川珈琲 & 茜云,白咖夜酒的和谐共生


The space slated for renovation is located in Wulao Hutong, adjacent to the Qinian Street on the second ring road in Beijing, just one street away from the Tong Ren Tang Museum. Commissioned by a young couple, the renovated space will serve as the operational venue for both of their brands. During the day, it will be managed by the husband as Kafe Kawa, focusing primarily on pour-over coffee, with a selection of Espresso coffee as well. At night, it will transform into Bar Akanegumo, managed by the wife, operating mainly as a bar. The design aspires for the space to exhibit distinct identities and atmospheres during the day and night, yet remains harmoniously integrated as a cohesive entity.

▼ 项目外观概览,Exterior Overview © 金伟琦


At the beginning of the design process, multiple visits were made to the old store of “Kafe Kawa.” The store is not large, with only 6-7 seats at the bar area, but it becomes bustling with customers from noon every day. The guests seem to enjoy chatting with the owner, and there is a lively scene of conversation among the customers themselves, which is quite different from the usual perception of a coffee shop. After in-depth communication with the owner, it became clear why he chose such a community location, still hoping that his shop could integrate into the community in its operations. Influenced by this experience, the design for the renovation aims to continue and enhance such a spatial atmosphere.Create a living room for coffee and wine in the community.

▼场地原貌,Before the renovation ©马志成


The project space is a community ground-floor shop. Upon the initial site inspection, I was deeply captivated by the maple and locust trees along the pedestrian path in front of the entrance. The space is oriented from east to west and is composed of three parts. Upon entering through the main door, one finds a long, narrow space flanked by many load-bearing columns. The middle section of the space is a relatively regular square area, with a window on the west side facing the interior of the community. The small space at the back also has a window on the west side. In the afternoon, natural light can shine into the house for a long time.

▼ 分析图,diagram ©马志成


Taking into account the site conditions and operational needs, the layout has been divided into four distinct areas. The entrance courtyard, the front space serves as the Italian coffee area and transforms into a wine display area at night. The central area is designated for pour-over coffee, which becomes the bar counter in the evening. The rear space is used for regular exhibitions of artifacts and photography. The entire space is elevated by a concrete step, with a wooden structure embedded within, forming the main body of the space and casting its influence into the front and back areas.

▼入口区域,Entrance area © 金伟琦


The entrance area is designed to be recessed overall, creating a transitional “gray space” for the entrance courtyard. This design not only opens up the entrance area but also “pulls in” the greenery and landscape from the street outside in the form of light and shadow. Concrete steps are cast on both sides, complemented by a few touches of greenery for embellishment.

▼ 室外庭院,Outdoor courtyard © 金伟琦

▼入口空间细部, Space details © 金伟琦


Upon entering the space, there are two entrances set up. The daytime coffee experience begins through the door on the right, while the door on the left presents a scene of coffee brewing and consumption experience. At night, the bar experience starts through the door on the left, with the right side serving as a “show window” displaying the wine cabinet. The coffee-related velvet fabrics and the wooden handles related to the wine serve as hints and indexes for the experience.

▼入口看向街道,View from the entrance to the street © 金伟琦


The front area of the space features steps that maintain continuity with the outdoor environment. A continuous concrete block supports the entire space, including the wine rack. During the daytime, this area serves as a fast-paced Italian coffee experience and also as a quiet space for those who prefer not to sit at the bar and wish to read or be alone.

▼ 室内外空间关系,Relationship between indoor and outdoor spaces © 金伟琦


The wooden sliding doors on the walls give the space a relatively simple and pure appearance. The wine section is subtly hidden behind the sliding doors. At night, when the sliding doors are fully opened, the display of the wine rack creates two distinctly different atmospheres.

▼ 推拉门使用场景,The wooden sliding doors © 金伟琦

▼ 空间细部, Space details © 金伟琦


The open space provides many possibilities for the placement of furniture, enriching the functionality of the space. Beyond the design plan, during the trial operation period, due to the majority of people wanting to experience the bar area, it became a temporary waiting area. Future coffee cup testing and other activities will also be held here.

▼ 前段空间与吧台区,Relationship between the front space and the bar area © 金伟琦


The central bar area of the space incorporates a small “house-like structure,” which resonates with the original space. This “house” is positioned on the north side to facilitate immediate eye contact between the owner and the guests as they arrive, while also allowing the owner to oversee the Italian coffee experience area, avoiding any blind spots in the view and ensuring that the best-lit areas are reserved for the guests.

▼ 吧台区域概览,Overview of the bar area © 金伟琦

Relationship between the integrated wooden house and the original space © 金伟琦


This area serves as the relatively “quiet” zone of the space, where all the coffee is prepared. The use of a “U”-shaped bar is an extension and reinforcement of the atmosphere from the old store. Unlike traditional coffee shops, this place may feel more like a living room, where guests can sit around the main barista, closely observe the coffee brewing process, and slow down to savor a meticulously crafted cup of coffee.

▼冲煮体验场景,Coffee brewing experience scene © 金伟琦


The operational sink is positioned in the middle of the central island, enabling the three sides of the brewing area to share a common sink. Two smaller sinks are placed at the front counter for the convenience of directly accessing water for pour-over coffee, and for guests who prefer water to serve themselves. The internal circulation route of the bar greatly enhances the efficiency of the barista’s production. The location of the Italian espresso machine is closer to the front area, making it convenient for the barista to serve, and allows two people to work simultaneously in the operation area without disturbing each other.

▼中岛水池,The operational sink © 金伟琦

▼ 吧台看向空间入口,Facing the entrance of the space from the bar counter © 金伟琦


In order to maintain an “equal” line of sight with the guests and to provide a more comfortable seating experience, the guest seating area is arranged on an elevated platform with chairs of standard height, while the barista’s area is relatively lower. The natural light in the afternoon adds a lot of aesthetic shadow and variation to the seating area. The seats are specially designed and custom-made to better fit the temperament of the space and the experience requirements.

▼ 光影下的吧台区域,Atmosphere of the bar area under light and shadow © 金伟琦

Detail of the chair, the chair is named “flows” © 金伟琦

The small space at the back will be used for the display of artifacts in the future, with thematic curation to be carried out © 金伟琦

▼ 夜晚空间氛围,Atmosphere at night © 金伟琦

▼项目平面图,plan ©马志成

项目名称:川珈琲 & 茜云

  • 2024-08-21
  • 作者:刷刷建筑
  • 11 0