


After one year of design and decoration, the eye-catching Heytea Disneytown Store finally reopened before the Spring Festival of 2022. After the renovation, the design of the store changed people’s stereotypical impression of themed park stores again. Heytea built a store with a strong sense of future for consumers by a pure white “parallel universe”.

exterior view © 吕晓斌

01. 对话与融入
Communication and Integration

Telling Brand Stories in a Special Space 


Undoubtedly, it is a huge challenge to create a space in Disneytown that not only matches the theme of the resort but also takes brand self-adjustment into account, not to mention the strong IP of Disney. Located in the core part of the entrance to Disneytown, for consumers, the Heytea store is the start of their dreamlike journeys and a post of joy before their return to reality, telling special stories during their sightseeing. In 2018, as the first new tea drink brand opening a store in Disneytown, Heytea matched Disney Resort’s dreamlike atmosphere by the illustration work, “Love is Magic”. If the Heytea Store 1.0 chose to integrate into Disneytown’s childlike atmosphere, the Heytea Store 2.0 was designed to communicate with the fairy-tale world. Through the renovation after four years, the AAN team opened a brand-new storytelling space and created a parallel universe between reality and fantasy in a more innovative way.

overview © 吕晓斌


The “parallel universe” is not a story but a process of inspiration collision and breeding. The “inspiration universe” in motion also matches the infinite imagination behind all Disney’s classic stories. It shows infinite imagination and joy by restraint and blank spaces to create a unique dreamlike atmosphere. Because of such a design strategy, the renovated store fully shows that Heytea and Disney have an internal resonance rather than superficial similarities. As the design of commercial spaces emphasizes dramatic stories now, the design team chose a simple expression of abstract space, which showed their confidence in the brand culture.

axonometric © AAN建筑设计事务所

02. 经典与永恒
Classic and Eternal

Creating a Special Memorable Space


The design of the renovated store was inspired by the resort itself: it was inspired by the classic round building in Shanghai Disney Resort. This round building is a neoclassic European-style architecture, a classic architecture in the resort. Its shape and location are very impressive among buildings in Disneytown, showing its uniqueness and importance.

it is the abstract reappearance of the eternal classic building, Pantheon © AAN建筑设计事务所


Facing the restriction and challenge of not changing the outer space and interior walls of the building, the design created a centripetal space by taking advantage of the unique structure and shape of the original architecture to salute the classic and eternal representative ofbuildings, Pantheon. The design created a thrilling main space by wrapping irremovable walls and covering the core of the building with a dome.

installation area © 吕晓斌


Meanwhile, inspired by scientists’ guess on parallel universes and Disney’s multiverse, the design team formed a spatial structure by parallel lines developing from the circle center, and organized all functional spaces in a parallel and order way. The centrosymmetric parallel curves are not limited to styles and trends anymore so the space is as refreshing as Disney’s classic characters. 

parallel lines developing from the circle center © 吕晓斌

03. 色彩与纯白碰撞
Collision of Space Colors and Pure White

Arousing Infinite Imagination


At present, the trend of space exploration and sci-fi imagination prevails, which is embodied in commercial space designs. Such styles can all be found in many different commercial space designs, including space capsule-like spaces and dramatic sci-fi devices. However, based on the understanding of young people’s craze for and imagination of science fiction and technology, the design team created a different design.

doors leading to the tasting area © 吕晓斌


Although designed with the theme of parallel universes, the store doesn’t (does not) have concrete elements commonly seen in the theme of space technology, and even has a color different from our impression of space colors. The design team chose “planetary orbits” representing changing space-times as its shape to build a pure white universe carrying infinite imagination.

tasting area by the window © 吕晓斌



An inspiring space always breaks with convention. People yearn for technology and future but may also worry about the unknown. The pure white universe integrates a pleasantly warm style into the original style of cold and hard futurism. While improving spatial affinity, it has a special sense of science fiction.

