杭州法甜空间 极简下的复古浪漫


Followed by Kerry Center Store, Petit·Yanran Xinyue Store on Yanan Road, Shangcheng District is the second store. Say hopes that the new store on the side of the street will not bring the sense of distance to customers while keeping French elegance and romance. The French experience can be obtained easily in this moderate way.

▼餐厅室内空间概览,overview of the interior ©汪敏杰

Exquisite Elegant under Minimalism


In Paris, while visiting local historical sites and walking on streets and lanes, tourists will find that cream-colored stone brick buildings with carefully carved details of different shapes on a large area of stone are seemingly local culture symbols.

▼门店外观概览,overview of the exterior ©汪敏杰


Because the abstraction of urban texture will be reflected in the French dessert space after abandoning traditional understanding, giving up complex columns, carved patterns and decorative lines, Say hopes that the overall space can focus on materials and simple forms and inclusively present romantic exquisite beauty under neo-classicism in a modern and reserved language. The external wall of the original building shows the stone texture meeting our imagination. A sunshade is added based on the arched storefront style and rough stone texture, making the facade layered and creating the atmosphere of a coffee and dessert shop in a foreign country.

▼由用餐空间看向吧台,a view from the main dining area to the bar ©汪敏杰

the bar has both display and ordering functions ©汪敏杰

Draw an Urban Roaming Map


This is a two-floor store. Limited by conditions, two floors are separated independently. On the first floor, there are seating and gift areas; on the second floor, there are seating area, private kitchen and transparent dessert preparation room. Taking a panoramic view of the plans, the integrity and functionality of each space are kept in composition and proportion.

▼法甜店商场入口,the entrance from the mall to the Patisserie ©汪敏杰


In atrium, a semi-circular area is regarded as the display area of desserts and gifts. While bringing smooth arrangement of dynamic lines to the seating area, the cambered wall standing in the center is used for proper obscure vision between the store and the shopping mall; the semi-open design endows the sense of separation.

▼半圆弧形伴手礼展示区,the semi-circular display area ©汪敏杰

▼伴手礼展示区近景,close shot of gift display shelf ©汪敏杰

entering the main dining area along the circular corridor ©汪敏杰


Candlestick-style wall lamps and inlaid floor lamps seemingly bring the space a retro and solemn dramatic effect.It’s like wandering through local history. Curved wall reflects the simple application of arc elements in local buildings, softly expressing hard stone. Facing the west, the store will be covered by afternoon sunlight, adding a warn tone to the space.

▼用餐区桌椅近景,close shot of the seats ©汪敏杰

Practical Decorationism


If arc expresses rich emotions, straight line is a smooth and clean language in a simple, straightforward way. Set off by a large area of retro cream-coloured tone, the bar counter applies cone pattern and stone fully, lightening the overall space. Except exquisite desserts, the dining table is made of black stone scattered with golden, which will distract customers’ attention to the artistic pattern extending from orderly conflicts.

▼吧台表面石材近景,close shot of stone pattern of the bar ©汪敏杰


Although the complex expression way is abandoned, Say still keeps the core of exquisiteness. Through simple texture and block surface processing, perfect integration is realized, and the distance with customers is closed for better personal experience. Starting from actual perception, customers will see and taste the rich layers of desserts.

cream-colour tone stone was applied to the entrance handrail ©汪敏杰

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©SAY ARCHITECTS

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©SAY ARCHITECTS

设计公司:say architects

江苏天目湖游客展示中心 以“隐者”态度处理建筑与自...
  • 2022-09-01
  • 作者:南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司
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