“自然与艺术从不是孤立存在,作为空间营造的灵魂,二者的对话与生命力连接,更与人文精神相契。”("Nature and art have never existed in isolation. As the soul of space construction, their dialogue and vitality are connected, and they are more in harmony with the humanistic spirit.")
晶莹的琥珀、粗粝的岩石、苍翠的森林......对生态艺术的先锋解构,作为一笔奇妙的叙事线索,贯穿于“林下空间”的整体意境中。在这片藏匿着生机与奇妙的世界里,一场源于自然的野性召唤涌动于空间,从令人记忆深刻的空间符号,达至观者的场域共鸣。(Crystal amber, rough rocks, green forests... The pioneer deconstruction of ecological art, as a wonderful narrative clue, runs through the overall artistic conception of "space under the forest". In this world of vitality and wonder, a wild call from nature surges in space, from memorable spatial symbols to the audiences field resonance.)
西安招商雍澜湾,作为雍系高端迭代著作,于西咸新区秦汉新城匠筑菁英人居标杆。立足稀缺的在地生态资源,项目依托渭河生态景观带,紧邻“西安最美道路”之一的兰池大道,以“一河六园”的布局,敬献一场集萃当代品质与自然本真的理想生活范本。其售楼处的硬装与软装设计由知名设计公司布鲁盟设计执笔。(Xian merchants Yonglan Bay, as a high-end iterative work of the Yongxi department, built a benchmark for elite human settlements in the Qinhan new city of Xixian new area. Based on the scarce local ecological resources, the project relies on the ecological landscape belt of the Weihe River and is close to LanChi Avenue, one of the "most beautiful roads in Xian". With the layout of "one river and six parks", it presents an ideal life model that integrates contemporary quality and natural authenticity. The hard and soft decoration design of its sales office was written by the well-known design company Blu Meng.)01萤萤微光,林下漫游抒叙广袤的生活想象LIMITLESS IMAGINATION
在自然界中,每一个微小生灵的背后,必然牵引着无穷且恒定的奥妙。设计师取意于此,以顶部天花的森绿色硬装结构,加之颗颗晶莹灯饰与金属丝线,织成一片繁茂的森境谧林。走进此地,这一唯美的画面,如同黑夜星空,又如飞舞在森林中的萤火虫,人们环坐于其间,感官与思绪随之飘荡,陶醉于自然的秘境中。(In nature, behind every tiny creature, there must be infinite and constant mysteries. The designer took this as his intention, weaving a lush forest with the forest green hardcover structure on the top ceiling, together with crystal lights and metal wires. Entering here, this beautiful picture is like a starry night, or a firefly flying in the forest. People sit around it, and their senses and thoughts drift with it, intoxicated in the secret realm of nature.)
空间的精神高度与人文意境,源于对美学感知的创造与升华,更在于跨越场域的情感共鸣。由此,设计师站在自然与艺术共生的高度,将室内比喻为生态视域下的 “林下空间”。当人们漫游其中,便沉浸在艺术化的自然景象中,在多重体验的转换间,唤起对生活方式的美好感知。(The spiritual height and humanistic artistic conception of space are derived from the creation and sublimation of aesthetic perception, but also lie in the emotional resonance across the field. Therefore, the designer stood at the height of the symbiosis of nature and art, and compared the interior to the "space under the forest" from the ecological perspective. When people roam among them, they will immerse themselves in the artistic natural scene and arouse the beautiful perception of lifestyle between the transformation of multiple experiences.)
空间的生命力,源自循时而变的天然禀赋与人文脉络。在美的隐喻、生活的哲学中,设计师反复挖掘与解构艺术之外的内涵,空间得以焕发新的生机。(The vitality of space originates from the natural endowment and humanistic context that change with time. In the metaphor of beauty and the philosophy of life, designers repeatedly excavate and deconstruct the connotation outside art, and space can glow with new vitality.)
为了强化空间的主题概念,设计师在水吧区搭建起一个生态实验室场景。在此,小巧的植物装置透出勃勃的自然生机;盛放着浅橙色液体的玻璃器皿,描摹着先锋艺术的形式实验,令人们沉浸在美学与体验并呈的互动中。(In order to strengthen the theme concept of space, the designer built an ecological laboratory scene in the water bar area. Here, the small plant device is full of natural vitality; Glassware containing light orange liquid depicts the form experiment of avant-garde art, which makes people immersed in the interaction between aesthetics and experience.)
