For Infinite new restaurant, we aim to have a naturally presented dual space that serves as a café and bistro, whereby guests feel naturally comfortable dining. The interaction of refinement and roughness, delicacy and naturalness, softness and rawness throughout the space gives it a unique charm. With the ingenious design and delicate collocation on our part, these characteristic elements form a natural resonance inside the infinite space.
▼门头概览,storefront overview © 季光
We decided to design the bar around these two pillars since the original load-bearing columns could not be removed. We’ve taken the bar and extended it right to the edges of the columns. We have dining space in between so that the space functionality of the load-bearing columns is expressed and becomes a visual point of separation.
It is designed to make the bar become a part of the space, naturally manifesting our design concept of “natural presentation.” We also applied the concept of adaptive furniture to the bar wall shelves, allowing the restaurant’s layout to change with different usage scenarios.
▼围绕柱子展开吧台的设计,designing the bar around the pillars © 季光
The off-axis doors divide not only the restaurant and the outside but also separate the sitting sections. The exposure and transparency of view within the restaurant blur the lines between the interior and exterior, such that the threshold from outside to inside could naturally be experienced. Meanwhile, since doors are used to be off-centered, the dining area will also be partitioned, which in turn allows diners to feel more comfortable and private.
▼偏轴门作为座位之间的隔断,doff-axis doors separate the sitting sections © 季光
We took advantage of the inherent guiding nature of the space while at the same time eliminating the confinement that a long and narrow space can bring. For the flooring and ceilings, we use oblique cut forms to stitch into the intersections of the front and back irregular shapes, which adds to the whole design’s sense of layers.
▼斜切的室内布局,oblique cut interior layout © 季光
▼斜切的布局,oblique cut layout © 季光
The demolition of the original space left us very surprised, as we found that the design style of the exposed original walls perfectly fit ours; therefore, we consciously left one wall unattached. These exposed concrete walls not only remind one of the past but are a focal point of the current restaurant, too. The contrast is bold between the new and the old, the refined and the rough, and it lends a unique narrative to this space as well.
▼裸露的混凝土墙体, exposed original walls © 季光
▼就餐区,seatings © 季光
▼吧台,bar © 季光
光线也是区分brunch与bistro的重要因素之一,因此在午餐时我们采用大面积的自然光,而在晚间使用细腻的人造光。自天的Infinite是明亮自然的,而到了夜晚,灯光柔和地包裹每个角落,形成温暧的光晕,为 Infinite的夜晚增添浪漫色彩。
Lighting is also one of the essential elements that set brunch apart from the bistro. In this regard, when it’s time for lunch, we make maximal use of natural light; however, for the evening period, artificial soft lighting is used. During the day, Infinite will look bright and natural, but at night, due to soft lighting, every small part of Infinite will be covered with warmth and a bit of romance to Infinite evenings.
▼夜景概览,overview at night © 季光
Soft light falls quietly on each table—like so many fireflies, it creates warmth and intimacy. Here, it seems that time can slow to a draw. Enclosed by the soft lighting, guests find themselves in tranquility and comfort. Into this gentle moment, a soft breeze brushes by, and light and shadow interlock, like the human had gone into that romantic dream. Time seems to slow as soft music flows.
Everyone is soaked into this comfortable and warm atmosphere, clinking their glasses, stopping time, and making them forget about all the hustle and bustle. What we did here was retain certain commonalities in the design for both areas and use specific elements to distinguish them. The bar and the two dining areas are flexible to these services because they interact. Consistency is brought through one general design theme, though the experience is altered by using different materials.
▼柔和的灯光洒落在每张桌子上,soft light falls quietly on each table © 季光
This flexibility brings comfort and style into the realm of unique interactivity in the space. Infinite’s conceptual approach has set up its identity with an avant-garde design in functionality with a multi-scenario space.
▼餐厅的吧台,bar table © 季光
▼区域划分,division © 季光
▼餐区,seatings © 季光
One searches for this unique experience, from a nice relaxed brunch to the evening of some mingling under moving lights. We made an impact with our style, together with the client’s preferences, transforming it into a specific design and unique energy that is felt in these very walls. We add rawness into a sophisticated, modern space that finds its balance through contrast.
▼夜景门头,storefront at night © 季光
▼平面图,plan © wooom studio
设计方:wooom studio
项目设计:刘佳 张裕楚
设计团队:wooom studio