This is Brunch&bar
I’m fine Bar所传递给客人们的是:我很好,你好吗?来到这里的顾客,不论工作和生活的繁忙与疲惫,来到这里,吃些简餐,和三五好友一起美美的小酌一杯,忘却疲惫,身心愉悦。I’m fine Bar希望顾客在这里能够得到舒适的体验,认识一些热情有爱的人们。
What I’m Fine Bar conveys to guests is that I’m fine, how are you? Customers come here to eat some simple meals regardless of busy work and life. Several friends gather together to drink wine to enjoy physical and mental pleasure. I’m Fine Bar hopes that customers can enjoy themselves and meet some loving people here.
▼店铺外观,exterior view © 生辉 丛林
▼入口细部,details © 生辉 丛林
Brand Culture
In the running-in period between brand and space logic, what we need to do is how to make space and brand in tune with each other. As the brand’s unique symbol, cactus expresses the tenacious vitality, and the enthusiastic spirit of the brand.
▼入口景观,landscape by the entrance © 生辉 丛林
cactus expressing the enthusiastic spirit of the brand © 生辉 丛林
We try to convey a fashionable and enthusiastic experience to our customers in this small space. We hope that it could be different from the fancy bars of the past.
▼从室内空间看入口,view of the entrance © 生辉 丛林
▼入口旁的用餐区,dining area by the entrance © 生辉 丛林
In this connection, we are alert to this kind of stereotypical high-level sense, and instead make the space more natural and plain. It was like we travel through a desert city, and suddenly see sparse cactus bushes and a lake in the desert, which is surprising and out of the ordinary.
▼用餐区,dining area © 生辉 丛林
▼品牌墙,brand wall of the dining area © 生辉 丛林
In order to make sure different interaction between customers, we are roughly divided it into four areas: hall booth area, round booth area, bar area and VIP area. Behind the circular booth, we set up the kitchen and toilet area. Due to the limited space, we set up the second floor as the VIP private room.
▼吧台区,the wine bar © 生辉 丛林
▼吧台近景,details of the wine bar © 生辉 丛林
A circular staircase surrounds the circular booth, and we have a fireplace in the middle of this area, which is suitable for friends to sit around the fireplace, bringing a great experience of night conversation around the fireplace. The lobby booth area is more convenient for people to take a nap and communicate each other. Movable tables and chairs are available for holding activities. The bar area is ideal for one or two person to interact with and get a close look at how the bartender’s wine is made. The VIP area can protect the privacy of customers on the one hand, and is suitable for private parties.
▼楼梯通向二层vip区,stairs leading to the second floor © 生辉 丛林
▼区域中间设置壁炉,a fireplace in the middle of this area © 生辉 丛林
Sense of Desert
Overall, we use the brick-red artistic paint texture, as well as the original texture of clay red bricks, giving the whole space a natural and hot desert feeling. The metallic feeling of stainless steel and the coolness of glass brick bring the texture of a spring in the desert to the whole space scene.
▼砖红色的艺术涂料肌理,the brick-red artistic paint texture © 生辉 丛林
Material & The Five Elements
In terms of material vision, we try to realize material redistribution from the perspective of Yin and Yang and five elements of Chinese culture. The earth property of artistic paint and red brick, the gold nature of stainless steel, the water nature of glass brick, the fire nature of lamp lights and fireplaces, as well as the wood nature of green plants and wood floors, formed the circulation of five elements.
▼楼梯上的视角,view from the stairs © 生辉 丛林
▼楼梯间一瞥,view from the staircase © 生辉 丛林
Past and Future
On another level, we try to achieve a dialogue between the past and the future with a spatial vocabulary. Thanks to the constant changes of material, the combination of form and function of the space, the plain brick color and old wooden floor, as well as the red volcano, the circular and linear lighting, space doors, etc., each and every one could have a wonderful experience just like travelling from the past to the future. Whether you linger on the past or look forward to the future, please appreciate it and discover it from your heart and soul. That’s what we want to inspire you.
▼门与窗洞,doors and windows © 生辉 丛林
We tried to decorate the space with more natural and cost-effective materials. For example, we decorated the wall with the most common clay red brick, and we used a lot of recycled old wood floors to decorate the ground. In the space design, we try our best to achieve low-carbon and sustainable works. With the simplest materials and a small budget, we ensure customers have a good experience and realize the value of the brand and space.
▼墙体细部,details of the wall © 生辉 丛林
▼平面图,plans © 上海境似设计研究室
▼剖面图,section © 上海境似设计研究室
项目名称:I’m fine
Project Name: I’m fine
Location : Wuxi,China
Design Company: Studio JS.D
Chief Designer: Jingsi Peng
Assistant Designer: Xiaoyu Wu
Area: 180square meters
Cost: 5 million
Design Cycle: August 25, 2020-September 3, 2020
Completion time: November15, 2020
Main Materials: Stainless steel, red brick, terrazzo, art paint, old wood
项目摄影:生辉 丛林
Photographer: Hui Sheng, Lin Cong