After starting FIRE, Mr. Peng, born in the 80s, decided to bring his wife and children back to his hometown to live with his parents. Therefore, the renovation of this old house in the countryside of Qidong became an urgent matter. The new Peng’s residence needed to accommodate the different living habits of the two generations, so that the rural and urban lifestyles could be blended and distinctly separated.
▼嘿,新家,Hey, my new home © 朱清言
Qidong’s rural construction regulations are strict, requiring that the renovation of the Peng’s residence be completed within the original contours (90 square meters of base area), and that the appearance should match that of the original “matchbox”. The old house to be renovated was constructed in the 1980s as a standard rural building, a simple standard rural building which, due to its affordability, influenced the countryside of that era in the north and south of the Yangtze River.
▼建于80年代的老宅,The old house built in the 1980s ©立木
This is a challenging design, neither the city people’s attachment to elegance, nor just the rural people’s modern improvement, but the need to complete a comfortable daily space for three generations of urban and rural people within a framework full of limitations.
▼区位关系,Location ©立木
▼背靠渔港,Backed by the fishing harbor © 朱清言
▼顶视影像,Aerial view © 朱清言
The project site is located at the end of the village, backed by the high-speed railway and highway, where the roar of vehicles is incessant. Therefore, there are almost no windows on the east side and north side of the house facing the highway and the railroad, which makes it like a fortress, tenaciously resisting the rolling wave of urbanization. The windows that do open are located on the west and south sides of the building facing the village, and to avoid reports from villagers that could lead to an indefinite suspension of construction, the building does not extend beyond the contours of the foundation. Peng’s house cautiously talks to this familiar yet unfamiliar field, as if it were a traveler trying to return.
▼菜地与新彭宅,Field and new Peng’s House © 朱清言
▼朝向公路与铁路的立面,The façade face to highway and railway © 朱清言
▼高架铁路与村庄,Elevated railroad and villages © 朱清言
▼夜晚的公路与彭宅,Highway and Peng’s House at night © 朱清言
Despite the fact that everything was in accordance with the rules and procedures, our architect friends with extensive experience in rural construction reminded us to renovate the building by “half demolition and half construction”, which not only implies an increase in the difficulty and cost of construction, but also actually affects the logic of generating the program – starting from the Starting from the profile.
▼“拆一半造一半”形成的老宅剖面,Sections of old houses created by “half demolition and half construction”© 立木
▼剖面拼合,Sectional assembly © 立木
▼菜地视角看彭宅,Peng’s House from the viewpoint of a vegetable patch © 朱清言
▼草地中望向彭宅,Looking out to the Peng’s House over the meadow © 朱清言
▼逐步老龄化的村子,The gradually aging village © 朱清言
Along with the process of fragmentation of the rural society, the relationship between the neighbors of the village has gradually become delicate, with two threads of interest and kinship dominating the loosening of the social network at the same time. Prior to the start of the construction, the owner was very confident that everything would go smoothly, as not only some of the neighbors in the village are related to each other, but also the families have been greeted from door to door. However, reports and quarrels still came as expected, and in the end, the original chicken coop and firewood house could not be saved after many rounds of efforts, neither photos nor remote sensing images proved that it had ever existed.
▼南侧立面,South side elevation © 朱清言
▼剖面光影,Section light and shadow ©立木
By a stroke of luck, the main building was eventually renovated after two sections were put together. With the loss of the small attached bungalow, the Peng’s House became cooler in atmosphere, and eventually we had to accept this slightly lonely house. The annexed bungalow, which was originally intended to be a mahjong room, was continued in the form of a grape arbor, where Mr. Peng’s father could still play mahjong with his neighbors, and everything was as it was in the old days, except for the loss of the roof and the enclosure. It seems to be a metaphor for Mr. Peng’s family’s “return to the field”, a building made up of sections on the top, bottom, left and right, the result of some kind of changing heterogeneous mix of urban and rural areas, which, although it looks similar to the old house, is completely different from the old one.
▼等候烟火的夜晚,Waiting for the firework at night © 朱清言
Countryside – the hall and the compartments
The need to consider a place to organize the afterlife of the elderly after their passing away, which was even the only requirement in the design brief, distinguishes Peng’s Mansion from villas or B&Bs in terms of typology. Before the renovation, the old house had a hall and a wing, except for the hall, the first floor of the wing housed the elders, and the second floor was the children’s bedroom, which was the most adaptable building prototype in the 1980s to the local customs and habits.
