
安藤忠雄说: “在我的作品中,光永远是一种把空间戏剧化的重要元素.”Tadao Ando said, “In my works, light is always a crucial element that dramatizes the space.”

▼项目概览,project overview © TT摄影


When I first entered this loft, a ray of winter sunlight from the west streamed through the room’s floor-to-ceiling window, breathing life into a small room and making me realize that the most important thing for this little home was to address the lighting well, thus imbuing it with vibrant life. How to create a more comfortable space for family interactions? How to integrate artificial and natural lighting? How to cozily craft an environment with artistic displays? These are the focal points of my considerations.

▼从入口望向室内,view from entry © TT摄影


This is the client’s second home. A freedom of space between this home and another is created. Here, we can incorporate more personal expression. We own a scenario for true, pure, and sustainable exchanges of life, as if imprinting beautiful moments.

▼客厅概览,living room overview © TT摄影



Lead the sunlight into the space. Experience the refreshing comfort and relaxation in a small area And feel the power in the music of Ryuichi Sakamoto.

▼展示墙,display wall © TT摄影



A book, a glass of whiskey, a calmed mind… It’s when you face yourself alone that thoughts freely flow. Here, engage in a dialogue with the book, with another self.

▼阅读时光,reading time © TT摄影



Delicate wool and rough terrazzo; Glossy lighting fixtures and matte coffee table; contrasts of straight lines with curves, squares with circles, lines with dots, all of which create a sense of texture and layers in the space. They complement each other naturally.

▼材质与灯光细部,material and lighting details © TT摄影

生活陈设Living Setup


Lifestyle is an expression of life. The desire for freedom and the idea of being unconstrained are also reflected in the furnishings. The free arrangement of furniture is unconventional, and the interaction and communication among family members are more diverse and fluent.

▼厨房,kitchen © TT摄影

趣味“生活”Quirky “Life”

桌面上的HAY小牙齿陶瓷和墙面挂的无聊计划出品的《拳力以赴》版画与靠墙站着的机器人酒柜形成了趣味的组合,童趣也成了生活乐趣。让房间产生温度的不仅仅是收纳|功能|颜值|,还有对生活充满的热爱。物件就像一个叙事者,传达情怀和美好,治愈的了疲惫。 客厅做了大面积的储物兼具着造型背景的功能,强大的收纳让客厅高效保持整洁,地柜嵌入的壁炉也为冬天的温暖贡献了一份心理上的热度。

On the desk, the HAY small ceramic teeth and the “All Efforts In Fist” print by Boring Plan hanging on the wall, together with the robot-shaped wine cabinet standing against the wall, form a playful combination. Childlike wonder also becomes a joy in life. The warmth of the room comes not only from storage, functionality, and aesthetics, but also from a passionate love for life. Objects act like narrators, conveying emotions and beauty, curing fatigue. The living room is designed for ample storage which also serves as an aesthetic backdrop. The robust storage solutions ensure the living room remains efficiently tidy. A built-in fireplace in the lower cabinet also contributes a psychological warmth during winter.

▼储物兼具着造型背景,storage also serves as backdrop © TT摄影

▼机器人酒柜,robot-shaped wine cabinet © TT摄影


Accompanying simplified and fashionable glass railings up the stairs, the second-floor landing has been transformed into a fusion zone featuring a photography book area and a projection leisure area.

▼楼梯,staircase © TT摄影

▼阅读区,reading area © TT摄影


The master bedroom exudes tranquility in white, striving for maximum comfort, peace, and pleasure. Using pure white to create a space for meditation, it rejuvenates the spirit to face a new day.

▼主卧,master bedroom © TT摄影


The children’s area and reading area on the second floor are connected together, forming a great interactive relationship during the parent-child process. The children’s room also adopts white as the main color, livening up by the addition of duck yellow furniture, creating a lively and blank effect. It allows light to be perfectly reflected to the fullest extent. Artificial lighting is used in many places. Various lighting fixtures produce different lighting effects, making the indoor lighting soft and the visual effect rich. This effectively resolves the issues of spatial oppression and the disadvantages of natural lighting.

▼儿童区一瞥,a glimpse at children’s area © TT摄影

▼儿童区,children’s area © TT摄影

小朋友超级爱到这个房间玩耍,聚会的时候他们都会把这里当成秘密基地,关上门,在自己营造的世界里阻断和大人的视觉联系。小小的他们很得意,为即将为所欲为的疯狂玩耍, 有着大大的期待。而大人则为这一会的情景切换感到尤为欣慰,终于可以安静的聊会天了。这就是空间的转换与我们产生的互动性,衍生了人们的心理和情绪。

Children absolutely love playing in this room. During gatherings, they treat it as their secret base, closing the door to block visual contact with adults and reveling in the world they create. They are very proud, greatly anticipating the wild play to come. The adults, in contrast, feel especially relieved by this temporary change of scene, finally able to have a quiet chat. This is the transformation of space and the interaction it creates with us, evoking people’s psychology and emotions.

▼玩耍的小朋友,child playing © TT摄影

阅读,是最适合投资的一项爱好。作为亲子互动的一个非常棒的情景打造. 半躺在Fatboy懒人沙发上,一会的工夫就讲完了一本绘本。二楼设置的小小休闲区,可以满足聚会、观影、闲聊、吃瓜。

Reading is the most suitable hobby for investment, making for a wonderful parent-child interaction scenario. Half-lying on a Fatboy beanbag, it only takes a moment to finish reading a picture book. The small leisure area set up on the second floor can satisfy gatherings, movie watching, chatting, and gossip.

▼休闲区,leisure area © TT摄影

▼儿童活动室,children playing room © TT摄影


Seletti’s rain boot umbrella stand also looks great when used as a flower vase. The Flos floor lamp paired with the Wassily and airplane suitcase side table brings a vibrant mix of industrial elements. The wall features a trendy print of “Mosaic Girl” produced by the Boring Plan, adding a sense of fun and quirkiness.

▼一层平面图,Plan © TT摄影

▼二层平面图,Plan © TT摄影






设计团队:任德洁 刘恒





材料:木板 乳胶漆 水磨石品牌:书香门第 柏睿天宸

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