Society of Home外滩源店,“社会”与“家”


Society of Home选择了上海近代化起点的外滩作为其首家门店的地址。黄浦江和苏州河交汇的这一地区浓缩了上海的历史和文化。新店位于反映租界时代多样性的历史保护建筑和采用现代装饰艺术风格的新建筑组成的文化商业区“外滩源”,沿虎丘路而立。

Society of Home has chosen the Bund, the starting point of Shanghai’s modernization, as the location for its first store. This area, where the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek intersect, en-capsulates the rich history and culture of Shanghai. The new store is located in “ROCKBUND,” a cultural and commercial district that reflects the diversity of the concession era, featuring a mix of historically preserved buildings and modern Art Deco-style structures.

▼店铺外观,Exterior view © 朱润资

创造者的家The Creator’s Home

Society of Home是一个在疫情后诞生的新生活方式品牌。正如品牌名所示,在现代社会中,社会(society)与家庭(home)这两个概念的边界前所未有地变得模糊与开放,人们变得更乐于分享生活,并始终忠于最直接的感受。在空间设计的过程中,也受到了这一品牌理念的启发。

▼轴测分析图,axo © 一岸建筑

Society of Home is a new lifestyle brand born in the post-pandemic era. As the brand name suggests, in modern society, the boundaries between “society” and “home” have become in-creasingly blurred and open. People are now more inclined to share their lives and stay true to their most candid feelings. This brand philosophy has also inspired the spatial design.

▼入口处,Entrance © 朱润资

▼入口空间,Entrance space © 朱润资


The space is designed around the theme of “The Creator’s Home.” In a world where the lines between living, working, private, and social spaces are becoming increasingly blurred, and tradi-tional frameworks are gradually dissolving, the aim is to create a place where visitors can relax and be continuously inspired and creatively stimulated. This space not only showcases clothing but also offers lifestyle goods, coffee, music, and workshops, creating a home-like, free, and comfortable environment while integrating an open and unpretentious studio atmosphere.

▼吧台空间,Bar area © 朱润资

像建筑一样的衣柜A Wardrobe Like Architecture


▼衣柜分析图,wardrobe analysis © 一岸建筑

Utilizing the 4-meter-high ceiling, a large wardrobe made of H-shaped steel frames, pine wood, and aluminum panels has been installed along the wall. This wardrobe includes areas for dis-playing clothing and products, a counter with a sink, a fitting room, a staff space, and two levels of storage. Some of the frames have been intentionally kept empty, allowing for flexible use, thus adding a sense of openness and adaptability to the space. By accommodating various functions, this piece of furniture ensures order and freedom within the open space, meeting the diverse needs of the future.

▼服装和产品展示区,Displaying clothing and products © 朱润资

▼服装和产品展示区近景,Displaying clothing and products © 朱润资

像在家里一样的家具Furniture That Feels Like Home


The store is furnished with various pieces that evoke memories of everyday life. The space fea-tures benches made from reclaimed wood, ARTEK chairs, vintage IKEA lighting, a hanging speaker system with 360-degree surround sound, hanger racks commonly used in clients’ offic-es, TOWERLAND triangular stools in the fitting rooms, and more. The blend of industrial prod-ucts, handcrafted items, vintage pieces, and original furniture enriches the entire space. This combination of elements allows visitors to experience a sense of quality living and the comfort of being at home.

▼店内家具,Furniture © 朱润资

▼设计细部,Design detials © 朱润资

Society of Home的家Home of Society of Home

在历史悠久的外滩,那些厚重的石砌建筑的一楼,迎来了温馨的Society of Home的家。打开入口的推拉门,内外的界限变得模糊,咖啡的香气和唱片的音乐迎接着人们。这里是探索放松的生活方式和开放交流的场所。随着人们日常生活状况的不断变化,这个包容的空间也将适应这些变化,成为社会(society)和家庭(home)之间想象力的起点。

The inviting home of Society of Home has opened on the ground floor of the historic stone buildings along the Bund. As you slide open the entrance door, the boundary between inside and outside blurs, with the aroma of coffee and the sound of records greeting you. This is a place to explore a relaxed lifestyle and foster open communication. As people’s daily lives con-tinue to evolve, this inclusive space will adapt, becoming a starting point for imagination be-tween society and home.

▼平面图,plan © 一岸建筑

项目名称: Society of Home 外滩源店

建筑师或建筑公司 :一岸建筑

地址: 上海市虎丘路73号 洛克·外滩源的安仁大楼1楼

完成月年份: 07.2024

面积 : 65平米

摄影师: 朱润资

  • 2024-08-14
  • 9 0