▼夜晚的彭宅,Peng’s house in the evening © 朱清言
▼人间烟火,The hustle and bustle of the country life © 朱清言
The hall is a ceremonial space in traditional houses, used for honoring ancestors and gods, worshiping heaven and earth, and celebrating weddings, funerals and birthdays. In the Chinese countryside, weddings and celebrations are an important link in local social relations. Although young people’s weddings are becoming more and more “foreign” as a result of urbanization, and are generally no longer held in the home, the funeral ceremonies of the elderly still continue to be “traditional”. When an old man passes away, the spirit will stop in the hall, and the number of days will be calculated by the Feng Shui master according to the eight characters of the birth date, and the whole village will come to help to organize, wash and cook, and receive guests and so on. For Old Mr. Peng, the most important thing is whether his funeral is done properly and decently, and whether his son and daughter-in-law can do their best for the guests and neighbors.
▼堂屋——我家大门常打开,Parsonage – my door is always open © 朱清言
▼北侧的高窗带来柔和的漫反射,High windows on the north side bring in soft diffused light © 朱清言
▼西厨与餐厅,Western kitchen & dining hall © 朱清言
▼中厨,Chinese kitchen © 朱清言
As village life has no secrets and neighbors would visit anytime, Peng’s house followed the common practice of his neighbors and did not have a courtyard wall. The design of the first floor continues the traditional space combination of the hall and compartments, with the main door of the hall always open and the compartments for the elderly, “one hall and one compartment” adapting to the daily life of the older generation, and the details of the house type have been optimized for the elderly on the basis of the traditional pattern. In the past, the view in the center of the hall was usually an incense burner, and the painting in the middle of the hall was used for worship. In the new Peng’s House, there is no longer such a need, so the design translates this pair of views into a western kitchen and high windows, where the blue sky and white clouds enter the painting, and also bring soft lighting to the hall.
▼堂与厅,Hall and chamber © 朱清言
▼适老化的一层卧室,Age-friendly first floor bedroom © 朱清言
The terrazzo floor on the first floor of the new Peng’s House is the same as that of the old house, as the elderly and the neighbors pass through the dirt floor, where the soles of their shoes are dirty, and the terrazzo is durable and easy to take care of. The double bedrooms in the old man’s house have independent external doors, which are always open during the day, and can also be directly connected to the grape arbor through the door on the west side, where neighbors often come to have a seat. This is the familiar lifestyle of the old generation of whom born in the 50s, which belongs to the countryside acquaintance society.
▼西侧门与葡萄架,West side door with grapevine © 朱清言
▼北侧立面,North elevation © 朱清言
▼不设围墙的开放院落,Open courtyard without walls © 朱清言
▼木平台上吹风聊天,Chatting in the breeze on the wooden platform © 朱清言
City – Public and Private Areas
Above the second floor is the living space of the 80s children’s family. Through the simple ritual of changing shoes, people are reminded that they will enter a more private area, and they are also denied of sudden visits from uninvited guests. On the second floor, there is a living room and a study room, which is the actual living room of a modern house, where the children of the 80s live and meet their guests. The living room is connected to the upper and lower atriums, a point of connection between the city and the countryside, and with a height of 10 meters, it gives the space a strong sense of ceremony and connects the small families living above the second floor.
▼新与旧,New and old © 朱清言
▼露台看日落,Watch the sunset on the terrace © 朱清言
▼上下四层的错层,Staggered floors on four levels ©立木
Although Peng’s house is only 2.5 floors visually, the interior of the renovated Peng’s house actually has 4 floors through the staggered design. The design separates Mr. Pang’s study room, the children’s bedroom and study room, the master bedroom and his wife’s study room into different levels to ensure the privacy and independence of each family member. We have a study room on each floor so that all members of the small post-80s family have independent space for work, reading and entertainment. As times change and under the influence of urban lifestyles, the importance of private space in the family is becoming more and more prominent. People are beginning to prefer to use electronic devices in their own space to read or watch what they are more interested in, as opposed to the whole family huddling together to watch TV.
