在由NEXT architects设计的8座新桥的补充下,温德斯海姆庄园的景致在今天变得愈加丰富动人。这些桥梁共同构成了一系列可识别的连接点,并为公园的步行路线提供了座位区,优雅的拱形在景观中时隐时现。
The monumental estate Windesheim has been enriched with eight new bridges, designed by NEXT architects. Together they make a series of recognizable connection points and seating areas on the walking route through the park. The elegant arch bridges appear and disappear in the landscape.
▼项目概览,Preview © Eva Bloem
▼优雅的拱形融入庄园的自然景致 © Eva Bloem
The elegant arch bridges appear and disappear in the landscape
该项目并不只是字面意义上的重建,而是在诠释历史遗产特征的基础上加入现代和当代元素,使庄园的过去和现在融为一体。 H+N+S景观设计事务所担任了庄园的历史研究和改造的总体规划。NEXT团队所设计的8座桥梁为庄园增添了一个新的层次,使公园景观变得更加引人入胜且通畅易达。
▼桥梁分布示意(在建中),Project overview (in progress) © NEXT architects
The design is not a literal reconstruction, but an interpretation of the style characteristics of the historical heritage, with a modern, contemporary twist. Past and present come together. The historical research and the master plan for the renovation of the estate were drawn up by H+N+S Landscape Architects. NEXT architects designed 8 new bridges for the estate to add a new layer and make the park more attractive and accessible.
▼桥梁鸟瞰,Aerial view © Eva Bloem
▼白色栏杆突出了桥梁作为引导线的功能,The white railings reinforce that contrast and accentuate the bridges and their leading lines © Eva Bloem
All bridges, except the smallest, have an integrated bench as a resting point on the route. The bridges play a strategic role as viewpoints by guiding the passenger’s gaze through the landscape. Due to the asymmetrical placement of the benches on a number of bridges, the spectator’s view can be intentionally directed by its orientation. As a result, the most beautiful places of the estate are highlighted and surprising new perspectives are being displayed to the viewer.
▼桥梁使公园景观变得更加引人入胜且通畅易达 © Eva Bloem
The new bridges for the estate to add a new layer and make the park more attractive and accessible
▼桥梁结合座椅的功能 © Eva Bloem
The bridges have an integrated bench as a resting point on the route
By using Corten steel, the bridges appear and disappear in the landscape. On the one hand, the brown rust colour of the material blends in seamlessly with the forest, but on the other hand, the material is fairly rough and sharp, which offers a contrast with its environment. The white railings reinforce that contrast and accentuate the bridges and their leading lines. The deck features a perforated pattern that is based on a bridge constructed from wooden slats. The slits in the deck offer a small view of the water and emphasise the seamless integration of the new connections in the Windesheim estate.
▼桥面上的穿孔图案,The deck with a perforated pattern © Eva Bloem
▼拱桥将游客“抬升”至水景之上,The arched bridge offers a view of the water, lifting the passenger above the landscape © Eva Bloem
▼体积最小的桥梁,The smallest bridge © Eva Bloem