
1 缘起
Where the idea starts


The project is located at Shapotou, Zhongwei, Ningxia, a national nature reserve as well as a national AAAAA-rated scenic area on the southeast brink of Tengger Desert. This is the place to discover the desert, the Yellow River, high mountains and oases, the scenery full of the grand northwestern miracles and the delicate southern elegance. Here you can traverse Tengger Desert on camels or surf the sand dunes in an all-terrain, and immerse in the poetic sight of “a lonely column of smoke rising upright in the vast desert, and the sun setting round towards where the long river flows”.

▼项目鸟瞰,Overall aerial view © 夏至

▼沙漠中的钻石酒店,The Diamond Hotel in the desert © 夏至


The desert is a unique component of nature, where the enormous temperature difference day and night, the vehement ultraviolet radiation, the bitterly savage sandstorms and the extremely dry weather make it a not very livable place. Without modern technologies, human beings can hardly survive there. Naturally, to build a hotel in the desert is a highly challenging attempt, and we all show our ultimate respect from the very beginning. The desert landscape, however, serves also as a source of infinite inspiration to me, for it exhibits a series of seemingly contradictory but fusing aspects: vast and mysterious, romantic and cruel, desolate and passionate, quiet and capricious.

▼广阔又神秘的沙漠,Vast, mysterious desert © 谢湲

▼玻璃反射着粉红色的彩霞,The glass reflected a pink glow © 谢湲


We hope our architectural works will be of a serene quality, full of respect instead of humility, and firm instead of pertinacious in attitude. It simply stands there in peace, but you feel the power in it. It’s is this power that brings you away from the hubbubs of daily life and brings you back into your inner cosmos, where you draw new energy and liberate your soul. Such architecture should bear a tinge of surrealism, with a bit of science fiction and a bit of romance.

▼静静地伫立的星礼堂,The Star Hall stands still © 夏至

2 灵感
The inspiration


▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing ©水石设计

What we want to build is a pure, sturdy and eternal residence, like a diamond that shines with brilliance, stays robust and is crystal clear. In front of its purity, like in front of the boundless desert, people feel the “void”, the nonexistence of constancy of everything, and the nonexistence of ego. The power of “void” has a gigantic potential; its sturdiness, like its Greek name “adamas”, means invincible or unconquerable. Diamond is worked adamas, which is the hardest substance in the world, and represents firm belief and strong will; diamond can confront fire and iron and has a supernatural power. It symbolizes eternity.

▼整体鸟瞰,Aerial view © 夏至

▼酒店客房部分半鸟瞰,Bird ‘s-eye view of the hotel rooms © 夏至

▼客房部分立面,Guest room facade © 夏至

▼建筑体量回应了沙漠地形,The building volume responds to the desert terrain © 夏至


▼星礼堂分析图,Analysis diagram of the Star Hall ©水石设计

After being cut, polished and placed in the light, the clear, pure diamond radiates splendid colors like a brilliant star in the night sky. Ningxia is the “home of stars”, and Shapotou, particularly quiet at night, is the place to contemplate stars, a romantic event that has been there for thousands of years. When night falls, stars shine brightly in heaven. The Desert Star Hotel, the first phase of the project (Zones A, B & C), is China’s first desert and star-themed resort hotel, and enjoys now super popularity on the internet. What we are talking about now is the second phase of the project, which will be a luxurious outdoor boutique resort hotel offering more vivid themes and original experiences for guests requiring more high-quality amenities and spiritual satisfaction. And through the concept of “diamond”, a connection is established between the desert and the starry sky, and between man and nature. That’s the starting point of our design work.

