After a night-owl drink, you feel instantly refreshed, start walking in the air all the way up to the ceiling along the twists and turns of the spiral stairs and in front of your eyes is unfolding a world that sees no end…
While you chill out, you see four Chinese characters that read “Zhima Health” in front of a counter. That’s when you let out a sigh of relief, realizing what happened was nothing but hallucination.
▼项目概览,Overall of the project © 郑焰
As a leader in the transformation and upgrade of time-honored brands, Zhima Health, a brand owned by the renowned TCM firm Tongrentang, draws the wisdom of the interior designer Wang Yong from Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design Studio to put two stores-zero store in Daxing District and No.1 store in Shuangjing area-in place, highlighting a lifestyle trend that values both punk and health preservation among the young generation. Along with the grand opening of the Universal Beijing Resort, a new retail store “Beijing Youli” under the support of Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission also made its debut as the first suggested stop for the park visitors after they get off from the subway station. As a shop-in-shop, a disruptive new retail experience area for Zhima Health was designed by Wang Yong for an independent space of 30 square meters in the store.
▼知嘛健康环球影城店空间体验演绎,Demonstration of the Shopping Experience in the Retail Space © WUUX無象空間
再升级难点 – 设计师的双重课题
Design Challenges of Re-upgrade -Two Tasks for the Designer
In response to the call of “carrying on the essence while pursuing innovations” of time-honored brands proposed by Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Beijing Youli emerged as a multi-brand store that gathers a portfolio of traditional brands that represent the humanitarian spirit of a city. Its opening at Universal Beijing Resort has pooled nearly 30 local or national time-honored brands as well as other recognized ones, which, spurred by China Chic and together with other fashion brands, have formed a synergy as the new limelight at the new landmark.
▼元素提取与设计手稿,Design Manuscript © WUUX無象空間
With the experience of two existing stores, Zhima Health has taken consumption experience to the next level-on top of functionality and social networking, the space is expected to also offer an ever more critical emotional value for consumers, which is what Wang Yong must address as the first challenge. The second challenge comes from the space itself-a 6.5m×4m box area of less than 30 square meters. Given its relatively compact size compared to the other two stores, Wang Yong has to figure out how to minimize the “small” feeling of the confined space through the addition of a “fourth” dimension based on a 3D design concept.
▼场地条件本身成为第二个设计难点,The second design challenge lies in the restriction of the space © WUUX無象空間
设计构想 – 空间的唯一性
Design Concept – The Uniqueness of the Space
What Wang Yong had in mind was to target a certain customer group for Zhima Health with a brand new architectural style, which should conform with the culture of Universal Beijing Resort, cater to the diversified consumption preferences of the young generation, comply with the brand genes of Zhima Health and fit in the limited space.
3D product arrangement plan and circulation design © 郑焰
As a result, Wang Yong and his team decided to incorporate inspirations from Inception, multi-dimension, fashion and traditional brand genes into the design to deliver a space which is on the one hand fashionable and sci-fi and on the other light and friendly. As Zhima Health features the display and selling of light drinks in the quasi-concept store, Wang Yong, considering its finite space with a raised ceiling, worked out a light and 3D product arrangement plan and circulation design, resulting in a new retail space with a devotion to a sense of infiniteness and preservation of functionality.
▼在稳定的木质底色上以垂直高耸的圆角弧线彼此交叠穿插,Taking advantage of the high ceiling and deployed numerous towering wood arches, which were designed to intersect on the ceiling © 郑焰
空间呈现 – 30㎡元宇宙
Space Presentation – A 30㎡ Metaverse
Taking advantage of the high ceiling, Wang Yong deployed numerous towering wood arches, which were designed to intersect on the ceiling and then extend all the way down to the bottom of the rammed earth walls where product shelves were mounted. Four pairs of life-size wood spiral stairs echo each other overhead, threading through arches from a height and dominating the shop-in-shop. The entire space, thanks to the arches and stair structures, resembles an unfolded accordion which is waking up the folded time and space.
The arches intersect on the ceiling and then extend all the way down to the bottom of the rammed earth walls © 郑焰
▼拱形门扇细部,Details of the arches © 郑焰
On both horizontal and vertical dimensions, the use of mirrors enhances visual spaciousness. A whole glass on the ceiling and one side of the wall, together with the stretching structures that present a distortion in time and space, seems to have eliminated the boundary of the space and distorted time in a dazzling way. With light projecting from underneath the ground and structured light belts on the arches, a metaverse of new retail space is throwing its arms wide open to all customers.
Four pairs of life-size spiral wood stairs echo each other overhead © 郑焰
▼旋转木质楼梯细部,Details of the spiral wood stairs © 郑焰
新价值 – 品牌基因,亦正亦新
New Value – Brand Genes That Combine Tradition and Innovation
As all century-old brands denote a particular trend or fashion in a certain era, the rise of China Chic is more of the rebirth of culture and value than cultural revival. In particular, the irreplicable culture and spirit in the brand genes have enabled the reinvigoration of time-honored brands. From Goji Berry Coffee to Night Owl Drink, Zhima Health has achieved continued success, celebrating the everchanging time and the aspiring young generation and asserting its say as a new brand under a time-honored one in the modern era. For any young person who is looking for a trendy and healthy night owl drink, Zhima Health is poised to provide a most authentic solution.
▼时空倒置交错的场景在横向和纵向上无尽蔓延,The scene of the inversion of time and space spreads endlessly both horizontally and vertically © 郑焰
从几个世纪的品牌积淀,到近2万平米的0号概念店,再到如今30㎡内的新零售社交场所,知嘛健康用灌注在品牌内核里的创新和勇气向未来市场不断抛出橄榄枝,面临新市场和新消费群体的需求,知嘛健康正将根植百年的品牌基因与新消费需求借由空间酿成一杯新酒,而王永正是那个领跑空间设计的人—— 在环球影城这一站,他希望知嘛健康和年轻人的相遇是一次打破边界的情绪拥抱,亦正亦新,见微而知著。
Building on Tongrentang’s brand recognition over the past few centuries, Zhima Health, through the concept zero store covering an area of nearly 20,000 square meters and the new retail social space of merely 30 square meters, is extending its antenna with innovation and courage ingrained in the brand to reach the future market. To meet the demands of the new market and new consumption groups, it is brewing a new interpretation for the genes of its parent brand through space, for which Wang Yong has led the interior design – in hopes that the retail space at Universal Beijing Resort can strike a chord with the young customers, heralding a brighter future for Zhima Health albeit a small beginning through the combination of tradition and innovation.
▼灯光勾勒出结构线条,Lights outline the structural lines © 郑焰