance, almost like a “box of light”. This design allows light to flow through and illuminate the different floors, creating a stunning visual effect.

▼“光盒”楼梯间,”light box” stairwell © 黑水

▼入口区域,entrance area © 黑水


Upon entering the living room, it can be observed that the majority of the walls are covered with raw concrete, with the cold colors as the keynote. When light passes through transparent or semi-transparent glass and enters a room, it creates various diffuse reflections on surfaces made of wood and metal and produces different mixed light sensations depending on the lighting conditions and types of lights used.

▼客厅概览,living room overview © 黑水

相较传统的公共区,开放的功能空间以外,在客餐区新置入了一个咖啡冲泡区,现浇混凝土岛台和金属吊挂收纳柜,最大化呈现器皿收藏和咖啡的关系。用内嵌的方式增加可陈列的位置,内嵌在墙上,内嵌在家具上,用于杂志陈列与收纳,随着季节、想法的更迭常看常新,串联着记忆片段赋予空间回想与故事。The house offers more than just a

traditional public area. It boasts an open functional space, as well as a new coffee brewing area, cast-in-place concrete island platform, and metal hanging storage cabinet in the dining area. These features help to optimize the relationship between vessel collection and coffee. By utilizing embedded methods to expand the display area, it is possible to embed the space on walls and furniture, providing a convenient location for storing and displaying magazines. As seasons and ideas shift, various locations can be utilized to showcase different things, creating room for memories and stories to be preserved in memory fragments.

▼咖啡冲泡区,coffee brewing area © 黑水

▼咖啡冲泡区紧邻楼梯,coffee brewing area and stairs © 黑水


The second floor includes a master bedroom and guest rooms, with storage space and a water table in the outer aisle. For the bedroom that offers privacy, the top of the wall features a large white background and the wooden flooring and furniture with a wooden surface in it add to the simplicity and balance of the space, without any unnecessary excessive decoration.

▼卧室概览,bedroom overview © 黑水

▼卧室角落,corners of the bedroom © 黑水


A small square “light box” has been designed at the intersection of the first and second floors. And the stairs are decorated with lights. When the weather is good, sunlight can pass directly through the window frame and illuminate the hallway. During the night, when the lights are turned on, the entire area remains transparent as usual.

▼“光盒”细节,detail of the light box © 黑水


The attic on the third floor is furnished with a tea room and a workspace that can be utilized for various activities such as sipping tea, working, enjoying music, and reading. It is a better place to enjoy yourself than the first floor. The tea room can also function as a third guest bedroom when visitors come over.

▼阁楼概览,attic overview © 黑水

▼饮茶、工作、听歌、看书的空间,a space for sipping tea, working, enjoying music, and reading © 黑水


The attic serves as a versatile space that can be used for various purposes on a daily basis. The attic’s top surface has a unique geometric shape that creates a hidden corner space. This area is utilized to create a tea and meditation area with tatami, which is now the most tranquil corner of the entire space.

▼平面图,plan © qpdro

▼剖面图,section © qpdro

▼剖透视,sectional perspective © qpdro

▼剖透视,attic sectional perspective © qpdro

项目地点:中国 杭州
设计单位:静谧设计研究室 qpdro

  • 2023-07-27
  • 作者:WUY无研建筑
  • 5 0