秦皇岛阿那亚第四食堂 探索餐饮空间的多样形态


Cafeteria 6 is located in aranya seaside resort community by the coastline of Bohai Sea, China. The project located beneath Quanshe hotel designed by Jiajing Zhang, Atelier GOM. This underground space is planned as a restaurant opening to aranya property owners and tourists.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©清筑影像

这个位于地下的空间拥有多面混凝土砌筑的墙体,天花板被犬舍酒店直通下来的机电设备覆盖,呈现出一种粗犷的外观质地,令人联想到冷酷刚硬的工业场景。YSPACE希望保留这些原有元素,并将这种粗野主义和工业感引入该项目硬装饰的主题中,不加掩饰地展现出来。另一方面,YSPACE对食堂的整体氛围展开遐想,应是温暖热闹,烟火气十足的。设计团队力图在这样的 “矛盾“中寻找一种平衡,让冷静与热情、粗野与细腻、理性与浪漫共存。

There are multiple concrete walls left in the original underground space, and electrical equipments from above Quanshe hotel has completely covered the ceiling. These elements brought the space a harsh and rustic appearance, reminding people of the cold industrialization. YSPACE wishes to expose these original elements, and treat this sense of brutalism and industrialization as a main concept of the interior finishing. On the other hand, YSPACE imagined the overall atmosphere for Cafeteria 6 to be warm and busy. The design team tried to reach a balance in such a ‘contradiction’, which could be existed between calmness and enthusiasm, brutalism and delicateness, rationalism and romanticism.

▼位于半地下的食堂入口,entrance to the cafeteria at the semi-underground level ©唐徐国

▼室内空间概览,overall view of the interior space ©唐徐国


The interior area of Cafeteria 6 is 2833㎡, the kitchen area is 617㎡, the pick-up area is 150㎡, the service area is 210㎡, and others are dining area for customers. YSPACE utilized the area that has most columns and irregular corners as the kitchen, while the service area spreading to all direction around the whole space. Moreover, the wider space in the middle where lightwells located is designated as customers activity space.

▼分解轴测图,exploded axonometric ©明懿空间设计



餐厅入口过渡空间为方便带宠物出行的客人使用,特别设置了宠物寄存空间,并搭配有宠物零食贩卖机和宠物饮水机。The transition space at the entrance specially marked off storage space for pets keeping, accompanied with humanized vending machine that sells pet snacks and pet-used water dispenser, to be easy to use for customers with pets.

▼入口空间,entrance space ©唐徐国

▼入口空间细部,details of the entrance space ©朱一鸣




Making use of irregular volumes and shapes in the space, we enclosed a fast food area, and a picking up route in 37m length. The surrounding dining area could accommodate 370 people eating here at the same time.

▼餐线通道,pick up route ©唐徐国

▼排队等候空间,waiting area ©唐徐国

▼明档就餐区,dining area with cooking station ©唐徐国


There are 3 rows of cashier path at the end of picking up circulation, which can satisfy the situation of a 5m long queue waiting for the cashier during the rush hour to avoid traffic jam.

▼收银通道,cashier path ©唐徐国

▼收银台和取餐台细部,details of the cashier and pick up table ©唐徐国




The dining area has been divided into lounge seats and VIP seats. We prefer to supply the property owners of Aranya with those area with more privacy, better scene, and less dining density. There are two condiment bars on the paths in two directions of dining area, for the convenience of customers sitting all around the restaurant. Besides, it efficiently reduces service frequency of the operation.

▼散客就餐区,dining area ©唐徐国

visitors could enjoy the outdoor landscape through the high window ©唐徐国

VIP dining area, skylight bringing sunlight into the space ©唐徐国

▼VIP就餐区,更为私密的空间,VIP dining area with a more private atmosphere ©唐徐国




Influenced by COVID-19, we take more care of meal hygiene and food safety. Therefore, the design team set two hand-washing area at each entrance to Cafeteria 6. One of the hand-washing area connected to lifts of Quanshe hotel is closed to the toilet, which is distant to the one by the escalator. In this case, two hand-washing area can effectively avoid the chaos circulation during the rush hours.