▼星礼堂鸟瞰,Aerial view of the Star Hall © 夏至

▼星礼堂外观,Exterior view of the Star Hall © 夏至

▼由水景看星礼堂,View of Star Hall by water feature © 夏至

3 建筑是媒介,链接了“人”与“自然”
Architecture, the media between man and nature


The vast emptiness and tranquility of the desert are a sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city. When we cast our eyes on a city and its buildings and spaces, our thoughts and judgment are more rational and humanistic, our attention is more on interpersonal relations, and we tend to discuss their public aspects. With the desert, this specific landscape of nature, however, we must respect it, because architecture here is more like a medium, which stresses the man-nature relationship and creates an experience to convert primitive nature into a place to connect human beings, establishing a deeper liaison between man and nature by manmade structures. This is a process that depends on intuition and sensibility.

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © 星星酒店

越是远离城市的喧嚣就离真正的自我越近,也更容易让内心深处的能量释放出来。在这里,人们更容易获得精神层面的满足感。人们来到这里,更多的不是为了寻求安逸的体验,而是希望去体验大自然最原始的状态,去寻求一种超乎寻常的极致体验。 这些独特的体验与人在城市中的生活反差极大的,但无疑也是人们追求完整人生的一部分。

The farther away from the city, the nearer to the true ego, and the easier to release the deep energy in our hearts. Here, people are more liable to be satisfied on the spiritual plane, and they come here more often than not, not to seek leisure, but to experience the most primitive nature and the extreme extraordinaries. Such unique experiences are the opposite to their city life, but remain part of their pursuit of a complete life.

▼顶视图,Top view © 星星酒店


We hope the architecture in the desert will bring out the potential energy of nature, and turn it into something that people can experience in person. We want to emphasize a special contrast and an in-depth experience to extend and complement city life.

▼酒店公区顶视图,Top view of the public area of the hotel © 星星酒店

▼星礼堂部分顶视图,Top view of the Star Hall © 星星酒店


▼分析图,Analysis diagram ©水石设计

To show our respect to nature, we hide the architecture among sand dunes to avoid the howling gusts. When the rhythmic soft curves of the sand dunes meet the sharp geometric motifs of the sculptural architecture, a subtly dramatic effect is created as if an angular life nestles in the tender embrace of mother nature. Due to the converging irregular sections, the space loses its ordinary three-dimensional feature, and people in it feel a kind of hugging protection in the center of energy, listening to the voice of the heart.  Life is but a moment in the miraculous cosmos, only the cosmos of the soul is the eternity.

▼客房部分,Guest room section © 星星酒店

▼客房部分半鸟瞰,Half bird’s eye view of the guest room section © 星星酒店


The cold and the warm collide here, and so do the bright and the dark, the illusive and the real, in line with the seemingly contradictory but fusing charm of the desert: vast and mysterious, romantic and cruel, desolate and passionate, quiet and capricious. The architecture amplifies nature and gives the invisible light and wind a tangible form.

▼客房一侧向沙漠景观敞开,One side of the room opens to a desert view © 星星酒店

▼星礼堂,Star Hall © 星星酒店

4 让“光”成为建筑的“第二层皮肤”
Make light a second skin to the architecture


For the surface of the architecture, we adopt a somewhat coarse paint, of a greyish white color in consideration of the strong sunshine in the desert. When the sun shines on it, you can perceive the shimmering of the mineral grains, just like the shimmering sand grains in the sun. The white surface can best bring out the color of the sky, making the light a second skin to the architecture. The sunlight in different seasons and at different moments of the day blends the architecture with the desert, the sky and the heavenly bodies, and turns it into a timepiece. By looking at the change of light and shadow on the architecture, you can easily tell what time it is of the day. Like people’s sentiments, the changing light and shadow are full of life.

▼夜景鸟瞰,Night view © 夏至

▼项目宛如沙漠中的点点星光,The project is like a speck of starlight in the desert © 夏至

▼公区夜景,Public area night view © 夏至


In the design of the architectural surface, we adopt triangular star lights of various sizes, which are embedded in it to produce a changing texture. This design language is applied as a uniform motif throughout the architecture. Each triangular star light has a custom lamp box, the three inner sides of which are made of mirrors to reflect light infinitely. Take a close look, and you will find it similar to a kaleidoscope of endless changes; stepping back a little to have a broader view, you will perceive these star lights arranged at two variable intervals converge towards the angle to highlight the edges of the “diamond”; and when night falls, to have a complete picture, the lighting control system controls the star lights in alternate flashes. These lights breathe at night, as if they have come to life, to echo the brilliant galaxy.