The simple pure white design matches the infinite imagination of the inspiration universe. Meanwhile, the inspiration of space is defined by every consumer here. When people dressed in colorful clothes of the resort come to the store to take a rest and drink tea, the people create a sharp color contrast with the space and become “performers” in the space. Moreover, an interesting contrast is created between the simple indoor sci-fi design and the outdoor fairy-tale Disney buildings. The contrast between the two styles creates an interesting and inspiring space and arouses people’s emotional resonance.

tasting area by the window © 吕晓斌


The pure white space becomes a picture scroll carrying tourists’ fantasies. Dreamlike Disney views can be enjoyed in the pure white universe through the exterior windows of the store to constitute the beautiful memories of people indulging in a great atmosphere here. It is just like Heytea’s brand concept that the design team wants to convey: Heytea, the source of inspiration. In other words, people drink tea in a happy relaxing atmosphere and indulge in the inspiration from Heytea.

interior tasting area © 吕晓斌

04. 时空变慢
Slowing Space-times

“Heytea, the Source of Inspiration”


Formed by parallel lines, parallel space-times overlap in the building to connect all people. And this space becomes an independent complete parallel multiverse. People are attracted at the entrance to the universe, make tea in the moving planetary orbits, meet in the center of the universe, drink tea at parallel corners and take a rest beside the boundary of the universe…Here, people experience the integrity of universes, travel through time, relax mentally and enjoy eternity for a moment.

rounded lines seem closer to people © 吕晓斌


As for space design, the design team took the original round structure of the building as the foundation, achieved the imagery of the round planetary orbits and extracted the conceptual elements of curves and concentric circles. Curves in tiers extend the space and lead people from the order taking counter to the round space in the center of the store, which is also the waiting area for picking up tea. The pure white daylight from the high dome shines with a dreamlike magnificent sense of future and shows the infinite changes of the inspiration universe.

the pure white space and lines change in natural light © 吕晓斌


Pick up the “tea of inspiration.” Thanks to the space design, the pickup of tea brings a sense of storytelling. The continuous curves extend outwards from the central dome towards seating areas, where people can stop after passing through the doorway formed by multilayer curves. Following the moving planetary orbits, people slow down and enter a “parallel universe” from the colorful Disney World bustling with excited kids. Then, it seems the motion of space-times slows down gradually. Picking up a cup of Heytea, people can take a short rest during sightseeing and enjoy relaxation and pleasure produced by Heytea and the space.

the imagery of the round planetary orbits © 吕晓斌


In addition to the overall design, the design team matches the space concept of parallel universes in the design of details through furniture, custom-made devices, etc., which implies people’s imagination inspired by the constantly developing inspiration universe.

seats and door handles match space elements 左©喜茶;右©吕晓斌


In the outdoor seating area, parallel arc-shaped benches made of artificial stone are arranged around the round building. The benches are carved with several concentric circles, which are good for customers to place their drinks while matching the design concept. Moreover, the wooden door handle at the entrance also has concentric circles. From overall design to detail design, a relaxing dreamlike space is created for consumers in the store.

the outdoor seating area ©吕晓斌

05. 高效规划
Efficient Planning

Creating Comfortable Experiences



As it is one of the most popular and busiest stores in Disenytown, in addition to the renewal of brand stories in the space, the design team also concentrated on how to efficiently design a good foot traffic flow and space arrangement to guarantee the efficient operation of the store. According to the experience in operation accumulated at the previous stage, the design team redesigned the order taking area, the serving area and the foot traffic flow. The widened waiting area become more comfortable for consumers in the store. The added canopy frees consumers in wait from worry. Extending along the outer space of the building, the canopy shows entrance and exit of the store, and serves as a shelter for the outdoor rest area of the store.

Moreover, taking advantage of Heytea’s mature experience in operation, the design team also optimized the design of counters in the store. The double-counter design avoids a circuitous foot traffic flow and improves the efficiency of making tea. The cashier area is separated from the serving area, which guarantees more distinct functional areas and improves the consumer experience in terms of space.

▼吧台区,bar area © 喜茶HEYTEA


Two independent seating areas are both on the window side of the space. The irremovable structural wall is skillfully utilized to separate the busy foot traffic flow in the store from the seating areas so tourists, who take a rest in the resting areas, can enjoy a quite atmosphere in the noisy store.

the model of a centrosymmetric section ©AAN建筑设计事务所


The design team not only created a brand-new space here but also combined the brand Heytea with latest ideas in an innovative way. Now the concept of “metaverse” has been widely spread. Technological development has broken and extended the recognition, life and production boundaries of humans. It is true that there is a parallel universe. The design team showed their expectation of future life by the concept of “parallel universes.” This is an extension of the “Day Dreamer Project” of Heytea, and an experiment conducted with Heytea in Shanghai, a city with a spirit of innovation.

plan ©AAN建筑设计事务所

section ©AAN建筑设计事务所

项目名称: 平行宇宙 | 喜茶上海迪士尼超级灵感店
设计方: AAN建筑设计事务所
设计团队:温颖华, 易于行,王先龙,陈万欢,熊凯欣,牟佳欢
