
▼玄关, porch© 蔡云普




Located in the western suburbs of Shanghai, in the upper part of a 90s townhouse complex, House S was renovated and designed by architect Kailun Sun for her family. The original two-story interior was renovated with the addition of an attic, which functionally served as both a residence and an art studio.
The renovation is guided by color, starting from the entrance space, and carrying out a series of deconstructing and reconstructing of the space around the original structure: using means such as opening holes in the space, restoring circulation, and introducing skylight, etc. All these together create opportunities for family members to communicate and interact when they are moving in the space, forming a living space that is interconnected and respectful. At the same time, the design explores the spatial expression of aesthetic emotions in the residence through the study of the relationship between color, circulation, and structural elements in the space.

▼玄关, porch© 蔡云普

▼客厅, living room© 蔡云普

▼绛红色的圆形钢立柱,  crimson steel column© 蔡云普

The Crimson Clues


At the junction of the entrance and living space, there is a crimson steel column. The design starts with the entrance by cutting the floor slab of the second floor and the roof slab above the entrance to bring in daylight, forming a double-height daylight atrium. Then an opening is made on the wall of the master bedroom facing the atrium, so that it could have a direct visual connection with the entrance.

▼主卧1,  master bedroom 1© 蔡云普


After cutting the slabs, a new crimson I-beam is added to reinforce the suspended master bedroom, and together with the crimson column, they became an important sign in the space.

▼玄关处的绛红色钢立柱,  crimson steel column at the porch© 蔡云普


On the other side of the column, a crimson steel staircase with solid wood treads is placed, and a steel bridge is inserted between the master bedroom and the walk-in closet, so that one needs to walk through the hallway to reach the cloakroom.

▼连接廊桥,  steel bridge © 蔡云普


Another additional circulation is made from the study room towards the attic.

▼书房,  study room © 蔡云普


Walk up the crimson steel staircase, one can see a sets of metal sculptures created by the owner are displayed on the white painted OSB floor of the attic studio. This is a relatively independent and pure space in the house, and through the glass of the studio, one can also look out into the entrance hallway.

▼金属雕塑作品,  metal sculpture © 蔡云普


In this way, the circulation around the crimson column eventually connects the entrance, living room, bedroom, and studio, creating a two-and-a-half-story interlocking space, where family members could easily interact with each other as well as respect each other’s private space.

▼色彩与光的对话,  A Dialogue Between Color and Light © 蔡云普

A Dialogue Between Color and Light


Over time, light travels through the space, passing through the walls of different colors and textures, expressing different emotions.

▼色彩与光的对话,  A Dialogue Between Color and Light © 蔡云普

▼透过窗格的光线,  light through the window lattice © 蔡云普

▼特别设计的窗格,  customized window lattice © 蔡云普


At both ends of the white corridor on the second floor, the bright yellow master bedroom door and the island green children’s room door face each other. The open kitchen and bathrooms are all made of teal tone Moroccan tiles: the lake green of the kitchen, the glazed green of the main bathroom, and the turquoise color of the children’s bathroom. The unique glaze reveals a changeable and complex texture under the refraction of sunlight, and at the same time delicately conveys the different emotions and atmospheres of each space.

▼儿童房卫生间,  children’s bathroom © 蔡云普

▼玻璃绿的主卫,  the glazed green of the main bathroom© 蔡云普

▼厨房,  kitchen© 蔡云普

The Exposed Original Structures


Influenced by Kazuo Shinohara, the original concrete beams and columns in the space are deliberately exposed as an important element of the spatial composition. The original umbrella-like concrete structure of the attic roof, framed by the opening of the white ceiling on the second floor, has become a unique artistic element in the space.

▼混凝土结构,  concrete structure© 蔡云普

An Artistic Spatial Experience


The planning of the art experience is closely intertwined within the space.

▼水墨屏风艺术作品,  the teak wood screen© 蔡云普


In the living space, the teak wood screen named as “The Journal of the Black Dragon ” created by artist Zhang Wenzhi becomes the focus point, generating a conversation with other handmade furniture pieces and decorating objects in the space.

▼客厅中的软装与实木家具,  furniture pieces and decorating objects in the living space © 蔡云普

▼3D打印艺术装置《共生No.2》(吴逸飞), 3D printed Vero Vivid “Symbiosis”(Wu Yifei)© 蔡云普

▼数字摄影作品《灌木》, “Tall Grass”(RJ Tripodi)© 蔡云普


On the second floor, an experimental video named “Tall Grass” created by artist RJ Tripodi is projected on the white wall of the corridor, the changing line patterns overlapped on top of the movie act like high winds, transforming the landscape into a place of both fear and tension, bring the space a mysterious and dramatic atmosphere.

▼实验性影像作品,  experimental video © 蔡云普


The House of Colors is an experiment with the aesthetic expression of color, in which bright yellows, oranges, crimson, various teal tone colors, as well as abstract white surfaces and structural elements form a three-dimensional painting in space.  As with the artist’s oil paint on canvas, the size, proportion, and position of the color are carefully composed to achieve just the right balance, while also blending in with the overall artistic experience. Being in such an artistic atmosphere at home is abundant, warm, quiet, and comfortable, becoming a poetic dwelling.

▼缤纷的色彩,  various colors © 蔡云普

▼一层平面,  ground floor plan © FLIP设计工作室

▼二层平面,  first floor plan © FLIP设计工作室

▼色彩之家空间构成分析图,    Spatial composition analysis diagram © FLIP设计工作室

设计单位: FLIP设计工作室
艺术品:柚木屏风《黑龙引》(张文智),3D打印艺术装置《共生No.2》(吴逸飞),《Here she comes IV》(Jean Y. Klein),金属雕塑及影像装置(尺丁)
家具:George Nakashima (餐桌椅及长凳)、Magis(吧凳及室外桌椅)、De La Espada(凳子及镜子)、Cassina(单人沙发)、Santa & Cole(台灯)

  • 2024-04-03
  • 作者:画里设计
  • 7 0
  • 2024-04-03
  • 作者:MOU建筑工社
  • 4 0