▼夜景鸟瞰,Night view  © 星星酒店

▼夜景鸟瞰,Night view © 星星酒店

▼钻石般的建筑,Diamond-like architecture © 星星酒店

▼客房外观夜景,Room exterior night view © 星星酒店

▼客房外观夜景,Room exterior night view © 星星酒店

▼星礼堂夜景,Star Hall night view © 星星酒店

▼夜景鸟瞰,Night view © 夏至

▼外观夜景,Night view © 夏至

5 沙漠中的建筑,更是建筑中的沙漠
Architecture amid the desert, or desert between architecture?


The desert has a unique beauty, vast, romantic, quiet, mysterious and eternal. When we travel, one of our aims is to have some brand-new extreme experiences quite different from our daily life. They should be miraculous, original and unforgettable. In the design of the hotel, the core idea is to have the desert scenery incorporated in every way and to the ultimate extent. To have a desert view in the architecture should be part of the design. All windows with a view of the desert are designed in the profile of a diamond. The indoor spaces are an extension of the architecture design, and have irregular sections to match the entire architecture.

▼酒店公区室内,Hotel public area interior © 星星酒店

▼酒店公区,Hotel public area © 星星酒店


All the spaces are arranged one next to another in the narrow, long plot for construction, to create a ritual space sequence in axial symmetry. Right in the middle are the hotel’s public amenities and service area: at Level 1 are Japanese restaurant and lounge bar, close to the outdoor diamond-shaped swimming pool and terrace. Here the rolling sand dunes play a part and hide the logistics that are concealed under Level 1; Level 2 accommodates the arrival area, lobby bar and reception. In appearance, it is a giant diamond with 27 sides. Inside the main entrance to the public area is designed an embedded negative diamond-shaped space composed of several sections, and the repeated mirror reflection gives it a blurred yet brilliant luster. Once inside, you will feel that you are in the diamond, and you are the heart of it. We hope the guests may have a surreal experience before they enter the hotel. When the auto door opens gradually, the giant diamond-shaped glass panel lets the whole desert indoors, to the great excitement of the guests.

▼灯光设计,lighting design © 星星酒店

▼细部,details © 谢湲

▼三角形开窗,Triangular window © 谢湲

▼由公区看星礼堂,From the public area to the Star Hall © 星星酒店

▼由公区看星礼堂,From the public area to the Star Hall © 星星酒店


▼分析图,Analysis diagram ©水石设计

In the middle of the public area, we have designed a ritual promenade that extends to the north, and at the end of the promenade is the Star Hall encircled by a round plaza. As the tallest and most important symbol of the entire hotel, the Star Hall, though only 100-odd square meters for ritual space, has a star roof of more than 27 meters high. And the large triangular French door of more than 10 meters high welcomes the setting sun indoors. This is the most important ritual space, where people join the heavenly bodies and the desert to witness and share love, and pay tribute to eternal romance in an extremely natural fashion. Under the main space of the Star Hall, we have designed auxiliary spaces such as bride chamber (for wedding ceremony), VIP room, toilets, storeroom and office. A lift is designed for guests to ascend to the hall for more comfortable and ceremonious experience. Outside the Star Hall is designed a round plaza for small-scale outdoor activities. The hall is so designed that lectures, brand releases and other custom events may also be held in the future.

