
项目坐落于布拉格Francouzská街道和Krymská街道之间的一幢公寓楼的底层,是一个具有酒吧功能,且可以举办小型文化活动的多功能空间,设计风格带有原始质朴之美,整个空间萦绕在优雅独特的氛围中。项目由PAPUNDEKL ARCHITECTS事务所设计,沿Krymská街道的立面采用了极简主义的现代建筑语言,全新的玻璃入口代替了原有的汽车车间大门,入口旁边原有的三格窗也被替换为无框玻璃窗,旨在增强室内空间与街道的联系。

The new bar on Krymská Street has a raw, scenic atmosphere and a versatile space for small cultural events. The bar is part of the lower floor of an apartment building wedged between Francouzská and Krymská streets. We decided to treat the retail facade to Krymská Street in minimalistic modern style. We replaced the door of the former car workshop with new glazing with an entrance door, and replaced the old three-part window with frameless glazing that emphasises a stronger connection to the street.

▼沿街立面,the retail facade to Krymská Street © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼立面入口,entrance © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼由窗口看室内空间,viewing the interior through the new frameless window © Alex Shoots Buildings


The interior space is divided into three main parts. The entrance area with a small stage and café seating is connected to the central area by a long bar counter. In the centre of the layout there is an open space with screening, bar, toilets and facilities. The rear area is to serve as a separate private club.

▼由室内看向街道,viewing the street from interior © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼入口区域,The entrance area © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼小型舞台与咖啡桌椅区,small stage and café seating © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼长长的吧台桌将入口区域与中央区域连接在一起,A long bar table connects the entrance area with the central area © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼吧台桌与裸露的砖墙墙面,Bar table and exposed brick wall © Alex Shoots Buildings


The aim of the proposal was to create a sufficiently versatile space for small cultural events with high-quality technical facilities (author readings, concerts, exhibitions, etc.) The most important element of the modifications is therefore the new acoustic construction of the dropped ceiling made of foam pyramids unifying the complex space with a basic module.

▼中央区域的酒吧空间,bar in the central area © Alex Shoots Buildings

The ceiling is covered with pyramidal sound-absorbing cotton © Alex Shoots Buildings


This ceiling forms the platform for the technology (sockets, audio, projection, lighting) and other auxiliary structures such as the dividing curtains. Where it was structurally possible, we let the old masonry of the house stand out in a brick, and unified the other areas with a neutral cement plaster.

▼位于后部区域的私人聚会空间,private club in the back area © Alex Shoots Buildings

The tone of cement plaster unifies the atmosphere of the whole space © Alex Shoots Buildings


The dark cement plaster on the floor and walls, acoustic ceiling and black curtains are further complemented by original furniture made of raw steel. The materials and surfaces used create a specific scenic atmosphere that matches the cultural focus of the new bar – studio.

▼卫生间,restroom © Alex Shoots Buildings

▼酒吧家具,Bar furniture © Alex Shoots Buildings

