

Roberto, a scriptwriter, works at home. His creative method involves moving and walking. The Roc house organises these comings and goings of his creative process by creating a curvilinear path whose walls reveal the marks of the past. The strip work, in which the different layers of paint and decorative papers are left visible on the walls of the corridor, gives rhythm and variety to the space. The aim is not to intervene in certain portions of this late 19th century dwelling, in- tegrating its pre-existence without covering it up. In this way, the past alternates with the future of the house, and a macula of colours and paint, perfectly delimited and delimited by the white areas, accompanies Rober’s walks in search of i nspiration.

▼空间概览,Overall view © Julio Mesa

▼入口区域,Entrance space © Julio Mesa


Under the creative condition of the movement of the strolling scriptwriter, the layout of the Roc house situates the writing work area (a versatile space that is also the entrance, dressing room and storeroom) separated by more than 10 metres from the living-dining room, kitchen and the rest of the rooms, which are also sometimes a library, presentation area or work rest area, ma- king it necessary to generate this displacement or stroll between one and the other pole of the house. Why else would we situate the studio at the entrance to the house?

▼写作工作区,The writing work area © Julio Mesa

▼写作区温暖而欢快的色调,Warm and cheerful atmosphere © Julio Mesa


Taking advantage of Rober’s necessary wandering, the wet area is concentrated in the centre of this route. The walls are curved and there is a change of material in the floor (from wooden floorboards to a mosaic of greenish glass pieces) which is also curved, insisting on the impor- tance of the fluid route. This forms a solid, colourful and compact volume containing the two bathrooms and the kitchen. The movement, therefore, between the two areas is marked by a patterned walk between Pompeian bands and a neutral green cloth that achieves the perfect difference between the two main spaces and generators of the dwelling.

▼两个区域间的过渡,Transition between two areas © Julio Mesa

▼过渡处深蓝色的结构,The dark blue structure © Julio Mesa

▼餐厅厨房,Kitchen and dining area © Julio Mesa

▼厨房操作台,Kitchen worktop © Julio Mesa

▼卧室,Bedroom © Julio Mesa

▼绿色的橱柜,The green cabinets © Julio Mesa

▼卫生间,Toliet © Julio Mesa


The kitchen space is kept open and connected to the original restored balconies of the façade through which a warm southern light enters. The original structure is brought to the fore and used as a visual hinge in the living room, with a dark blue, almost black colour scheme. The choice of colours in the home is warm and cheerful, combining greens and reds with the wood. The furniture proposal is simple, incorporating itself into the interior architecture in a symbiotic way. In the living room a 20euros bookshelf dialogues with a high quality design table, between them the transition is produced by the way certain walls are painted, certain portions of the cei- lings, certain elements that normally go unnoticed.

▼材料细部,Details © Julio Mesa

▼平面图和立面图,plan and elevation © CumuloLimbo Studio

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © CumuloLimbo Studio

▼剖面图,section © CumuloLimbo Studio

  • 2024-06-26
  • 作者:同在建筑设计有限公司
  • 12 0
  • 2024-06-19
  • 作者:观行设计
  • 16 0