Mi Luna住宅,以天然材料为特色

Mi Luna住宅位于捷克卡Karlštejn市,俯瞰Berounka河谷和古老的卡尔什特因城堡。该住宅是Studio Circle Growth事务所为一个阿根廷-捷克家庭而设计的,他们希望从布拉格的喧嚣城市环境逃离,来到乡村环境中得到片刻的喘息。由于住宅场地位于Český kras自然保护区的边缘,因此建筑的体量形式与外观需要符合当地法规,以保护当地的建筑遗产。因此,本项目住宅需要与当地的建筑语言保持一致,包括:简单的对称山墙屋顶、带有曲线的屋檐、被称为“bobrovka”传统的圆形粘土屋顶瓦,以及混合石灰饰面与落叶松包层立面。

Casa De Mi Luna is in Karlštejn, Czech Republic, overlooking the Berounka river valley and the ancient castle Karlštejn. The house is designed for an Argentinian-Czech family seeking respite from the bustle of Prague. The outer form and appearance needed to conform to local regulation as the house is on the edge of the Český kras nature reserve, which also seeks to preserve local building heritage. Thus the house aligns with the local vernacular; a simple symmetrical gable roof, rounded eaves, traditional rounded clay roof tiles called “bobrovka”, and a mixed lime render and larch cladding facade.

▼住宅外观,exterior view of the house © Fredrik Frendin

▼东立面,east facade © Fredrik Frendin


The design of the interior, on the other hand, is more open and playful than a typical Czech house. The almost completely open ground floor is determined by a segmented staircase which curves up into the double height space of the second floor landing.

▼入口平台,entrance terrace © Fredrik Frendin

▼由住宅中心看入口,viewing the entrance from the center of the house © Fredrik Frendin

▼室内一角,corner of the house © Fredrik Frendin


▼分析图,analysis diagram © Studio Circle Growth

The staircase delineates the zones of the ground floor while simultaneously creating a gentle porosity between them. The two opposing, symmetrical rooms on the second floor have east and west orientation and feature an arched ceiling as a result of a creative collar tie solution for the rafters. The interiors are dominated by wood and earth, with soP touches of traditional blue, green and terracotta tiles. The main idea for the choice of materials was to use as many local and natural materials as possible. The house is built using prefabricated straw and timber panels which are quickly assembled on site. These are plastered on the inside with three centimeters of clay plaster for accumulation and moisture regulation. The final layer is a delicate white clay stucco on the inside, and lime render and larch cladding on the outside. Partitions are finished with pine plywood.

▼壁炉,fireplace © Fredrik Frendin

▼由壁炉看客厅,viewing the living room from the fireplace © Fredrik Frendin

▼厨房,kitchen © Fredrik Frendin


▼剖面图,section © Studio Circle Growth

The entire central bay of the house is open, allowing the place where the house is connected vertically to breathe and bathe in light. The staircase thus becomes a central feature which not only connects the two levels, but separates the ground floor into distinct yet open and interconnected functional zones. The arched ceilings of the central space of the staircase is plastered with a fine white kaolin clay plaster from the Czech company Picas. The plaster was applied on prefabricated clay boards that were fixed onto timber slats. The arched ceiling was the result of a need to fix the rafters together with a collar tie. Instead of doing this with straight timbers, we cut the arched collar ties out of plywood.

▼楼梯,staircase © Fredrik Frendin

▼楼梯间细部,details of the staircase © Fredrik Frendin


The fireplace is clad in green tile, evoking historical mass ovens of the region. It is placed strategically between the living room and dining room to spread warmth evenly throughout the house. The fire place insert also heats water which is then stored in a large tank in the utility room. When the temperature in the house drops bellow a certain temperature, warm water is distributed into the wall where there is a 3cm thick layer of clay plaster. The clay plaster functions as an excellent thermal mass, storing the heat as though it were a mass oven, and gradually releasing it into the rooms. Moreover the clay plaster regulates the moisture of the interior environment as well as the straw Ecococon panels.

▼拱形天花板,the arched ceiling © Fredrik Frendin

▼预制木材饰面,prefabricated timer finishing © Fredrik Frendin

▼卧室细部,details of the bedroom © Fredrik Frendin

▼施工过程,construction process © Studio Circle Growth

▼模型,model © Studio Circle Growth

▼区位图,location plan © Studio Circle Growth

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Studio Circle Growth

▼二层平面图,upper floor plan © Studio Circle Growth

▼东立面图,east elevation © Studio Circle Growth

▼剖面图,sections © Studio Circle Growth

▼结构细部,construction details © Studio Circle Growth

  • 2023-09-06
  • 作者:未止工作室
  • 4 0