

Stage is the design concept of this cinema. Since the old days, the stage has served as a space for actors or performers and a focal point (the screen in cinema theaters) for the audience. Designers extracted, especially the stage lighting as the main element for this project design.

▼影厅概览,overview ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


Spotlights are probably the first thing people would associate with stage lighting. Designers used spotlight as a single unit to create unique lighting fixtures on the lobby ceiling. These ‘spotlights’ are assembled in two layers, pointing outwards at opposite directions. They created rectangular shapes in various sizes. When guests arrived, they would immediately notice these rectangular blocks, which are hanging randomly in different angles ‘floating’ above their heads. Once they look closer, they can easily relate this design with the ‘stage’ concept.

▼影院大堂,the lobby ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

为了增加整个室内的照明效果,设计师使用红铜色的金属材质,通过金属的质感,将光线漫反射呈现于中间中,以至于空间之中的光线能够满足日常经营。 这个项目的配色方案,黄色、橙色与“照明”元素密切相关,其它部分的暗色调,则应和舞台上光影的效果。这正是人们看到舞台所感受到的第一反应。

In order to increase the lighting effect throughout the interior, designers used bronze to create more reflective surfaces. The ‘spotlights’ shine on the walls of the interiors, creating interesting lights and shadows effects, which may vary depending on the angles of the guests’ perspectives. The colour schemes of this project, e.g. yellow and orange are also closely related to the ‘lighting’ elements. These are the colours people associate with when they first thought about lightings.

▼红铜色金属墙增强照明效果,bronze used to increase lighting effect ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


Once guests arrive in the hallway, the ‘spotlights’ appear again, but in a different form – instead of grouping together in layers, they are now decorating the space as single units, each pointing at different angles, e.g. floors, seatings, walls. It creates interesting lights and shadows visual impact throughout the interior.

▼休息区,rest area ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼入场通道,the hallway ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼不同指向的聚光灯,the ‘spotlights’ pointing at different angles  ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


The ‘lighting dots’ are also derived from the spotlights elements. They arranged themselves in groups and decorated the walls randomly along the hallway. Some of them also formed signates like house numbers and directions, guiding the guests to the correct locations.

▼灯具细部,details ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


Most of all, this is not only a place catered for screening movies. There is actually a stage created at an auditorium for live performances of all kinds.

▼影城内部空间,interior view ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼看向荧幕,view of the screen ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼座椅区,seating area ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼影厅出口,exit ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼VIP厅,VIP room ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼舞台地毯,the stage ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


Designers hope that this project can also provide a space for actors or talented performers to carry out live shows which would encourage social interaction among the local communities.

▼细部,details ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

项目名称 深圳金逸影城
设计方 壹正企划有限公司
项目设计 & 完成年份 2021年
主创及设计团队 罗灵杰、龙慧祺
项目地址 深圳
建筑面积 7200㎡
摄影版权 © Jonathan Leijonhufvud
客户 金逸影业
