

▼项目与周边环境概览,overall of the project and surrounding environment © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼花园一侧鸟瞰,bird’s eye view from the yards side © Beard BAMO Burwell

The structures are simple and straightforward, reminiscent of the ranches, farms and vineyards that typify the Anderson Valley north of San Francisco. The hillside setting is populated with oaks and madrone trees. The siting of the house strikes a balance between taking advantage of views while also avoiding the ambient noise from a nearby road.

▼项目由主屋与客房两部分体量组成,The project consists of two volumes: the main house and the guest room © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼两个体量之间的连廊,The corridor between the two volumes © Beard BAMO Burble


▼主屋概览,overall of the main house © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼主屋侧立面,side facade of the main house © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼入口坡道与厨房餐厅外的门廊,Entrance ramp and porch outside kitchen and dining room © Beard BAMO Burble

▼项目充分利用了南加州的阳光与自然景观视野,The project takes full advantage of the sunshine and natural views © Beard BAMO Burwell

To accomplish this, the main house is located on the North face of the ridge with its pristine and undeveloped views of oak trees and distant hillsides. The guest house and pool are just over the ridge to take advantage of Southern sun exposure and expansive views of the valley. This arrangement keeps the main house hidden away in the trees under a zen-like canopy.

▼客房与游泳池一侧,Guest room and the swimming pool side © Beard BAMO Burble

▼由客房门廊看泳池,viewing the pool from the guest room porch© Beard BAMO Burwell


▼主屋客厅,living room of the main house © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼娱乐休息室,lounge © Beard BAMO Burwell

The play between indoor and outdoor spaces is an important ingredient to the design. Creating the free flow of indoor-outdoor without breaking up the simple, extruded volumes was accomplished by pulling the two volumes apart and linking them with an entry foyer.

▼厨房餐厅,kitchen and dining © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼厨房,kitchen © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼餐厅,dining room © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼走廊,hallway © Beard BAMO Burwell


The two volumes in turn created courtyards that contribute to the open feeling from within and around the house. You can never be more than a few feet from directly engaging with the outdoors.

▼卧室,bedroom © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼卧室享有极佳的自然采光与景观视野,Bedrooms enjoy excellent natural lighting and views © Beard BAMO Burwell

▼卧室细部与具有禅意的装饰细节,Bedroom detail and adornment detail of zen © Beard BAMO Burwell

  • 23小时前
  • 作者:帕姆建筑
  • 1 0
墨尔本•silver Linings住宅:极简不失精致的住宅
  • 23小时前
  • 作者:Rachcoff Vella Architecture
  • 2 0