
Project Overview


This is a home for a family of three. The hostess is a university English teacher who loves reading, cooking and fitness; the host works in the financial industry and likes tea; and their children are passionate about Lego. Considering that this was once the home of the owners’ parents, we wanted to use the language of design to evoke their memories of the place, while at the same time providing independent and interconnected spaces that take into account the personalities and needs of each member of the family.

▼主要空间概览,Overall view © 同在设计

Shape your home with the joys of life


▼轴测分析图,Axonometric Analysis Diagram © 同在设计

At the beginning of the design, solving functional problems and enjoying the interest of life were of same significance. Considering the lighting and ventilation of the basement, we introduced daylight and greenery naturally. The low basement, which was originally like a cave, was meticulously divided into a number of small areas, including a foyer, a tea room, a storage room, and a small patio surrounded in greenery. This design greatly alleviates the monotony of the space, gives it cultural and functional attributes, and makes it present a variety of scenarios of use. The tea room uses some of the furniture from the old house, preserving the unique memories and emotions of the place.

▼地下室空间概览,Basement Space Overview © 同在设计

▼茶室,Tea Room © 同在设计

▼从储藏室看向茶室,View From the Storage Room into the Tea Room © 同在设计

▼延续旧宅记忆的椅子,Chairs That Continue the Memory the Old Mansion © 同在设计


The sky and clouds penetrate into the life, and the indoor and outdoor landscape are skillfully connected. Looking up, you can see the swaying balsam camphor trees. Sitting with a cup of tea for half a day, the depth of connection with nature brings the unique relaxation and coziness at home.

▼被绿植包围的天井,Patio Surrounded by Greenery © 同在设计

▼从天井看向茶室,View From the Patio to the Tea Room © 同在设计

Living Room


The living experience without limitations is also introduced to the first floor. The living room is designed without table, leaving room to breathe, providing a variety of contextual possibilities for daily life; the sky light from the south enters the interior through the French windows, and the semi-transparent curtains soften the direct sunlight. With bamboo shadows and tree shadows subtly changing in between, it reveals the beauty of an alternative shade; the soft-film lamps, like the alabaster discs on the ceiling, project a warm glow at night.

▼客厅,Living room © 同在设计

▼客厅细部,Living room detials © 同在设计



▼餐厅环线分析图,Kitchen analysis © 同在设计

The open dining kitchen adopts a circular dynamic line, which enhances the fluidity and flexibility of the space; the elevated dining table extends from the center island, which can satisfy multiple diners at the same time, and forms a life scene with the kitchen centered on the interaction between daily socializing and cooking.

▼开放式餐厨,Open Kitchen © 同在设计

▼从中厨看向西厨和餐厅,View From the Kitchen to the Western Kitchen and Restaurant © 同在设计

▼西厨细节,Western Kitchen Details © 同在设计


The small bar on the south side of the restaurant is close to the bamboo courtyard, and the design deliberately chooses transparent glass windows and hazy gauze curtains to make the space produce a rich and staggering visual rhythm.

▼从过厅看向吧台,View From the Aisle to the Bar © 同在设计

▼吧台细部,Bar Details © 同在设计

Relying on the source of emotion to form a tranquil state


Compared with the “bright” sightline organization of the public space, the bedroom has a more private view of the landscape, and continues the simple tone of the public area, presenting a quiet wabi-sabi aesthetic; the cloakroom has a good visual relationship with the Koelreuteria paniculata forest on the north side of the residence, and the two-meter make-up table takes into account the rich scenario of the owner’s and her daughter’s needs in the future. The gym on the third floor injects natural energy into the space while expressing regionalism by forming a subtle dialog with the statue of Dayu on the distant Kuaiji Mountain.

▼卧室,Bedroom © 同在设计

▼健身房,Gym © 同在设计

▼衣帽间,Cloakroom © 同在设计



▼阁楼改造分析,Attic Renovation Analysis © 同在设计

In creating the attic space, we tried to think in a more playful way: removing the original walls to maximize the available space, adding skylights to bring in nature and light; and designing a sunken space for the LEGO room on the south side to take advantage of its special height difference. An interesting result is presented with the establishment of the steps – as you walk down the steps, what jumps into your eyes is the framed view of the Koelreuteria paniculata forest; as you stand still, you can look up to the sky.

▼乐高房,Lego Room © 同在设计


The attic on the north side introduces the concept of a modern “library”, which not only meets the needs of daily book collection, but also serves as an interactive place for family members to work and read.

▼“藏书阁”,Library © 同在设计

▼“藏书阁”细部,Library detials © 同在设计

▼观景台细节,Observation Deck Details © 同在设计

▼从观景台远眺会稽山,A Distant View of Kuaiji Mountain from the Observation Deck © 同在设计


At the beginning of the design, we were surprised to find that the small window on the south side of the building provided a glimpse of the scenic beauty of Kuaiji Mountain. We opened it up and designed an observation deck to realize the panoramic view and highly free openness. Thus, the observation deck with a view of Kuaiji Mountain becomes the end of the flow and the climax space of the loft, and creates a spatial contrast with the library.

▼地下室平面图,basement floor plan © 同在设计

▼一层平面图,first floor plan © 同在设计

▼二层平面图,second floor plan © 同在设计

▼三层平面图,third floor plan © 同在设计

▼阁楼平面图,attic plan © 同在设计

公司地址 :浙江省绍兴市越城区大学生创业园

  • 2024-06-19
  • 作者:观行设计
  • 7 0
  • 2024-06-05
  • 作者:Mork-Ulnes Architects
  • 8 0