In the Xin Chou year,no leap month, the rainy season continues. At dusk, the rain stopped, The morning glow has a breeze. The small town is more like in Europe, where is uniquely independent of Zhengzhou city. Where we feel life is peaceful, time is faltering. Get into the town, people are hovering for a while, no holding lights, passing by a bright place. Walk in the light, they are no longer felt whether it is outdoor or indoor.
▼项目外观,overview ©李研彤
Almost half of the building space on the first floor is reserved for the outdoors, you can call it “the grey space”,There is no gate. Neighbors, customers, young people and the elderly can sit there, and homeless people can warm up no matter it is cold or summer. A cup of iced and refreshing coffee, a bowl of warm pasta,they are the will of the entire space. Hemicycle ,so it is it’s will! In such a noisy and icy city, Hemicycle hopes to give people warmth and company as much as possible.
▼室外座位,outdoor seats ©李研彤
The whole building has two floors,sitting east to west. The first floor is set back to two-fifths of the whole floor as a gray space, where guests can feel the cold spring and the warm autumn, sunset and rain. Stay with the garden, people can fully feel the natural wind, water and light.
▼半室外用餐区,dining space in the green area ©李研彤
▼绿植区概览,overview of the green area ©李研彤
▼绿植区的靠墙卡座,booth area by the wall ©李研彤
▼从室内看向开放绿植区,view of the green area from the interior space ©李研彤
▼窗口交界处,window as the boundary ©李研彤
▼穿过折叠窗的视角,view of the green area through the folded window ©李研彤
The interior is dominated by birch wood, formed a private warm and moist space. Behind the bar count, there are two square windows with crosses, we hope to form a convection with the entrance, and it is also a house that can breathe. The flowing steel staircase makes people unconsciously influx into the gallery space on the second floor from the first floor. This is a complete architecture space composed of coffee, brunch, and gallery. This is a utopia of a small town.
▼进入室内用餐区,entering the dining space ©李研彤
▼室内用餐区概览,overview of the dining space ©李研彤
▼休息区视角,view from the rest area ©李研彤
▼靠墙卡座区,booth area by the wall ©李研彤
▼收银区,cashier area ©李研彤
Please seat down here, have a cup of mature and flavored coffee, accompanied by black truffles, and chew slowly. At sunset, a glass of grape-scented red wine, there is a charcoal grill to serve you, or if you want a warm Italian crepes. Afterward, the twelfth lunar month is coming, when it is snowing outside, just put a cup of Arabic hot coffee in your hand. All of the feelings that Hemicycle can give.
▼楼梯间概览,overview of the staircase ©李研彤
▼楼梯结构,structure of the stairs ©李研彤
▼到达二层平台,arriving the platform on second floor ©李研彤
In retrospect,when European first came into contact with coffee, they called such a tempting drink ” the Arabic wine”. When conservative Catholics cursed coffee as “the drink of the devil”, they had never thinking of what they inherited from the “infidels” is so precious.
▼细部,details ©李研彤
Just like in such a noisy and ruthless city, you came here, whether it’s called” the Satan’s drink” or “the Jesus’ blood”, just enjoy it and immerse yourself into it. Life is impermanent, life is so short. Drink with your friends, life will last forever.
▼夜景,night view ©李研彤
▼平面图,plan ©徽宗设计研究室
项目设计 & 完成年份:2021年8月份
主创及设计团队:主持设计: 姚清轩 设计总监: 侯豫
团队:李春雨| 李波| 徐莉莉 | 秦晨|靳佳敏| 汪红升 | 张建| 郭芝良
摄影版权:摄影: 李研彤
主要用材: 质感涂料 桦木板 白色瓷砖 水波纹玻璃 水刷石 银色金属漆 钢结构 波浪板 现浇混凝土
Project name: Hemicycle
Design: Huizong Design and Research Office
Contact: 1372804728@qq.com
Design year & Completion Year: Aug.2021
Leader designer & Team Chief Designer: Yao Design in Charge Louis Team :|ChunyuLi|Boli | LiLiXu | ChenQin | JiaMinJin| Henry wang | JianZhang | ZhiLiangGuo
Project location: Zhengzhou.China
Gross Built Area: 302m²
Photo credits: YanTong Lee
Partners: XuanTu
Clients: Personal
Main Material:Texture coating Birch wood White ceramic tile Water corrugated glass Exposed aggregate Silver metallic paint The steel structure The wave plate Cast-in-place concrete