02艺术共鸣,灵韵生机一场与自然的奇妙共舞A DANCE WITH NATURE
自然与艺术,情境与体验,设计师从彼此的精巧联结入手,无论是设色细节的呼应、家居材质的表达,还是富有质感的硬装描摹,皆于灵动有致的铺设中,藏匿着对生活的美好观照。(Nature and art, context and experience, designers start with the delicate connection between each other. Whether it is the echo of color details, the expression of home materials, or the description of hard decoration with rich texture, they are all in the smart and beautiful laying, hiding the beautiful view of life.)自然万象的变化,介于新生与速朽的循环之中,作为鲜明而灵动的美学意象,是布鲁盟设计在生态艺术创作中取之不尽的解构灵感。散落在泥士里的亮金色晶石,如同琥珀一般,闪烁着野性的自然光芒,凝固着时光的故事,深入至遥远的岁月里。(The change of natural Vientiane is in the cycle of rebirth and rapid decay. As a bright and flexible aesthetic image, it is the inexhaustible deconstruction inspiration of Blu Meng design in ecological art creation. The bright golden spar scattered in the mud, like amber, glitters with wild natural light, solidifying the story of time, and goes deep into the distant years.)
在这里,设计师于光影的衬托中,表达属于自然界的灵动多姿。穿插其间的灯饰,带着星星点点的萤火光芒,化形为空间的灵动之韵,唤醒从视觉至心灵的深切感知。(Here, the designer expresses the flexibility of nature against the background of light and shadow. The lights interspersed between them, with little fireflies, turn into the smart charm of space, and awaken the deep perception from vision to soul.)
水雾濛濛的屏风隔断,在翻折的弧度间,构成了深度洽谈区的独特基底。不止于形式上的组合,设计师透过材质与设色的具象展演,让空间呈露出强烈的自然气息,最终延展为体验者对生活的无限想象。(The foggy screen partitions the unique base of the deep negotiation area between the folded arcs. Not only the combination of form, the designer shows a strong natural flavor through the concrete performance of material and color, and finally extends it to the infinite imagination of the experimenter on life.)
走至转角,在疏密相间的动线编排下,一隅的座椅布置,加之暖橙、森绿、雅白的混合设色,构建出一处自在休憩的角落。人穿行于其间,每一次游走与转折,都被赋予林下漫游的奇妙体验,充盈着无尽的趣意与活力。(Walk to the corner, under the dense dynamic line arrangement, the seat layout in a corner, combined with the mixed colors of warm orange, forest green and elegant white, build a comfortable and relaxing corner. People walk through it. Every walk and turn is endowed with a wonderful experience of roaming under the forest, filled with endless interest and vitality.)
放大至空间画面的细节,素朴的陶土瓷器花瓶、天然的红土岩石、清新的花卉绿植、色彩绚丽的蝴蝶,是传递自然的灵魂媒介,令周遭流淌的气息皆为静谧、温暖、怡人与自在。(Zoom in to the details of the space picture. Simple earthenware porcelain vases, natural lateritic rocks, fresh flowers and plants, and colorful butterflies are the soul media to transmit nature, making the breath flowing around quiet, warm, pleasant and comfortable.)
“真正有生命力的设计,在于对自然灵感与意象的再演绎。在当代都市的语境下,我们不追从空洞的审美,而是希望借由设计的笔墨,将变化万千的自然之美,润物细无声地融入人们的生活。”("The real vitality of design lies in the reinterpretation of natural inspiration and images. In the context of contemporary cities, we do not follow the empty aesthetic, but hope to use the pen and ink of design to integrate the changing beauty of nature into peoples lives silently.")
在这里,自然与艺术并非孤立的。从波浪形结构的沙发、暖橙色皮质屏风至几株繁盛生长的青翠绿植,设计师透过高低错落的规划布局,将二者的诗意渗透至空间的每一寸,而一隅的金属球体装置,像是一个闪烁发光的星球,引申出场域之外的丰盈意境。(Here, nature and art are not isolated. From the sofa with wavy structure, the warm orange leather screen to several lush green plants, the designer infiltrates the poetry of the two into every inch of the space through the scattered planning layout, and the metal sphere device in a corner, like a shining planet, leads to a rich artistic conception outside the field.)
带着对空间精神高度与先锋创意的深刻思考,布鲁盟设计以一场自然与艺术交织的“林下漫游”,书写西安招商雍澜湾的奇妙叙事。正如其所说:“设计不止是营造一个空间,更是打造生活发生的场所和一个精神思想的载体。”在这里,灵动的生态景象跨越了时空的局限,经由艺术的再演绎,最终归于心灵与情境彼此契合的目的地,预示着对未来都市生活的美好想象。(With a deep reflection on the height of space spirit and avant-garde creativity, Blu Meng design uses a "roaming under the forest" intertwined with nature and art to write a wonderful narrative of Xian merchants Yonglan Bay. As he said, "design is not only to create a space, but also to create a place where life takes place and a carrier of spiritual thoughts." Here, the smart ecological scene has crossed the limitations of time and space. Through the re interpretation of art, it finally belongs to the destination where the soul and the situation fit each other, indicating a beautiful imagination of future urban life.)