▼酒店公区,Hotel public area © 谢湲

▼材料细部,Material detail © 谢湲


▼结构分析图,Structure analysis diagram ©水石设计

Viewed from the sky, the entire hotel looks like a shining diamond necklace lying in the desert, where the public area and the hall are the brightest diamond pendants, and the guestrooms are independent diamonds strung together to form the necklace.  The 30 guestrooms extend in a curved line like two wings on each side of the axis, each turning 5 degrees to have a different view of the desert, and their different elevations ensure a private scenery for each guestroom. Guestrooms at the first and second levels offer different living experiences: in the first level, the guestrooms have a semi-outdoor passage to connect the different chambers of the suites, where the living room is independent and is separate from the diamond-shaped bedroom. This detached design of the quiet space from the activity area meets the needs of different people. And through the terrace, the guests may reach the desert for an immersive experience; guestrooms at the second level are independent diamond-shaped spaces with a more complete diamond image, more independent indoor experience and higher and farther view of the desert. Each guestroom is equipped with an independent terrace bubble pool, a large bed and a bathtub that face the desert. It is our hope that the guests may have the best natural scenery in every part of the room where they can comfortably lie down.

▼客房部分鸟瞰,Bird ‘s-eye view of the guest room section © 星星酒店

▼客房部分半鸟瞰,Half bird ‘s-eye view of the guest room section © 星星酒店

▼泳池,Pool © 星星酒店

▼泳池近景,Closer view of the pool © 星星酒店


At the tips of the wings of the hotel are two large detached suites that can be used for wedding purpose, accessible by all-terrain vehicles. With the ritual space of the wedding hall, one-stop wedding service can be provided. In the first level are the living room and a small bedroom. By an indoor spiral staircase, the extra-large bedroom on the second level can be reached. Private indoor courtyard and private scenery are available, and a bubble pool and outdoor swimming pool are equipped. The bathroom in the second level has a specially designed bathtub where you can enjoy the galaxy through the skylight for an extremely romantic experience. The desert as you watch in the architecture is no longer a place of fright or horror. Instead, it is a place of love and power.

▼客房单体,Single guest-room volume © 星星酒店

▼客房室内,Interior of guest room © 星星酒店

▼客房细部,Details of guest room © 星星酒店

6 后记


When we first stepped into this desert in May 2021, there was but a boundless ocean of sand, and we set free our minds to conceive a utopia. Ever since the project broke ground, we have made no less than 20 trips to the worksite. We have witnessed its growth out of the ground despite numerous sandstorms and rainstorms, and we have also experienced the extreme silence without a wisp of wind, in which you can hear your heartbeat. When the project was finally completed, the effect far exceeded my imagination. What a wonderful work of nature! It is the recreation of nature that has given the architecture its life, and created a Utopia in the desert that connects man and nature. During the entire process, we have experienced conflicts and nice surprises, confusions and reliefs, regrets and hopes, and we have turned innumerable impossibilities into possibilities. Everything has turned out to be the best.

▼由水景看星礼堂,View of Star Hall by water feature © 星星酒店

▼由水景看星礼堂,View of Star Hall by water feature  © 夏至

▼由水景看星礼堂,View of Star Hall by water feature © 谢湲


“In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.”——Carl Sagan – Cosmos

▼夕阳下的星礼堂,Dusk view © 夏至

▼壮观的沙漠景观,Spectacular desert landscape © 谢湲

▼总平面图,Master plan ©水石设计

▼酒店一层平面图,First floor plan of the hotel ©水石设计

▼酒店二层平面图,Second floor plan of the hotel  ©水石设计

▼酒店客房展开立面图,Hotel guest room elevation ©水石设计

▼酒店公区立面图,Facade of the hotel public space ©水石设计

▼酒店公区1-1剖面图,Section 1-1 of the hotel public space ©水石设计

▼客房剖面图,Sections of the guest room ©水石设计

▼星礼堂地下一层平面图,Underground floor of the Star Hall ©水石设计

▼星礼堂一层平面图,Ground floor of the Star Hall ©水石设计

▼星礼堂立面图,Facade of the Star Hall ©水石设计

▼星礼堂剖面图,Section of the Star Hall ©水石设计


  • 2024-09-14
  • 作者:林镇、Gaby.Teng
  • 3 0
  • 2024-09-11
  • 作者:Muku设计工作室
  • 5 0