▼上中庭,Upper courtyard © 朱清言
▼竖向长窗,Vertical window © 朱清言
But we still reserve a rich relationship between seeing and being seen in the space above the second floor. In contrast to the complete openness of the first floor, the interactions above the second floor are more ambiguous, connected to each other through a series of successive passages. “Mr. Peng’s family is mainly engaged in stock speculation after retirement, and the spatial pattern of the through-highs is like the curve of a stock’s continuous upward movement, which makes the new Peng Residence a “upward movement house” according to his friends. As an alternative interpretation of feng shui, the “stopping” will also bring more luck and good fortune to the family.
▼二层起居室,Living room on the second floor © 朱清言
▼三层书房望向起居室,Third floor study room looking into the living room © 朱清言
▼高窗的光影流动,Interior detailed view © 陈子茜
我们将这个住宅命名为Crossing House,就像它在鸟瞰图中所呈现的,一个位于交叉口的房子。回不去的乡村与无法告别的城市,我们正处在这样的交叉口,而这个房子的内部也是一个交叉口,通向两种全然不同的生活方式。
We named this house Crossing House, as it appears in the aerial view, a house located at the intersection. We are at such a crossroads between the village that cannot go back and the city that cannot be bid farewell to, and the interior of this house is also a crossroad, leading to two completely different ways of life.
▼天窗,Skylight © 朱清言
▼楼梯上的光影流转,The flow of light and shadow on the stairs © 朱清言
On the south side of the building, the third and fourth floors form a crossing relationship on the facade with two staggered balconies. The inner balcony of the third floor children’s room and the terrace of the fourth floor master bedroom are arranged diagonally, forming an “X” with the square glass windows of the third floor guest bedroom and the fourth floor master bedroom, which are also arranged diagonally. This vertical depth change makes the scenery of different rooms rich in layers, which is a poetic feeling of space. It eliminates the boundaries between horizontal, vertical, oblique, and internal and external spaces, as well as the sense of solidity brought by the matchbox contour under extremely small site area.
▼四层主卧,Fourth floor master bedroom © 朱清言
▼主卧的风景,View from the master bedroom © 朱清言
▼窗洞分析,Window Analysis ©立木
The building bid farewell to the unfamiliar city with its solid and detached back, while facing the aging and withering village with its soft and open face. The study on the second floor on the south side has corner glass windows that extend to the west, with transparent openings resembling windows and doors, followed by horizontal long windows on the third floor height. The geometric changes in the horizontal and vertical directions of the western side weaken the sense of thickness on the gable wall, and also provide an internalized view for the study of the three story children’s room. The only two openings on the north side are the windows of the first floor living room and the second floor living room. The internal spatial relationship of the building is reflected straightforward on the facade, which is also a borrowing of the outdoor landscape.
▼二层书房与转角窗,Second floor study room with a corner window © 朱清言
▼二层半的窗口,Window at the two and a half floor © 朱清言
▼左:四层书房与露台对望,右:四层书房与衣帽间,Left: Fourth floor study looking out onto the terrace; Right: study and checkroom © 朱清言
The design of New Peng’s House is a heterogeneous mix of rural and urban lifestyles, where the networks of large and small families, two generations of parents and children are intertwined, and ultimately harmonized into a simple and rational architectural space. With the rapid development of the times, people are leaving and returning, and the lifestyles of the Post-50s, Post-80s and Post-10s are all changing, and the only thing that remains unchanged is the change itself.
▼静默地伫立在这片土地上,Standing silently in the land © 朱清言
A bird’s-eye view of Qidong Peng’s House, its stance is both integrated and transcendent, like a recorder of the changes in the vernacular society, standing silently in this land.
▼总平面图,Site plan © 立木
▼一层平面图,Plan 1F © 立木
▼二层平面图,Plan 2F © 立木
▼三层平面图,Plan 3F © 立木
▼四层平面图,Plan 4F © 立木
▼南立面图,South elevation © 立木
▼北立面图,North elevation © 立木
▼西立面图,West elevation © 立木
▼东立面图,East elevation © 立木
项目名称: 启东彭宅,80后和50后的“退休”之家
项目完成年份: 2023年
建筑面积: 250㎡
设计单位:立木 L&M
项目地址: 江苏南通启东市
主创建筑师: 刘津瑞、邹明溪
设计团队: 李佳妍、李春瑶、郇雨、程苗、谢舜冰、刘明昊、管浩廷、肖罗琴、陈子茜、邹承幸、许凤洁、王刘阳
摄影师: 朱清言