▼洗手区和母婴室,hand-washing area and baby care room ©唐徐国




The design team decided to use logged ash wood with comfortable tactility as the main material of furniture, to warm up the interior environment. Cafeteria 6 has been shaped to a creative dining space with cleanness and coziness, by showing people strong contrast between vision and tactility.

▼家居细部,details of the furniture ©唐徐国




Natual daylight sprinkled into underground interior space through 7 glazing patios, gently lighting the green plants growing in. YSPACE utilized the ‘God’s Perspective’ technique in filmset, illustrating people who come to Cafeteria 6 with a unique angle to observe the plants in lightwells. Joyness is endless as the season shifts. Time passes and lighting changes, these enclosed space silently demonstrating their special beauty.

▼采光天井,light well ©唐徐国


In spring, everything grows, flowers and grass swaying in the gentle spring breeze which took coldness away, patterns of light and mottled shadow pleasure people a lot. During summer, the streamline rain screen falling down along the glass, and the densely tall plants inside the hazy lightwells, provide people sitting in Cafeteria 6 with the most natural shelter. Autumn, the plain daylight sometimes leaking in through the splintery leaves reflects clean and refreshing interior environment. The rustling snow in midwinter floating in the lightwell will become the background scenery painting when people dining around the stove in Cafeteria 6.

▼天井下的植物,vegetation in the light well ©唐徐国




diagram of the lighting installation for the dining table ©明懿空间设计

The lighting of Cafeteria 6 combines warm and cool lighting source, in order to respond to the ‘contradiction’ that YSPACE would like the whole space to reveal. The space is full of contrast as well as demonstrating rich layer effect. Primary circulation lighting applied 4000k spotlight in cool tone on rail to echo with the steel pipes and exposed air-conditioner boxes on the ceiling, highlighting the cleanness and coolness of the concrete walls. While the decoration lighting and key lighting for the dinning tables utilized 3500k warm light to visually make people focus on scenarios in short distance, such as the delicious food on the table and natural beauty of people sitting opposite. The relaxing and romantic dining environment is gold plated by the warm light makes people dining there feel comfortable and peaceful. Lighting not only helps shape the atmosphere, at the same time it also causes positive psychological suggestions to people’s moods.

spotlight integrated with the dining tables ©唐徐国




The decoration for the walls mainly applied array technique, enhancing the vision shock to people as well as reducing the costs of furnishing. Glass bottles procured from IKEA and personalized white message board are the most common objects in daily life. However, after array and layout with cautious, these little objects are in hierarchy and full of fun.

▼休息区,resting area ©唐徐国


When it comes to the choose of arrayed elements, it primarily obeyed the principle of originating to the local culture, as the choose of message board was to emphasize the core concept of ‘community’ in Aranya. Neighbors meet and greet to each other, from children to elders, every one is happy to share as much as what they have got. Cafeteria 6 was designed as a social place for neighbors to gather, interact, and communicate, these message boards hanging on the wall surface supply a new way for these interactions between people.

▼墙面上装饰定制的留言板,customized messaged boards decorating the wall ©唐徐国


The inspiration of glass bottles hanging on the wall while comes from drift bottles by the sea. Sand in the bottle was taken from the seaside beach of Aranya, and was filled in the bottle by hands of YSPACE team. Drift bottles thrown into the sea will go somewhere nobody knows, however, in Cafeteria 6, all of wishes and bless will be seen.

▼漂流瓶,drift bottles ©唐徐国

▼留言板和漂流瓶细部,details of the message boards and drift bottles ©唐徐国

“动物是人类最亲近的朋友,它们从不提问,也从不指责。” ——乔治 · 艾略特

“Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” —— George Eliot

▼宠物寄存空间,pet deposit space ©唐徐国

▼轴测图,exploded axonometric ©明懿空间设计

设计团队:蒋志成 | 施工图设计,杨依伦 | 软装设计 效果图设计,张萌萌 | 软装设计 VI设计,李沼阳,李攀,赵书宁,曹超锋,宋智斌 
竣工时间:2021. 6. 10

建筑设计:上海高目建筑设计咨询有限公司 | Atelier GOM

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