深圳反方向的构筑 蘑菇砖金字塔

在 2022 年深港城市建筑双城双年展 “城市生息”的主题下,Link-Arc建筑事务所于深双主展场“物灵之旅”板块采用生长的蘑菇砖为材料,设计了生态装置“反方向的构筑”,旨在为建筑提供“生长”的赋能,打造出一个区别于传统人为建造方式的生态环境,重新审视思考自然、城市的关系。

‘More than Human Adventure’ is the theme of our Exhibition for the 2022 Shenzhen Biennale, titled Urban Cosmologies. In response to the theme Studio Link-Arc proposes to explore the intersection between living organisms and architecture.


Mycelium (mushroom) is a living root-like structure that can sometimes cover thousands of acres. It has tremendous abilities to survive and adapt to various environment and its demands. In this installation we aim to reflect, visualize and learn from such organisms, adapting the languages and techniques of architecture towards the future.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © 白羽


▼概念分析图,concept © Studio Link-Arc

▼轴测图,axonometric drawing © Studio Link-Arc

Using the language of construction, this installation explores relationships between architecture and an ecosystem that is mostly unknown. The aim is to dissolve boundary and create a symbiosis, a collaboration between both realms. The inverted-pyramid shape flips traditional views on its head, illustrating the existence of second natures, double functionality, duplicate purposes, man-made and nature, present and future, and finally growth and decay. A symbol that is also an anti-symbol.

the installation consists of suspended mushroom bricks © 白羽

▼倒金字塔形的多孔结构,the inverted-pyramid shape © 白羽

▼装置近景,closer view of the installation © 白羽


▼分析图,analysis diagram © Studio Link-Arc

▼分析图,analysis diagram © Studio Link-Arc

The installation consists of 400 hanging mushroom bricks, a renewable and bio-degradable material. Bricks are grown rather than manufactured. Using agricultural waste straw, bagasse, wheat bran as substrate, mycelium grows naturally and in time solidifies. The end result is a material with enough structural strength and plasticity that, under the right temperature and humidity, can grow into any shape. Once its life as construction material ends, several months in the soil will see complete degradation of the mushroom brick. There is no burden to the environment.

▼下方水池保证了湿润的微气候,the pool below ensures a humid microclimate © 白羽

▼装置上生长出不同种类的菌落,different kinds of colonies grow on the device © 白羽

▼局部立面,part of the profile © 白羽

▼仰视内部结构,looking up to the interior © 白羽


▼分析图,analysis diagram © Studio Link-Arc

The exhibition takes place in a converted old brewery, with gallery spaces between continuous concrete frame. The indoor-outdoor space provides an ideal place for mushroom bricks to absorb moisture from the air. In addition, a pool is created under the installation to provide a moist micro-climate.

▼装置最主要的材料:蘑菇砖,mushroom brick as the main material of the installation © 白羽

▼装置细部,details of the project © 白羽

▼蘑菇砖细部,details of the mushroom brick © 白羽

▼细部,details © Studio Link-Arc


The mycelium will be deactivated in the manufacturing process. To compensate we selected some bricks to grow fresh mushrooms within after assembly. The hope is to make this installation part of the sustainable ecological cycle, a man-made device that grows and evolves as a living organism.

▼施工过程,construction process © 白羽

▼随风飘动的装置与白色菌丝的生长过程,moving state of the device and the growth process of white mycelium © Studio Link-Arc

▼总平面图,master plan  © Studio Link-Arc

▼各层平面图,plans of each level © Studio Link-Arc

项目名称: 反方向的构筑
项目地点: 中国深圳粤海城·金啤坊
展览时间: 2022年12月10日-2023年3月12日  
主持建筑师: 陆轶辰
项目负责人: 郭诗雨、Luis Ausin、秦思梦、钟臻炜
项目团队: Letty Lau、刘子达、杨灵运、Zeynep Ugur、周睿、马晨浩、胡晓璇、赖宇
生物技术支持: 深圳循环生物科技有限公司
摄影: 白羽,张超
视频剪辑: 王而屹,李昊
主办单位: 深圳市人民政府
承办单位: 深圳市规划和自然资源局、深圳市罗湖区人民政府
执行单位: 广东粤海置地集团有限公司
支持单位: 深圳市双年展公共艺术基金会、深圳市城市规划设计研究院 
专项资金支持: 深圳市文化产业发展专项资金
总策展人: 鲁安东、王子耕、陈伯康
