
CAPO住宅坐落于魁北克Charlevoix区的Baie Saint-Paul镇附近,项目的设计向大众展示出一种全新的建筑实践方法,将人们在空间中的动态作为设计关注的重点与依据。建筑本身的设计根植于场地的自然特征,陡峭的岩石悬崖将危险性、不稳定性与可居住性之间的微妙关系推向了极限。独特的场地条件为住宅的设计引入了一个关键的维度, 在住宅类型项目上深化了AtelierCarle事务所的设计方法。

The CAPO project, located near Baie Saint-Paul, in the Charlevoix region of Quebec, proposes an architectural approach that privileges the body’s movements in space. The residence roots itself in the site’s specific quality: a rocky cliff, perilous and at the limits of habitability. The cliff’s abrupt slope, dangerous and unstable, offered an opportunity to rethink the design process and to introduce a critical dimension, despite the context of the residential commission, a deepening of the firm’s approach to the project.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © James Brittain

The project

通过将场地的限制转化为影响房间布局的“差异性”元素,本项目巧妙地展示出一种对与当代住宅文化的转译。倾斜的场地与陡峭的岩石悬崖勾勒出Baie Saint-Paul的城市轮廓,为事务所提供了一个在如此复杂的场地环境中进行实践的机会。

The CAPO project was an opportunity to subtly divert some of the spatial structures deeply rooted in contemporary housing culture by introducing the constraints of the site as a kind of “otherness” affecting the layout of the rooms. The site’s oblique relationship, the rocky cliff outlining the city of Baie Saint-Paul, offers an opportunity through the physical constraint or the complexity of executing on such a site.

▼由露台看向周围自然景观,viewing the natural landscape from the terrace © James Brittain


Developed from the very outset in the section, the project is designed according to a pre-existing organic path of circulation on the perilous site, initiating a conceptual logic of pathways rather than an arrangement of rooms derived from programmatic components. The anchoring of the spaces is done all along this layout, favoring the constant movement of the user from one level to another according to a succession of stairs. These are deployed in various sequences, in multiple orientations, to refine the quality of the journey within the interior and exterior spaces. Movement is thus central, both in its presence in the design of the project and in the diversification of the points of view it provides.

▼丰富的楼梯与露台将位于场地不同高度的建筑体量联系在一起,various terraces and staircase connect the volume at different height © James Brittain


The stairways, according to their amplitude, make it possible to reach the different landings of the site and create a subtle distinction between the adjacent decompartmentalized spaces. By insisting on the route, rather than the program, the project settles into the unstable nature of living with a body that is always in motion, thus steering away from spatial planning according to programmatic layout conventions.

▼露台与檐下空间,terrace and space under eaves © James Brittain

因此,在本项目中,碎片化的生活区域呈现出各种方向与形态,并与周围的场地地面保持了一定的互惠关系,同时还将河流的全景引入到了室内空间中。俯瞰St. Lawrence河的大型全景露台与其他室外空间相辅相成,这些室外空间都能够从室内直接进入。这种空间结构为场地带来了多样化的感官体验,并丰富了居住者与直接环境的持续关系。最终,设计将河流的壮阔全景作为从住宅室内向外看去时的主导视野,同时巧妙化解了悬崖带来了危险之感,使居住者与外部空间建立更积极的关系。

The project is thus fragmented into living areas of varied shapes and orientations, maintaining a certain reciprocity with the surrounding ground, while positioning the large panoramic view of the river as one of the points of interest of the site. In this way, the large panoramic terrace overlooking the St. Lawrence River is complemented by other outdoor spaces with direct access from the interior. That allows for a certain diversification of the sensorial experience of the site, making it heterogeneous and enriching the continuous relationship of the occupants with the immediate environment. Ultimately, it relativizes the dominance of the monumental landscape of the river as the only priori of the site, and engages the occupants in a more active relationship with the exterior spaces, despite the perilous nature of the cliff.

the stone facade integrated with nature © James Brittain

项目的交通循环逻辑从主要通道所在的场地顶部展开,以通往St. Lawrence河的凉廊为特点。这个凉廊允许人们穿过建筑直接进入面向河流的露台,而不必进入建筑。再往下走,楼梯和外部露台尽头的空间向自然高原开放,放眼望去,周围是陡峭的悬崖和遒劲的百年松树。这个空间连接到场地原有的自然路径的末端,充分利用了悬崖上的可建造面积。

The logic of the project’s circulation unfolds from the top of the site where the main access is located, characterized by a loggia opening onto the St. Lawrence River. This loggia allows one to cross the building to access the terraces facing the river, without necessarily entering the building. Further down the site, at the end of the staircase and exterior terraces, a final space opens onto a natural plateau, surrounded by the cliff and its large century-old pines. This space connects to the end of the pre-existing natural path along the site and constitutes the end of the appropriable domain of the cliff.

viewing the nature from the loggia © James Brittain


Now amplified by the interior and exterior routes running along and through the building on either side, the project – before being a stylistic expression – is, above all, an extension of a pre-existing oblique route on the site. The architectural intervention thus maintains this characteristic of the place as the only true mode of appropriation. The program “clings” to this structure of displacement.

frame view of the monumental landscape of the river © James Brittain



The construction method of this project has a certain specificity. Constructed according to the self-build method by the owners, the building was built slowly, over a long period of time, leaving room for a great deal of design flexibility by consciously integrating the owners into the process. That allowed the owners to question their way of life and to relativize several stereotypes of living.

the main entrance and the living area © James Brittain

details of the fireplace © James Brittain

▼主入口近景,closer view of the main entrance © James Brittain

▼通高空间,double-height space © James Brittain


The implementation of the project on the site was done progressively and delicately thanks to the use of insulating formworks that allowed a sequence of successive pours. Given the difficulty of appropriating this site where no trees could be cut down, the construction technique ensured that the landscape characteristics were maintained immediately after construction, and over time.

▼室内台阶与楼梯,interior steps and staircase © James Brittain

▼细部,details © James Brittain

▼走廊,hallway © James Brittain


This robust construction method allowed the use of stone masonry to anchor the architectural expression to the rocky quality of the site. Assembled in a rustic manner, the format and type of assembly were chosen to meet the site’s installation constraints, a relatively malleable module in the precarious cliff context.

▼卧室,bedroom © James Brittain

▼浴室,bathroom © James Brittain


Conceived almost as a succession of small hills cascading down the cliff, the resulting volumetry of the circulation layout refers to the great landscape of the Charlevoix coast, where the organicity of the rural constructions of the last century is superimposed on the dizzying rusticity of the territory.

▼灯具细部,detail of lamps © James Brittain

▼总平面图,master plan © AtelierCarle

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan © AtelierCarle

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan © AtelierCarle

▼负一层平面图,b1 plan © AtelierCarle

▼负二层平面图,b2 plan © AtelierCarle

▼立面图,elevations © AtelierCarle

▼剖面图,section © AtelierCarle

  • 2023-06-29
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