Vipp之家 比利牛斯山间的温馨客房

Vipp旗下的第七所民宿坐落于安道尔的历史建筑地标 —— Borda大宅内,这所大宅是一幢当地山区代表性的传统石砌住宅。这座建筑位于安道尔维拉老城区的中心,历史上曾被用来储存谷物与牲畜,如今,则以舒适的当代室内环境与远离大都市的乡村氛围迎接着来自世界各地、对设计与生活有着独特要求的游客们。

The 7th edition of Vipp’s one-of-a-kind guesthouses is situated in an architectural symbol of Andorra —— the Borda, a traditional stone house found in the Andorran mountain region. Historically used to store grains or cattle, the building in the heart of Andorra la Vella’s old town now welcomes design-savvy travellers in a contemporary home-away-from-home setting.

viewing the case Vipp from the street © Irina Boersma

▼外观细部,exterior details © Irina Boersma

在与当地设计咨询事务所Bau Studio的合作下,Vipp在斯堪的纳维亚半岛之外的第一家民宿酒店正式落成。原建筑建于20世纪50年代,独特的舷窗彰显了这座小房子在当时建筑领域的先锋地位,透过这些舷窗,映入眼帘的是充满了“小木屋”风情的温馨室内空间,设计延续了Vipp系列民宿作品中的宁静之感,同时展现了高质量的斯堪的纳维亚设计。

In collaboration with local design consultancy Bau Studio, Vipp has created its first guesthouse outside of Scandinavia. Peeping into the characteristic porthole windows that in the 1950s turned the small house into an avant-garde building of its time, the eye meets a lodge style setting fitted with a serene Scandinavian design sensibility brought forth by the Vipp collection.

▼当地传统的石砌住宅与周边环境,traditional stone houses and their surroundings © Irina Boersma


Unfolding on the first floor of the 100m2 two-story duplex is an open kitchen connected to a dining and living room with a fireplace, a guest toilet with laundry facilities and a small balcony. Ascending the custom metal staircase guests access the bedroom and large bathroom with an open shower and a freestanding bathtub.

▼带有壁炉的客厅,living room with a fireplace © Irina Boersma

▼客厅细部,details of the living room © Irina Boersma

▼开放式厨房与餐厅,dining and kitchen © Irina Boersma

▼餐厅,dining room © Irina Boersma

▼厨房,kitchen © Irina Boersma

从舷窗向外望去,客人们将欣赏到世界上最小的国家之一 —— 安道尔的自然美景。安道尔坐落于法国和西班牙之间,国土面积468平方公里,有着绵延数公里的山谷和高耸入云的山峰。除了壮阔的自然景观外,这里还堪称是真正的自然爱好者的天堂,这个小小的国家拥有比利牛斯山脉中最好的滑雪场,当积雪融化后,这里又将变身为欧洲最好的徒步旅行地点。

Looking out the porthole windows, the city centre of one of the tiniest countries in the world is flanked by 468 sq. km of tumbling valleys and sky-reaching peaks wedged between France and Spain. Guests are in for a jaw-dropping scenery catering to the true nature-lover; in winter, the micro-state offers some of the best ski slopes in the Pyrenees and once the snow melts, some of the best hiking trails in Europe are magnets for active tourists.

▼二层空间概览,overview of the mezzanine floor © Irina Boersma

▼书房区,study © Irina Boersma

▼卧室,bedroom © Irina Boersma

▼洗手间,washroom © Irina Boersma

▼浴室,bathroom © Irina Boersma


Five years ago, the Vipp Shelter marked the first chapter in Vipp’s different kind of hospitality venture now counting 7 destinations where guests can experience the brand ’s philosophy of design in its natural habitat.

▼家具细部,details © Irina Boersma

▼楼梯,staircase © Irina Boersma

“与其在同一个地点建造带有多个客房的传统式酒店,我们更希望在不同的地点创造只有一间套房的独特民宿酒店。虽然我们在每个地方都探索了不同的建筑原型,为它们赋予了独特的性格与身份,但是它们都共同秉承了统一的美学精神,并都采用了Vipp的V1厨房和家具系列。”Vipp的首席执行官和第三代共同所有者Kasper Egelund说。

“Instead of designing one destination with several rooms, we offer several destinations with just one room. While each place explores various architectural archetypes and carries unique identities, the common denominator is a carefully curated aesthetic where the V1 kitchen and furniture collection from Vipp are repeated,” says Kasper Egelund, CEO, and 3rd generation co- owner of Vipp.

▼比利牛斯山景观,landscape of the Pyrenees © Irina Boersma

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  • 2024-06-19
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