

The proposal, located in Madrid, is built on a plot with a significant elevation and an escape towards the landscape on its diagonal direction.

▼项目概览,overall of the project ©Jesús Orrico

由于单层体量无法容纳项目所需的所有空间功能,因此,建筑师为其采用了双层的建筑形式。Fran Silvestre Arquitectos事务所的设计偏好是将房子想象成为一个坚实的整体,同时利用灵活的开口为住宅创造出连续性,这些开口宛如是在建筑体量上雕刻出来的一般,创造出具有动态叙事感的空间体验。

The impossibility of accommodating the entire program on a single floor makes a two-level design necessary for the house. However, we strive to create a sense of continuity through the openings. We like to envision the house as a solid mass, from which these openings are carved out, creating a piece with a dynamic narrative.

▼泳池一侧透视,perspective view from the pool side ©Jesús Orrico

single level at one side, double floor at the other side ©Jesús Orrico

▼由泳池看单层体量,viewing the single floor volume from the pool ©Jesús Orrico

▼外观细部,exterior details ©Jesús Orrico


Its position on the northern part of the plot allows for the creation of an entry courtyard. The extension of the interior pavement, which transitions into a terrace and ultimately a pool, outlines a sort of cloister. This, together with the interior of the house, forms a square area, intentionally classic in its design.

▼泳池与平台顶视图,top view of the terrace and the pool ©Jesús Orrico

▼泳池细部,details of the pool ©Jesús Orrico


Internally, the layout is divided between the overlapping area in the north and a section that extends on the ground floor in the west.

▼由室内看向泳池,viewing the pool from interior ©Jesús Orrico

▼回廊,cloister ©Jesús Orrico

▼极简的几何体量与风格,minimalist volume and style ©Jesús Orrico

▼走廊,hallway ©Jesús Orrico

▼厨房,the kitchen ©Jesús Orrico

▼中央庭院,central courtyard ©Jesús Orrico

▼视觉的通透性,visual transparency ©Jesús Orrico

▼楼梯,staircase ©Jesús Orrico

▼二层空间,upper floor ©Jesús Orrico

▼浴室,bathroom ©Jesús Orrico


The materiality serves as a blank canvas that allows it to stand the test of time without becoming obsolete. A project sketched years ago, that continues to satisfy us today.

▼夜景,night views ©Jesús Orrico

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan © Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

▼地下层平面图,basement floor plan © Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

▼剖面图,sections © Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

  • 2023-07-03
  • 作者:AtelierCarle
  • 6 0
  • 2023-06-29
  • 4 0