奥雷·舍人事务所的云际尚浦是上海发展最快区域的最高建筑,也是通往美国知名房地产开发商铁狮门主导的尚浦领世 — — 这一创新中心的门户 。凭借独特的偏筒超高层类型 ,尚浦云际在上海充满活力的办公塔楼景观中呈现出一场变革。
Büro Ole Scheeren’s The Axiom is the tallest building in Shanghai’s fastest growing district and stands as a key gateway to The Springs, a new hub for innovation and creativity spearheaded by renowned US real estate developer Tishman Speyer. With a unique offset core typology, it presents a shift for corporate towers in Shanghai’s vibrant business landscape.
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the site ©Xiaobin Lv
奥雷·舍人事务所的云际尚浦融合极简主义和功能主义,打破企业塔楼的典型模式,两座摩天大楼中的A塔高280 米,共49层,构成尚浦领世的核心部分。铁狮门是美国房地产巨头,以持有纽约的克莱斯勒大厦和洛克菲勒中心等项目闻名于世。尚浦领世是铁狮门在中国最大的开发项目,双塔中的B塔正在建设中,建成后将高250米。
▼概念分析图,Concept diagram ©奥雷舍人事务所 Buro Ole Scheeren
▼剖面分析图,Section diagram ©奥雷舍人事务所 Buro Ole Scheeren
Büro Ole Scheeren’s The Axiom breaks away from the archetype of corporate towers with a twist on minimalism and functionalism. Rising to 280 meters across 49 storeys, it is the first of two skyscrapers that will form the centrepiece of The Springs, the largest Chinese development by Tishman Speyer – an American real estate giant globally known for owning projects such as the Chrysler Building and Rockefeller Center in New York. The second of the twin towers is currently in construction and will reach 250 meters tall upon completion.
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Iwan Bann
云际尚浦位于上海东北部杨浦区的中心地带,这里是上海发展最快的面向未来的中心之一,也是复旦大学和同济大学的所在地。杨浦区年轻活力的人才吸引了耐克、字节跳动、IBM等知名跨国品牌在尚浦领世设立区域总部。两座地标摩天大楼旨在满足繁华地区对高品质灵活办公空间日益增长的需求,提供超过两百万平方英尺的办公、酒店、 商业和文化设施,包括一个横跨两座塔楼的剧院。
▼城市景观,Urban landscape ©Iwan Bann
The Axiom sits at the heart of the Yangpu District in the northeast of Shanghai, one of the city’s fastest-growing future-oriented centres and home to two of China’s most distinguished universities. The district’s young and dynamic talent has attracted renowned multinational brands including Nike, ByteDance and IBM to open their regional headquarters in The Springs. The landmark skyscrapers have been designed to meet the growing demand for flexible high-quality workspace in the flourishing district, providing over 2 million sq ft of offices, hotel, retail, and cultural facilities, including a theatre that stretches across the two towers.
▼建筑与环境体量关系,The relationship between building and the environment ©Iwan Bann
奥雷·舍人(Ole Scheeren)的设计以极简主义、功能性美学呈现了新一代摩天办公大楼,密斯·凡德罗(Mies van der Rohe)的纽约西格拉姆大厦是这种美学的先驱。随着中国的摩天大楼数量超过世界任何其他国家,云际尚浦为典型摩天办公大楼带来当代更新。
▼建筑特写,Close-up of the building ©Iwan Bann
Ole Scheeren’s design presents the next generation of corporate skyscrapers with a minimalist, functional aesthetic heralded by Mies van der Rohe’s Seagram building in New York. With China being home to more skyscrapers than any other country in the world, The Axiom presents a contemporary update to the archetype of the corporate skyscraper.
▼由街道望向建筑,Viewing the building from street ©Iwan Bann
不但如此,云际尚浦还采用了偏核心筒,而非普通的中央核心筒,将服务设施和电梯伸出建筑立面之外。这使得室内楼面摆脱设备和结构的阻碍,从而形成了大型、 高效和适应性强的办公空间,可以满足成长型和成熟型机构的需求。偏核心筒设计在250米以上的建筑中尤其独特,仅占世界500座最高建筑的3%。摆脱了柱子和建筑服务设施,如电梯和垃圾道,楼层可以轻松配置,以适应未来企业拓展、协作和不断变化的业务需求。设计体现了上海充满活力的创业精神和当代工作环境。
Taking it further, The Axiom employs an offset core as opposed to the ubiquitous central-core typology, with the services and elevators protruding out of the façade. This frees the interior floor plates of mechanical and structural obstructions resulting in large, efficient and adaptable workspaces that can cater to both growing and established organisations. An offset core design is especially unique in buildings over 250 meters, making up just 3% of the world’s 500 tallest buildings. Liberated from columns and building services, such as elevators and trash chutes, the floors can be easily configured, accommodating future business expansion, collaboration and changing business needs. The design embraces the dynamic entrepreneurial spirit of Shanghai and the contemporary working environment.
▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©Iwan Bann
Central to Ole Scheeren’s design of the towers are carved volumetric openings that form the sculptural Sky Terraces. These mid-tower spaces accommodate collaborative zones acting as social catalysts for The Springs development and visually anchor the workspace. The terraces align with the heights of the nearby buildings, providing the skyscrapers with a harmonious proportion and playful rhythm. The tower’s elegance is further enhanced by vertical bronze fins that also provide seamless lighting and ventilation for the interior spaces.
▼优雅的立面元素,Elegant facade elements ©Xiaobin Lv
The fluctuating width of the Sky Terraces, lined with gold edges, frames the panoramic views of Shanghai. The apertures look out to the city whilst also creating a dramatic mid-point where the city can look back into the tower. Opposed to the muted shafts of corporate skyscrapers, the openings – alongside the illuminated elevators that visibly ascend and descend the building – offer glimpses into the activity, collaboration and creativity inside the tower and the city at large.
▼“空中露台”,Sky Terraces ©Xiaobin Lv
“空中露台”与塔楼顶部的屋顶绿洲相得益彰,为塔楼使用者提供了室外花园,花园中有郁郁葱葱的植物和流动的水景,与本地区和附近湿地生态公园丰富的自然景观相呼应。云际尚浦通过多功能裙楼“文化之门”融入城市,其南端将双塔连接在一起。裙楼内设有非常规办公空间、公共屋顶露台和咖啡馆,营造出充满生机和活力的氛围,遍布周围环境。“文化之门”引导游客进入尚浦领世的 中心,前往用于文化活动的多功能剧院,进一步模糊了办公功能和公共区之间的界限。
The Sky Terrace is complemented by the Roof Oasis crowning the tower. The space offers outdoor gardens with lush plant life and flowing water features for the occupants of the tower that speak to the rich nature of the local district and nearby wetland eco-park. The Axiom embeds itself in the city with the Cultural Gate, a mixed-use podium which will connect the twin towers at its southern tips. The podium houses informal workspaces, public roof terraces and cafes, creating a sense of life and vitality that spreads throughout its surroundings. The Cultural Gate guides visitors into the centre of The Springs and towards a multi-form theatre for cultural events and activities, further dissolving the boundaries between the corporate function and public realm.
▼露台特写,Close-up of the Sky Terrace ©Iwan Bann
Ole Scheeren said: “The Axiom is an emblem of the innovation that is now synonymous with Shanghai and forms an elegant urban landmark as the gateway to Yangpu District. Designed as a strategic hybrid of functionalism and iconicity, the twin-towers represent the fluidity and dynamism of the future-oriented businesses they will accommodate.
▼建设中的都市景观,Urban landscape while constructing ©Iwan Bann
The Axiom stands as a new urban landmark of The Springs development. Designed as a leading destination workplace of the future, The Axiom is set to contribute significantly to one of Shanghai’s foremost business and innovation districts.
▼轴测图,Axonometric ©奥雷舍人事务所 Buro Ole Scheeren
设计单位:奥雷舍人事务所 Buro Ole Scheeren
主创建筑师:奥雷·舍人Ole Scheeren
设计主持: Ole Scheeren
合伙人: Dan Cheong
项目团队负责人: Can Liu (associate), Jing Chen